ψ quindecim ψ

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The next day, Lillith woke up to Ms. Mead and her usual scheduled projection of being a morning alarm. Ms. Mead would knock then enter into all of the Greys chambers, waking them up for their daily chores and services. Ms. Mead didn't give Lillith a second glance as she finished telling her to wake up and then left to finish her job, which wouldn't be too hard since the rest of the Greys shared rooms. Lillith groaned, rolling out of her bed, feeling the cold air hit her bare skin. She knew it was a strange thing to do, sleep naked, that is, but the nightgowns they had provided weren't very comfortable to sleep in. She had grew accustomed to sleeping in the commando, safely covered under her blankets.
After Lillith dressed herself in the typical Grey uniform, she left her room to report for her assignments. She arrived at the same time as Alexandria, who gave her a curious look.
"Lillith, Alexandria, you are both assigned to laundry duty."
"Yes, ma'am." The two girls responded before walking off together to the laundry room. Laundry wasn't really what it was - not the real laundry with washing machines and detergent. It wasn't even washing the clothes in soapy water like the olden days before washing machines. Laundry was examining each and every article of clothing for rips and stains. If it was ripped, then they must sew it back to new. If it was stained, then the clothing was thrown away. And, if the clothing's scent was obviously putrid, then it was thrown away. Other than that, they were sprayed down with some sort of mixture that come from a small hose, and then they were hung up to dry then folded and brought back to the possessor.
"How did your interview go with Mr. I-Choose-Who-Will-Live?" Alexandria asked as she examined a pair of dress pants. Lillith bit her lip, trying to focus on putting a piece of thread in a needle to sew a hole up in another pair of dress pants. "Are you not going to tell me?"
"Huh-ouch!" Lillith grimaced as she stabbed herself deep with the needle. She clenched her eyes closed, pulling the needle out and then sticking her finger into her mouth as she saw the first sight of blood, sucking it.
"Careful," Alexandria sighed, using the hose to spray down her dress pants before hanging them up. "I asked how the interview went."
"Oh," Lillith took her finger out of her mouth. "Fine."
"That's all?" Alexandria asked before making a disgusted face, holding up a pair of men's briefs that had a stain on the crotch. "That's disgusting, what the hell?" She threw it into the bin for the disposal of clothing, shivering in disgust.
"Let me guess, Gallant?" Lillith asked and Alexandria nodded, wiping her hands on her uniform. "Every time I get on laundry duty, I find at least one pair of his stained. But, it's as disgusting as the women's underwear with discharge and period blood."
"I'm glad we wash our own clothes; I wouldn't want someone washing my underwear." Alexandria shuddered again before furrowing her eyebrows. "No, but seriously, what happened with the interview? Did he tell you if he chose you? He didn't tell me when I was interviewed, actually the interview wasn't much. He just asked me about some things and he said he had my file, that's it."
"No, he didn't tell me." Lillith shook her head, finishing up her sewing work before spraying the pants down and hanging them up. She grabbed a dress and began to examine it. "I wouldn't worry about it too much, I bet he chose you. You're beautiful and you look like you've got wonderful genes. So, as crappy as it sounds, they'd definitely choose you for reproduction."
"That's funny," Alexandria snorted, throwing a pair of pants into the disposable pile. "But, I'm not so sure that matters. I have some past...issues...and I bet they're on my record, despite doing everything to clear them. I don't think they'd want me...but you, it's the same with you, you know? You'd be good for reproduction use." She laughed but Lillith shook her head.
"I...I wouldn't want to." Lillith sighed, throwing away the dress she had picked up because of a stain in the back. "I don't believe in premarital sex or sex without love...not even to repopulate the Earth. Honestly, I think my only use is to be one of those sacrificed for God..."
"Sacrificed for God?" Lillith nodded to Alexandria. "I'd hate to believe there is a God, because he'd be cruel to have allowed this to happen, to allow his creations to die off..."
"This is the second Noah's Ark, but instead, it's the Cooperative." Lillith mused, beginning to sew a hole in a dress. "Langdon is promising to bring the reliable and useful ones that are here to the Sanctuary, so they can repopulate the Earth and restart, like Noah."
"You know, the devil can take the form of a beautiful man promising to grant your every desire." Alexandria commented. "Who is to say Langdon is here in the act for God and not the act of the Devil?"
"Why would the Devil want to save people and restart?" Lillith retorted, but before Alexandria could reply, the laundry room doors slammed open and in walked Ms. Venable and Ms. Mead. Lillith quickly went to work, acting like she hadn't been conversing.
"Miss Lillith, your duties for today are canceled, please come with us." Ms. Venable spoke up. Lillith looked up, setting the dress down and looked at Alexandria before looking at Ms. Venable and Ms. Mead.
"I don't understand?" She questioned, but Ms. Venable glared at her, making her quiet and nod. She looked at Alexandria and gave her a nod of departure before walking to follow Ms. Venable and Ms. Mead.

