ψ quinque ψ

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    "Michael," Lillith giggled as he tackled her. Instantly after meeting each other, they had become great friends and they began to bond. They were asking each other questions, about random things, and Michael had asked her if she was ticklish. After her silence, he decided to find out himself, beginning to tickle her stomach, causing her to laugh. "Stop t-tickling me- ahahaha."
    Pandora watched her sister and the human boy from the corner of the hallway, just like Tate would watch Violet talking to the twins. She missed her sister and she hated this boy; this boy who stole her sister away. She overheard that he was the lost child Vivian had given birth to, the one that was spawned from Tate, which she also learned that Tate had raped Vivian. Michael was a demon child, just like she told Constance, and she knew he was the one who hurt Lillith...how was he their age, she had no clue.
    She needed to get her sister back, but she didn't know how. She had to talk to Lillith, tell her who Michael was, before it was too late. And so, she decided that she would tell her sister when she was away from the boy, which took a long time. Pandora had to wait until the boy went to sleep that night to approach her sister, who was sitting in the boy's room, watching him sleep.
    "Lily," She began, moving to her sister.
    "Go away Pandora, I know you want to take me away from him." Lillith stood up. "You can't have me for yourself anymore, I'm his friend and he's my friend."
    "He's evil, Lilly-"
    "Shut up!" Lillith screamed at her and the candle lighting the room lit up for a moment.
    "W-what has gotten into you, Lily..who are you now?" Pandora stuttered, afraid for her sister's soul. "It's him...he's gotten you already. He's evil, Lily, he's the spawn of the devil himself, he's Tate's child. Tate raped Vivian and spawned him!"
    "Go away Pandora, leave us alone." Lillith warned, feeling her anger rise even more. She didn't notice her new friend's body stirring awake from his sleep.
    "No, I can't let him ta-"
    "I hate you! I never want to see you again!" Lillith screamed, clenching her eyes closed and wishing to not see Pandora. She wished and wished. And when she opened her eyes, her sister was gone to her. She didn't hear her sister plead to her anymore, and soon Pandora realized what she had done. She did what Violet did to Tate. She sent her away. Pandora ran to Violet, crying and mourning her sister once again, and Lillith found herself collapsing to the floor of her bedroom, sobbing.
    "Lillith..?" Michael's soft voice spoke above her. She looked up and saw, through her tears, the boy looking over the bed's frame down at her. He put his hand out for her and she took it, allowing him to pull her into the bed. He wrapped his arms around her, comforting her. "It's okay, Lillith,"
    That night, Lillith cried into his arms as they both felt their hatred for the spirits grow. He now knew who his father was, and how he was created. And she, she hated her sister for the words she said. How dare she try to take Lillith for herself, how selfish she was. She just wanted a new friend...she just wanted a friend...
    Michael pressed his hand against Lillith's shoulder blade, feeling a scar. Three raised bumps. It confused him. Why were there three?

    "Ben, you can't let her be friends with him!" Pandora yelled at him. "I don't care if he's like a son to you, he's evil. He's no good and he's taking her away from me...she hid me away..." Pandora let out a sob, missing her twin.
    "I can't help you, Pandora." Ben said. "Michael hasn't done anything wrong, other than make a friend. I can't control your sister, and you shouldn't try to control her. That's why she hid you from her, because you were trying to control her. Let them be for awhile and she will unhide you and forgive you."
    "What if she doesn't..?" Pandora asked him, wiping away a tear.
    "Michael isn't going to stay at this house forever, he is alive and he's going to make a life of his own. When he leaves, she will be alone." Ben admitted, despite hating the idea of Michael leaving the house, but he knew it was inevitable. Michael was alive, not dead, and he wouldn't stay at the house forever. Ben hoped Lillith knew that too. "Just give it time."

    "Good morning," Lillith greeted Michael as he woke up, still holding her. She had watched him sleep after he had fallen asleep, calming her down. She saw every twitch in his face and every time he stirred a bit in his sleep, she felt his grip on her tighten. Although they had only been friends for a day, she already felt herself caring deeply for him. He was the only friend she had now.
    "I'm sorry," He apologized, noticing how tight he held her, but she shook her head.
    "It's okay, thank you for comforting me." She smiled and he smiled back. She moved away from him and got up from the bed. "Okay, well I'm going to leave you to get dressed then maybe we can play some board games or something?"
    "That sounds good...could we play I-Spy?" Lillith felt a familiarity to the game, but she ignored it and nodded to the boy. He smiled as she left the room, leaving him to dress and prepare for their second day as friends.

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