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Every day, after Tate finished his own session with Ben, Lillith made her way to his office and would spend an hour talking to Ben. She continued her act of wanting to become good again and got him to believe her. He would talk to her about how she was feeling and enlighten her on ways to restrain from the darkness.
After a couple months of meeting every day, he finally offered the idea of her reuniting with her sister. Lillith hated that idea, but she had to hide the hatred she felt for her twin sister, so she agreed. He called for Pandora and Lillith forced herself to allow Pandora to be seen. Pandora was standing at the doorway, hope filled across her face.
"Lillith?" She whispered and Lillith gave her a fake smile. Pandora grinned and rushed to her twin sister, engulfing her in a tight hug. "Oh, Lillith, I've missed you so so much!"
"Pandora, you're squeezing me too tight," Lillith gasped and her sister pulled away, an apologetic look forming to her face.
"I'm so sorry, Lily, I just...I've missed you so much, and I was afraid I would never get to talk to you and hold you again." Pandora cried, tears rushing down her face. Lillith forced herself to act sad, too, in order to continue her show.
"I've missed you too, Pandora, I don't know what got into me..." She lied, hugging her sister again.
"Ben told me you were talking to him about everything and how he enticed you to the dark side." Pandora let out a snort at the end of her words. "It's almost like freaking Darth Vader or Kylo Ren with the dark side of the Force." Lillith smiled at her sister's references.
"It's still tempting, but Mr. Harmon is helping me overcome the temptation," Lillith admitted to her sister. Pandora nodded and looked at Ben.
"Can I steal her away now?" She asked and he chuckled, nodding his approval. Pandora pulled Lillith up and began dragging her out of the room. "We have so much to catch up on!"

Every day that passed, Lillith found herself growing bored again. She had to keep up the innocent renewing-herself act every moment of every day. She had to force herself to smile at any spirits she passed, and to laugh at every dumb joke Pandora or Violet would make. But, no one noticed her imitation of emotions. They all believed she was good again, and that Michael had taken her darkness away when he left.
But, she knew it was still there, as she felt it rumbling in her core. The darkness had stained her soul black, but she had the power to hide it behind a white cloak of lies. She would wait, even if it were many more years, for Michael to return to her. He promised her, and maybe he had yet to return, because he still needed to find the answers to her freedom. He would set her free, and allow her to accompany him forever.
Lillith just took it day by day, reminding herself of the future and what great possibilities was heading her way. It motivated her to keep her act up and keep going. She knew what she wanted and she knew she was going to get it, sooner or later.

"Can you talk to her for me?" Tate asked Lillith one day as they passed each other. Tate was leaving Ben's office and Lillith was on her way to go into his office. "She forgave you even after you had turned evil for some time, please, convince her to let me show her my renewal."
"Tate," She began. "She doesn't even let Pandora or I mention anything related to you. She wouldn't like me asking her to talk to you. I can't."
"Please, Lillith," Tate begged, but Lillith shook her head. She didn't even want to try, what was the point? He deserved his eternity alone and ignored; he brought it on himself.
She walked away from him then, heading inside Ben's office. She told Ben of Tate's request and he asked her how it made her feel.
"Sorrowful," She lied. "I wish I could help him, but I know it's Violet's choice. But, he saved her mother, he saved Vivian from Michael."
"When?" Ben asked, confused as what she was talking about. Vivian had been ignoring him ever since he allowed Michael to stay in the house. She hated him for it, and he had been trying to get her to return to him. He had no idea she almost was killed.
"The night he left. Someone dropped a vase downstairs and I went to check up on it, and when I returned upstairs, Tate had pushed Vivian out of a fire." Lillith chose her words carefully. "It was like the fire he used to destroy that lesbian couple's souls after we killed them."
Ben was angry, but he felt thankful to Tate. He almost lost his wife forever, but, even though she was ignoring him, he still had her. He had forever to get her to forgive him and he would one day, he didn't know how though.

Lillith made her way back into the good side of every spirit, even Constance would talk to Lillith and didn't judge her. Constance knew how Michael was, and how enticing he could be, so she forgave the girl. Lillith spent some time with Constance, when her sister allowed her some time away from her - Pandora was afraid to smother her sister, so she recognized now that she needed to be alone sometimes. Lillith especially visited Constance the days she missed Michael, even though Constance hated him. She was his grandmother, and she had been there in his life.
They never talked about Michael, of course, but even still, Lillith conversated with the elderly woman. They discussed Constance's other children, which Lillith had now met all of them - except Adelaide. Addie, Lillith learned, had died from being struck by a car on Halloween. Constance tried to bring her to the yard so her spirit could be trapped, but Addie died before she made it. A medium, named Billie Dean Howard, who also occasionally visited, had told Constance once that Addie was thankful she didn't die at the house, because her soul was free to pass over.
Billie Dean Howard had a lot to say about Lillith, actually, but she never did. She could sense the evil in her, but Constance would always interrupt her when she tried to point it out.
"We all have our wickedness," Constance would say before looking at Lillith. "She's working on overcoming hers."
"I fell from the cliff of pure good, pulled down by his evil doings to the fiery ditch of evil, but now I'm ready to rise from the ashes and find the light again." Lillith told Billie Dean Howard once. Another lie, but a believable one at that.
"You've sinned so much when you were in that ditch," Billie Dean Howard pointed out. "Are you sure you can repent for those sins?"
"Everyone sins," Lillith retorted with a laugh. "Ironic, isn't it? Those who deny their sins, who swear their holiness - they're just sinning even more with their lies."
Billie Dean Howard was silent and Lillith shook her head, standing up to leave. She walked away, hearing Billie Dean Howard leave herself. She was correct, everyone sins, so why deny that you have sinned? She didn't understand it; it was just more sinning to cover up their sins. It made no sense.

Burn The Stars ψ Michael LangdonWhere stories live. Discover now