They led her to her living quarters, causing her to panic. Did she leave her clothes on the ground? Did she forget to make her bed? She didn't understand as they opened her room and motioned for her to walk in.
"I still don't understand, Ms. Venable-" She was cut off by Ms. Mead.
"Let Venable speak." Lillith nodded, apologizing quickly.
"We have been brought to the attention that you have not been correctly categorized in this Outpost. We have quickly fixed that and you are now assigned as a Purple. You will not have to report for any duties anymore." Ms. Venable explained. Lillith was dumbfounded. Why now, all of the sudden? "Your closet has been cleaned out and refilled. I hope you see the honor you have in being a Purple."
"I-I have no words," Lillith stammered. "Thank you, Ms. Venable."
"Don't thank me, thank the Cooperative...and Langdon." And with that, Ms. Venable and Ms. Mead left Lillith's room, closing the door. Lillith immediately went to her closet, not noticing she still wasn't alone in her room. She analyzed the beautiful purple dresses that were hung inside her closet, all of them hers. She stripped from her Grey uniform, feeling the cold air hit her bare skin. She went to grab one of the dresses, freezing as she heard a voice.
"Do you never check your room before you change, or did you mean to strip before me?" Lillith's hair on her skin rose up as she quickly grabbed the nearest dress she could find, placing it in front of her as she turned to see Langdon, leaning against her wall, smirking. "Oh, dear, you have no need to be shy."
"W-why are you in my room?" She stuttered, her face heating up with embarrassment and anger. Langdon moved away from the corner, walking towards her, pressing his fingers to her chin, lifting it up.
"I told you I was going to be calling for you again," she could feel his breath on her neck as he moved his mouth to her ear. "I decided I was going to stop by and be here when Venable finally admitted her wrong doing in your status as a Grey." With every word he spoke, she felt a fire in her core and she clenched her fists as she pressed her thighs together. She hated this feeling, it made her feel dirty...so impure.
"Why did you tell them?" Lillith managed to ask, her breathing fast with her condition.
"Because, my dear, you don't deserve to be serving others and being at their beck and call," She could almost feel his lips on her skin now. "You are the one who deserve to be served and in charge."
"Langdon...Michael?" She breathed out, hesitant. "Why does it feel like I've experienced the way your lips taste on my tongue? Why does it feel like I've known you before...maybe in some other life?" He pulled away from her, turning away. She frowned, realizing she probably should've held back from asking him.
"Put the dress on," He ordered her, still turned away. She went to speak up but stopped and sighed, pulling the dress over her head. As she struggled to zip it up, she saw him look over his shoulder, noticing. He let out a small chuckle before helping her.
"Thank you," She gave him a soft smile, still unsure of everything. She felt this intense feeling that she could not explain. She remembered him, somehow, and she felt an emotion towards him she never felt before.
"You're not crazy," He finally spoke up, putting his hand back on her cheek, but softly this time. "We do know each other, Lillith."
"How?" She questioned, moving her hand to his hand. She closed her eyes, trying to remember, but she couldn't...it just made her head ache.
"I'll help you remember," He spoke and before she could open her eyes, she felt him kiss her. She felt a sensation strike her body, like electricity, as she tasted a copper taste in her mouth. And then, she went under.

Burn The Stars ψ Michael LangdonWhere stories live. Discover now