ψ duodeviginti ψ

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The next morning, Lillith was awoken by Ms. Mead and Ms. Venable.
"Report to the cocktail room," Ms. Venable ordered before they closed her door. Her official full day as a Purple, her second day in general, and she already was causing trouble. Killing Taylor was amazing, she admitted, but she realized she had done it out of boredom and madness. But then again, she was the lover of the Antichrist; what else would be expected from her? This wasn't some good unites with evil and restores them bullshit, no, she was evil too. The devil himself saw that and chose her for Michael...and Michael chose her too, before he even knew his destiny. They were destined to be together, but they also wanted to be together.
Lillith arrived in the cocktail room, wear a light lavender dress that fit to her body. Everyone looked up as she walked in, sort of late, since she had gotten lost in her thoughts.
"About time you joined us, Lillith." Gallant sneered. "Now, Venable can tell us what this meeting is about."
"Wait, where's Taylor?" Emily asked. Lillith could sense the satisfaction Emily, Timothy, Callia, and Ethan all had. They all got what they wanted last night. Good.
"That's one of the things on the agenda to discuss," Ms. Venable began. "Taylor committee suicide last night. It is assumed she snuck into the kitchen and stole a knife then sliced open her wrists last night."
There was gasps around the room as everyone looked around each other with shocked faces. Lillith imitated the rest of them, tears beginning to run from her eyes.
"I thought Langdon chose her?" Ethan commented, then shook his head. "She lied to us and she thought she wasn't chosen because Lillith said he told her. You lied to us too, didn't you!" He stood up and rushed to Lillith.
"I-I didn't lie," Lillith faked fear.
"Enough," Venable interrupted Ethan's violent approach. "She is one less body here, giving more to us. Next, these past several months have been difficult for all of us.And perhaps, in my efforts to keep us safe, punitive measures have been taken too far. I believe now what we need is a moment of celebration, camaraderie.
Which is why this weekend, as a gesture of goodwill, we will have a Halloween soiree in the style of a Victorian masquerade ball."
"That sounds so cool," Callia grinned, looking at Ethan, grabbing his hand freely.
"It's Halloween this weekend?" Gallant asked before clearing his throat. "If only my nana were here to enjoy it with me." They all glanced at him before Venable spoke up.
"We've all lost track of time a bit. And this festive occasion is the perfect opportunity to remedy this. And I encourage you all to use your imaginations, to create what I am sure will be exquisite costumes." She continued. "Attendance is mandatory." And with that, she left.

"So what are you going to do?" Coco asked Lillith as Lillith watched Gallant design and tend to Coco's hair. Lillith recalled the old Coco and how sweet she was. It was quite disgusting, to think about it now. Too sweet. But now, Coco was snobby and had an attitude problem, which was very irritating.
"I don't know," Lillith admitted, playing with her hair. She didn't really feel like going to this ball, could it even be called a ball? It was just them, no new guests - aside from Michael - and nothing special. Really, it was pathetic. But attendance was mandatory, but she could try and sneak off, maybe to Michael...maybe the sound of the music could drown out the noises they'd make if they decided to make love again.
"Hello? Earth to Lillith," Coco snapped her fingers in front of Lillith's face. Lillith blinked back to the present, irritated at the girl. "I asked you how you could not know what you're going to do? It's soon, you need to go get started on planning something...just don't try and outdo me, you'll fail."
"Got it," Lillith muttered, standing up. She walked out of the room and down the hall to her room. She would look through her new dresses to find any that she would like. Maybe something would work.
As she got to her room, she heard shuffling inside, peaking her curiosity. Who was in her room?
She opened the door to see Michael, holding up a dress with her closet opened. She quickly closed her door behind her and cleared her throat, catching his attention and causing him to blush.
"Having fun loitering through my wardrobe?" She smirked at him. He chuckled nervously before holding out the dress in his hands.
"This one is perfect for you," he told her. "For the ball."
"So you know about the ball." Lillith stated, taking the dress from his hands and examining it. It was a beautiful purple dress that was long and silky. The purple was a sweet lavender shade and the fabric was soft against her hands. It was stunning. "I thought maybe I'd sneak off with you, hm?"
"That sounds wonderful," Michael grubbed. "But, this weekend is a very important night, too. Something interesting is going to be going down."
"Care to explain?" Lillith presses but he shook his head and took the dress back from her, hanging it up. He then took her hands in his, rubbing his thumb on her palms before bringing up the back of her right hand to his lips, kissing it. He then pulled her to him, pressing her to his chest, wrapping his arms around her. He breathed in her scent as she listened to his heartbeat. In that moment, everything was tranquil and peaceful. Two lovers, together as one, transmitting their love to one another through an embrace. Everything was perfect, but it was not promised to last.

The night of the Ball, Lillith took her time to get ready. She braided her hair into a crown on her head then put the dress on. She then left her room, heading to the cocktail room. There was everyone else, aside from Michael. She listened to Venable's speech after the reveal of the apples and then everyone was told to bob for an apple.
As the others were bobbing for apples, Lillith quietly snuck away, tiptoeing to Michael's room. She opened the door to see him sitting at his desk. He didn't bother to turn to her as she closed the door.
"Michael," she spoke, striding over to where he sat. He turned his desk to her, smiling and pulling her onto his lap before kissing her.
"My Lith," he mumbled against her lips. "You look beautiful." She smiled and kissed him.
"I love you Michael," she declared.
"And I love you, Lillith." He responded. They kissed some more, passion escaping their bodies and igniting around them. But, before anything more could proceed, Michael stopped. He smiled at Lillith before announcing to her that the night was finally beginning.

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