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They began with testing what powers she could use, since she had no memory of what she could do and couldn't do. They knew she could use pyrokinesis, since she had already lit the candle on fire when she awoke the first time, but they still had her practice it in order to learn control. They made her light several candles at once and control the flame, to not be too big or too small.
Every day, they learned new abilities she had, sometimes by accident. And when they learned a new ability, they had her practice it over and over until she could control it. She could control fire and water, she could detect lies, and she could make objects move with her mind. She also learned she could manipulate other people into doing what she wanted, after she made Madison leave her alone after she irritated Lillith. But, she kept that to herself, since she felt like maybe they would force her to use it...she was wary for some reason.
Lillith had this feeling she had more powers than they knew, but she did not dare to mention it to anyone. She didn't understand why she was so secretive and wary, since the coven had treated her exceptionally since she arrived, but she trusted her gut feelings. It was like something deep down told her not to trust them completely.
Lillith also found out she could heal wounds and bring someone back to life after Yasmin, one of the witches, had accidentally sent a knife flying through the air at Reyna, another witch. Lillith was the first to run to Reyna, pulling out the knife and finding herself healing the wound, but Reyna was still dead. Lillith then breathed into her mouth, giving some of her life form to the dead girl, and revived her. Everyone cheered for her, though it wasn't a rare power; they still were proud of her for acting so fast and knowing what to do without being told. Cordelia was proud of her, and Zoe began to discuss to Cordelia that she felt either Mallory or Lillith was the next Supreme, not Michael. Mallory had already taken the test of the seven wonders, but what if Lillith passed it too?
Along with new knowledge of her abilities, Lillith felt a sense of darkness inside her, but she learned she could mask it. She wasn't sure how, it was almost like she put on the image of a pure Lillith to be visible. Sometimes she wondered if that was another ability, or if she was just good at acting. She hid this darkness, unsure what it was and where it was coming from. It kept telling her to leave, to kill them all and find Michael. But, he was evil, and she didn't remember him...plus, he discarded her to the coven, so he didn't want her. The coven, they wanted her..no, they needed her.

Quite awhile after Lillith arrived, Mallory and Coco helped Cordelia find Miriam Mead, the satanic woman who was helping Michael. They sentenced Miriam Mead, along with Ariel and Baldwin to death by fire. So, the witches gathered at the three stakes.
"Ariel Augustus, Baldwin Pennypacker. For the murder of your fellow warlock, John Henry Moore, and conspiring to commit treason against this coven, I, Cordelia Goode, on behalf of this council, sentence you to death by fire." Cordelia spoke boldly as the witches watched the scenes play before them. "Our people have long stood by an agreement that no witch may kill a condemned warlock. Only your brother may light the flame as I do not intend to break with that tradition today." She motioned to John Henry and he walked up to the three and smiled.
"May I?" He asked the suited up men for the gasoline. He poured it all over Ariel, Baldwin, and Miriam Mead. "Any last words? Ah, right." Ariel and Baldwin's mouths were still plastered over from Cordelia's spell.
"You think death is a punishment? I do not fear the fire. It cleanses me, as it will cleanse this world. I've seen the end. I bear witness to the darkness." Miriam Mead looked above her as she preached. "Father! Take me in your arms. Your kingdom is nigh." John Henry used pyrokinesis to light the three on fire and Lillith heard Coco wince besides her.
"You don't have to look if you don't want to," Zoe assured Coco and looked at Lillith. But Lillith didn't care. She watched the lady laugh in joy as she was burned by the flames. The woman was familiar to Lillith too, and she wondered if she had seen her before. But, it didn't matter, since the flames killed the woman.
Later on, Cordelia requested Lillith to stay behind with her as the rest of the coven returned to the academy. Cordelia and her watched the flames go out and then Lillith followed her to the shadows as they watched a man appear. He saw Miriam Mead's burnt body and fell to the ground, screaming in pain and agony.
"Do you remember him?" Cordelia whispered to Lillith, but Lillith did not. She shook her head. He was familiar, but she couldn't remember how. She hated feeling that way, feeling like she knew someone but not knowing how. "That, Lillith, is Michael Langdon."
"It's over," Cordelia stepped out from the shadows. "We know who you are, your allies are dead. You have failed." Lillith followed her, standing behind her.
"I've already proven to you that I can defy death." The man continued to stare at the dead body in front of him. "I'm just gonna bring her back. And when I do, my Ms. Mead will stand by me as we watch you die."
"You can certainly go to Hell, but you won't find her there." Cordelia mused. The man stood up, forcing himself to look at Cordelia. He stumbled back, seeing Lillith behind her. He was about to speak her name, but he composed himself.
"What have you done?" He demanded Cordelia to tell him what happened to his dear Ms. Mead.
"Her soul is hidden by a spell only I can break. You'll never see her again." Cordelia noticed his moment of weakness as he collapsed to his knees. "You're alone."
"I'm never alone." Michael's voice cracked as he looked down then he met Lillith's eyes. She felt fire ignite in her core, and she was drawn towards him. She realized, he was the man in her dreams she frequently had. She dreamt of him often, but she never remembered what it was about. "I have my L...I have my father."
"Where is he now? Why did he let this happen?" Cordelia put her hand out to him. "You don't have to follow this path your father laid out for you. You can write your own destiny. You can still turn away. There's humanity in you, I see it. And, if you come with me, maybe we can find it. Together." Michael took her hand and he moved close to her, causing Lillith to feel a strange sense of jealousy and...possessiveness...?
"Somehow, some way, I am gonna bring her back." Michael hissed into Cordelia's ear, staring into Lillith's eyes as he did so. "And then I'm gonna kill every last one of you."
With that, he left them, leaving Cordelia angry and Lillith confused. Cordelia looked to Lillith and signaled their departure to return to the academy.

Burn The Stars ψ Michael LangdonWhere stories live. Discover now