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It had already been years since Michael left when they came. A girl and a man, holding power, enough to force the spirits to be visible to them. They had bought the house and they forced their way inside, set on finding answers.
Lillith knew right away it was about Michael, and she hid away, listening to them try and find their answers. They began with Constance, who refused to answer at first. Then she gave them an ultimatum - get rid of Moira's spirit. Lillith never met Moira, since she associated herself with Constance and Moira never appeared to Lillith. She followed the blonde girl and the man to watch them deal with the maid.
To Lillith, Moira was a young seductive maid. It was strange, because she knew it wasn't her true form, since Constance spoke of an older lady, but Lillith also knew that Moira appeared young to those who were lustful...and boy was Lillith lustful.

Lillith held all seven of the deadly sins in her life.
She was lustful, mostly towards Michael, but she still lusted the feeling of pleasure and intimacy from anyone. She sometimes found herself thinking of things, feeling her body react to those thoughts. She would get turned on and it would be torturous to her; it was a surprise she hadn't tried to sleep with any other spirits...but then again, she wanted to save herself for Michael. She wanted him to be her first, to be her only. She craved the day she would be held in his arms again, and she knew that she would tell him how she felt. She would press her body against him and she would taste his lips on her own. She wanted to feel him against her, feel him in her. She ached for him...intimately and just in general. She missed him.
Envy, she was envious of the people who was spending time with Michael, wherever he was. She was envious of these two curious intruders, looking for answers. They knew Michael, they spoke to him. The girl...what if he had touched her? What if he tasted her? She just missed him so much and she hated thinking about him with someone else. She just wanted him. She wanted him to return.
For greed, she was greedy of Michael. She didn't want anyone else to have him except her. She wanted him all for herself. She wanted to be the one to stand by his side, his arm wrapped around her as he ruled the world. He was going to bring the end of times as the antichrist, and she wanted to be with him. She didn't care about anything else, all she desired was him. Screw everyone and everything other than him.
Wrath: Lillith was easily angered. She couldn't even count how many times she had ever snapped at someone for them doing something wrong. She had snapped at her sister, at Michael, at Ben, at Tate, and even at herself. She was wrathful.
Gluttony - that was an old sin she was guilty of. As a child, Lillith ate and ate, and she was teased for having some extra weight on herself. She loved eating and she never wanted to stop. One day, she somehow lost the desire to overeat, and soon she lost the extra weight. Her mother credited it to puberty and hormones. Her body was changing, her mother told her. She was changing.
Sloth was another old sin she was guilty of, since, along with overeating, Lillith used to always sleep. She'd sleep in when she had no school, sleeping almost all day, and then she'd sleep as soon as she got home and finished her homework. When she wasn't eating, she was sleeping. The same time she lost the desire to eat, she also became an insomniac, and again, her mother blamed it on puberty and hormones.
Finally, Lillith was prideful. She didn't care that her current plan of action was evil and deceitful, or that she was lying to the people who seemed to care for her in the house. She was proud of herself and of her progress in her plan. She knew that once Michael returned, everything would be ready and she was the one to credit for it all.
Lillith was very sinful, and she was proud of it.

The blonde chick found a way to help Moira escape, moving her bones out of the house. Lillith at first wondered if that could be done for her, but she realized that her body wasn't buried at the house, plus Moira moved on. Moira was still dead. Michael was going to bring Lillith back to life.
Constance finally gave the intruders information, and Lillith listened as Constance told her story. She told them of how she took the living baby boy after Ben Harmon had died, and she brought him to her home. She raised him, but soon, as he grew, she noticed how demonic he was. He killed his nannies and he killed animals, so many of them, and the roses in her garden were all planted over the bodies. She told them that he had injured some girl, but she somehow healed, and Constance had no idea how. She said it was their neighbor, and the girl mysteriously died later that night, along with her twin sister who killed herself.
Lillith froze, realizing Constance was talking about her and Pandora.
"The two girls reside here as spirits too," Constance informed them. "Honestly, they might just be witches themselves, they have some sort of power."
Lillith furrowed her eyebrows at 'witches.' Was she a witch? Could that have been what her mother and aunt were talking about the day they were discussing something? She continued to listen to Constance tell the intruders the rest of the story.
Michael had somehow grown ten years in one night and he had woken Constance up by strangling her. She forgave him, but brought a priest to exorcise him...Michael killed the priest. Constance had enough and she made her way to the house and killed herself. She never wanted to see him ever again.

After that, Lillith followed the intruders to Ben Harmon and listened to him tell his story. He told them about how he wanted to help Michael, that he was like a son to him. He never mentioned Lilith's part in anything as he told how horrible Michael was. Lillith was angry, because she deserved credit, but at the same time, she knew she was forgiven and that was part of her plan. Ben told them he gave up on Michael and that Michael was able to destroy a soul.
"Fuck," The girl said. "So basically our new Supreme is pretty much evil."
"We should go," The man said. "Cordelia will know what to do and how to get rid of him."
"It won't be easy," Vivian appeared.
"Vivian," Ben gasped, seeing her for the first time in years.
"Ben." She greeted.
"Are we speaking again?" Ben asked her and she shrugged.
"I don't know yet," She admitted.

Lillith ignored all the gooey reunion parts of the conversation and blanked out until Vivian began to tell her story. She told the girl and man how Michael isn't just a bad witch, that he is actually the spawn of Satan. She told them of the Satanists and his reunion with his father, then she told them about how she tried to kill him. It angered Lillith, but she stayed quiet.
After Vivian told them her story, they left the office and Lillith decided it was her time. She walked out of the shadows and moved herself to them.
"And who are you?" The blonde asked her, attitude all over her voice. Lillith had to hold back from snapping the girl's neck.
"Lillith...I knew Michael." She spoke. "We- We were friends for awhile, until he left. He was evil, so evil, but he liked me. I almost fell for him, but I realized how evil he was."
"No shit," The blonde deadpanned. Lillith ignored her.
"I'm the one he stabbed, the one who Constance told you both. I died later that night, but not from the stab wound. It had healed somehow, I think I healed it myself. My mother and my aunt had a secret." Lillith explained.
"Every family has a secret, my family's secret is my father's affair." The blonde was really getting on Lillith's nerves, but she had to ignore it and follow her plan.
"I think our secret was my sister and I's powers. I overheard them talking about an incident when I was younger, they talked about future incidents." Lillith continued. "Please, I saw what you did for Moira, can you release Pandora's soul and mine? We could help you in the battle against Michael, please."
"We got the old hag to move on in the afterlife," The blonde shook her head. "We didn't get her to live again."
"But Michael can," The man said, looking at the blonde who gave him a look like 'are you stupid?' Lillith furrowed her eyebrows for a moment as she processed what he said. Michael knew what to do...yet he hadn't yet. "You were his friend, right?"
"Yes, I was." Lillith admitted.
"Then, he will retrieve her and her sister, thinking she will be on his side, that she's loyal to him. And then she can run away from him and join us." The man explained. The blonde frowned then nodded.
"Might as well try it, we'll need as many powerful hands as we can." She spoke. And with that, Lillith's plan was set in stone. She was going to escape, and she was going to be alive again. Little did the two intruders know, she wasn't planning on helping them or escaping Michael. She was tricking them into helping her, and with her, Michael would rule the world. Together they would rule the world.

Burn The Stars ψ Michael LangdonWhere stories live. Discover now