ψ viginti ψ

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Lillith awoke with a gasp, sitting up from the bedroom floor. She was back in her old room at the Murder House and laying next to her was Violet and Pandora.
"Lillith, what's wrong?" Pandora quickly asked, worried. Lillith remembered quickly the plan Cordelia gave her and Malory and her own plan. She had to get out of the house. Thankfully she knew how.
"I have to go," Lillith stood up, rushing out of the room and down the stairs with Pandora running after her.
"Where are you going?" Her sister called after her. Lillith ignored her and walked out of the house and to the front yard. "Lillith we cant leave, you know tha-" Pandora cut herself off as Lillith took a deep breath and stepped across the line, leaving the property. She turned back and looked at her sister. Her sister didn't deserve to suffer, but she didn't want her to be alive. She didn't want her sister around. She closed her eyes and felt her energy spike up as she willed her sister's soul to be free and to passover. When she opened her eyes, her sister wasn't there. Violet was standing at the threshold of the front door and Lillith sighed, using her powers again, but this time to remove Violet's memories of Tate. She deserved better than Tate, and she deserved to forgot him and what pain he caused. All she would remember was a person, but without a face or name, in his place.
Lillith left the neighborhood, heading to the designated place she was supposed to meet Mallory at. It took her a good hour to walk there, and then she had to wait for another four hours until Mallory finally arrived.
"Lillith, you were able to escape," Mallory grinned to her. "Are you ready to complete our plan and stop Michael?"
"Actually, we're not doing anything." Lillith spoke, staring at Mallory. Mallory gave her a confused look before realizing what Lillith meant. Lillith used telekinesis to lift a stake that was in the ground and sent it hurdling to Mallory, but Mallory teleported away.
"Lillith, what are you doing?" Mallory questioned. "He's the antichrist! He's going to end this world!"
"No," Lillith glared, holding out her hands and focusing on Mallory. "He's going to begin this world!" Lillith allowed flames to ignite on Mallory, causing Mallory to cry out as she teleported, but she still caught on fire. She dropped down, rolling on the ground.
"This isn't the way," Mallory pleaded to Lillith, but Lillith didn't listen. She lit Mallory on fire again, which Mallory rolled again to stop it, but she was in so much pain. "Lillith, please."
Lillith walked over to the injured Mallory and stood over her. She kicked her burnt back, causing Mallory to cry out in pain. Lillith grabbed her arm, yanking her up.
"Mallory, I liked you, I really did, but no one is going to keep me and Michael from accomplishing the Prophecy and renewing this world. I wish you could be around to see it, to see the new world, but you won't stop. I can't trust you to stop going after us, so I'll just end you while I can." Lillith frowned, staring into Mallory's pleading eyes. "Anyone who Defoe's is will have to go, because we are the new leaders of this new world."
Before Mallory could speak again, Lillith places her hands on her head and roughly twisted it, snapping her neck. Mallory's body fell to the ground, limp. Lillith closed her eyes, finding Mallory's soul and she destroyed it before ignoring the dead body in flames. She walked away from the body and found Mallory's car, realizing she had ten minutes until Michael walked out of Constance's house. She drove fast, speeding in and out of lanes as she drove to the neighborhood. She made it just in time too, as Michael walked out of the house, piling on a jean jacket. Lillith admired his beauty, remembering when she first met him. He doesn't remember her now, but she knew he would feel the connection instantly. So she parked the car and stepped out of it, walking to be in his view, and just like she predicted, he stopped in his footsteps as soon as he saw her.
His eyes sparkled in the sunlight as they examined her with wonder.
"You're that girl," He stated, tilting his head to the side. Lillith smiled.
"Yes, Michael...do you remember anything else? Or just when you were younger?" Her question aided him to shake his head. She sighed but nodded. "I would like to talk to you, maybe over some lunch?" Her words came out smooth and were like music to Michael's ears. He instantly nodded, joining her into the car. Lillith noticed Constance walking out of her house, looking at the girl. Constance was filled with wonder, because Lillith was supposed to be dead and in the Murder House. But, she shrugged and walked right back into her house - she figured Michael was going to be gone then. She wouldn't have to worry about him anymore, the girl could deal with him.

Lillith drove to a nearby cafe where she and Michael walked in. They sat down at a booth in the far back away from people. Lillith didn't really know how to explain everything to him, but she knew she had to.
As she began to articulate her words, she realized she could try and make him remember like he did to her. She took a deep breath and grabbed his hand, pulling it to her lips as he stared at her with curiosity. After kissing his hand, she looked at him with a cocked eyebrow.
"Uh, that was a very random thing to do, Lith." Michael stated. She frowned, thinking she had no luck but then froze as she realized he called her Lith.
"Do you remember anything else?" She asked him, to which he replied with a shake of the head, causing her to frown again.
"I remember hurting you...I'm sorry about that. That's all really, though it feels fuzzy." He explained. She nodded and let go of his hand, but he grabbed it again. "But...I like you." He turned his head away, blushing. Lillith squeezes his hand, causing him to look back at her.
"I like you too Michael," she smiled at him, holding his hand. "There's so much that happened for us...but didn't happen...it's a mess, a complicated mess. But, it's okay, because we can make some new memories."
"Okay," Michael agreed. He and Lillith ordered some food and began to eat, smiling at each other and talking about small things like board games and art. Then they played iSpy for a little while. Lillith let the rest of the day fall into place and run smoothly, enjoying and cherishing it before she would tell him who he was. It would be a lot for him to handle, but she would help him and they would go find Mead and the other satanists. They could start preparing to destroy Cordelia and the coven then begin the apocalypse and the rebuilding of the new world. In time, Lillith would stand beside Michael, ruling over the world. But, for now, they would innocently play iSpy and feel their love reignite.

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