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    Lillith stayed in the shadows, observing the way the three intruders worshipped Michael. She was proud of him, because he was accepting who he was, but she was angry that he forgot about her. She wanted him all to herself, and she wanted him to be with her forever. He knew she couldn't leave the house, so why was he bothering with these people unless he was planning on leaving without her.

    A few nights after their arrival, they brought Michael an alive girl, lying on a table. They had candles around them, and the mark of the devil hanging on the wall. They were cloaked, once again, and prepared for the sacrifice. Lillith watched from the corner of the room, amused at the scene, but still angry. LaVey whispered to the girl before kissing her lips and running his thumb on her forehead, pulling away, handing a knife to the younger cardinal.
    "For you, Michael." She spoke and Michael smiled. "It's all for you. Hail Satan!" With that, she brandished the knife and plunged it into the girl's stomach, which LaVey took over and pushed the knife up the girl's ribcage. The girl was screaming and it sounded like music to Lillith's ears. She like that noise and as she stared at Michael's enchanted face, she admired him. Michael was staring in wonder and curiosity at what LaVey was doing. LaVey removed the knife and inserted his hand into the wound, the girl still crying out and whimpering in pain.
    LaVey pulled out the girl's heart, setting it in a dish that the older cardinal held. They looked to Michael, and the cardinal brought him the dish. Lillith watched Michael rise from where he sat and take the heart, holding it in his hands as he walked towards LaVey. While watching him raise the heart to his lips, Lillith felt a fire rush through her core, which increased more as he took a bite of the heart. He was evil, and she loved it.
    "Ave Satanas," LaVey chanted as Michael bit the heart and the candles flickered. Lillith watched, amazed as a demonic shadow appeared behind Michael. The three intruders bowed their heads in worship of the shadow, but Lillith continued to stare.
    "Father," Michael spoke, holding the heart in his hand. "I am with you now."
    With that, there was a bolt of lightning and a crash of thunder following it, and rain poured down from the skies. Lillith could hear thumps, like large pieces of hail falling. The shadow behind Michael diminished and the intruders rose their heads. Then, they cleaned up their mess and left Michael alone to clean himself.
    "Lith," He surprised her by calling out to her. She made herself appear in front of him. "You have been gone."
    "I didn't think you noticed," She admitted to him, causing him to frown. She put her hand to his face, rubbing off the blood that resides on his lower lip, then licked her thumb. He licked the rest of his lip clean and pulled her close to him.
    "Of course I noticed, my dear Lith," His voice was close to a growl, but he was not angry with her. He just didn't like her doubting him. "But, I felt your presence near; you had hidden yourself from me, why?"
    "Are you going away?" Lillith asked him, tears threatening to escape her eyes. "Are you going to leave me here, because I cannot leave and I feel as though you won't be staying here."
    "Dear Lillith," He chuckled, wiping away the tears from her eyes. "I would never leave you, at least for long."
    "So you are leaving," she pulled herself away, her voice filled with hurt and betrayal. "To follow some satanic troupe and be their antichrist?"
    "Lillith," He pulled her back to him. "My time has come to complete my destiny. I will return for you, and when I do, I'll brandish the knowledge of how to alleviate you from your imprisonment."
    "Do you promise?" She felt like a child, like how when she was younger she'd ask for pinky promises to establish trust with someone. But, she needed him to vow his honesty and return.
    "Yes, my dear Lith, I promise you that I will return and set you free." He placed his forehead against hers and she closed her eyes, cherishing his touch.

    That night, the intruders went to wherever they went, Lillith didn't care to find out. She laid in Michael's arms for the first time in several nights, listening to him sleep. She heard a noise from downstairs, like someone had dropped something, causing her to decide to investigate, so she carefully allowed herself to move from Michael's arms and went downstairs. There was a broken vase on the ground, but no one around to claim the responsibility of it. She then heard a noise from upstairs where Michael was and her eyes widened. She rushed upstairs to see Tate pushing Vivian from flames, and Vivian was screaming.
    "Michael!" Lillith yelled, rushing to him and ignoring Tate and Vivian. His eyes were open, but he was unharmed. He sat up and grabbed Lillith's wrist.
    "You left me," He growled.
    "There was a noise downstairs," She defended herself. He stood up, pulling her to him, pressing her face to his naked chest. He buried his face into her hair. "Michael."
    "I have to leave, my dear Lith," He whispered. "Tonight, I must go."
    And with that, he pulled away and left the room. Lillith chased him, begging him not to leave yet. She could protect him from the spirits, she could make sure they wouldn't harm him. She just wanted more time with him. But, her attempts failed as he walked off into the night, leaving her at the edge of the property, crying for him to come back to her.

    She was alone. She had no one...well she did, but she didn't think her sister would forgive her. And she kind of didn't want to return to her sister. Michael promised to return, and she believed him.
    So, she waited and waited. Days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months and soon it had been a year already. He still hadn't returned.
    "Michael, please," She would sob to herself every day.
    One day, Tate had enough.
    "Shut up already," He snapped at her. She looked up at him, glaring with tear-glistened eyes. "He left, so what? You're stuck here, not able to be with him. Might as well get used to it."
    "Yeah, like you're getting used to Violet hating you," Lillith spat back at him, making him frown.
    "You have no right to mention Violet, you don't have a fucking clue-"
    "You raped her mother, caused her mother to be impregnated with the fucking antichrist, Tate. She hates you and she's always going to hate you." Lillith cut him off, standing up and clenching her fists.
    "You fuc-"
    "Enough!" Ben yelled, breaking the two up. "Tate, in my office, and you, Lillith, will be next."
    "You're not the boss of me," Lillith snapped, but she nodded and huffed, watching Tate sulk his way into Ben's office. Lillith needed to talk to someone, she needed socialization. She missed Michael so damn much, but he didn't seem to be coming for her. He had broken his promise.

    "Your turn, Lillith," Ben announced as Tate left the office. Lillith made her way into his office and sat down.
    "So, are you my shrink now?" She asked him.
    "Lillith, what happened?"
    "What do you mean, Mr. Harmon?" Lillith put on a fake innocent-sounding voice and then snickered.
    "When you first died, you were friends with Violet, and you were dedicated to your sister." Ben watched her roll her eyes. "Now, you hate your sister and you never talk to Violet. Michael, he corrupted you."
    "Actually, no he didn't." Lillith growled. She hated how he was blaming Michael for her actions. Michael had nothing to do with it, if anything, they encouraged each other equally. "I wanted chaos, and I sensed chaos would follow if I befriended him. I brought it on myself, Mr. Harmon."

    In that moment, Lillith realized if she wanted to be able to socialize with the spirits again, until Michael would some day return, she had to act like she was becoming good again. Make them believe it was his fault she went dark, even though she hated it.
    "I want to change," She lied. "I want to find the light again and leave the darkness. He lied to me, he's never coming back. Please, Mr. Harmon, will you help me?" And with the nod of approval from the dead psychiatrist, she felt her plan make its course.

Burn The Stars ψ Michael LangdonWhere stories live. Discover now