ψ author's note ψ

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Hello, dear readers. I am Laine, the author of this fan fiction.
I am writing this to announce that I have submitted this story for the 2019 Wattys under fanfiction. I would appreciate it if you guys voted, commented, and shared this story!

On another note: sequel.
I cannot confirm one not deny one; though I can say I am not in the process of writing one in the moment.
I left this story's ending open for one if I decide to write one in the future and I have a slight idea of what I could do. But, it comes down to time and motivation.
Towards the end of this story, I was not motivated to write - but at the same time, I was going through a rough time and I was ending high school.
Now, I'm starting college; but, I will be submersed in creative energy because of my major (film production) and my plans to get into digital art and animation. I've already been having enough creative energy that I have began to write two original books - though, I've been writing more in one of them than the other.
If you would like to check those two out, I would highly appreciate it! I will leave their names and summaries at the bottom of this note.
Anyway, a sequel may happen, but only time will tell. If you want a sequel, feel free to comment or comment if you think the ending was satisfying already and there is no need for a sequel. However you feel, let me know.
If enough people want a sequel and I feel motivated and inspired, I will write one. Even if it's a short story or something.

Thank you for reading this book, and for enjoying it!

Original Books (Achroous is updated often);

Achroous .:. BRANDED

Every child is branded a mark on the back of their neck, a mark that pairs with only one other person: their designated soulmate

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Every child is branded a mark on the back of their neck, a mark that pairs with only one other person: their designated soulmate. Until the day they meet their soulmate-through The Branding-they live with a monochrome sight, waiting for the day they get to experience vibrant love and colors. A perfect technology the Regals constructed to keep their citizens happy and everything in pristine order; but, not everything is truly perfect.

Dream Boy

Going through the typical teenager's life of school and friends, Phoebe is not a typical teenager

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Going through the typical teenager's life of school and friends, Phoebe is not a typical teenager. Living life as a boy trapped in a girl's body, he can't remember a time where he didn't look around at the boys around him and think, "Why am I not like him?" He goes to sleep wishing to wake up in the right body and dreaming that the boy he is on the inside can finally show on the outside. And every day, he just hopes for the day to come when he can finally be his dream boy.


Follow me for more updates and either the chance of a sequel or maybe an original story that is just as good as this one.

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