ψ septendecim ψ

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Lillith joined the other Purples for dinner, quietly sitting amongst them as they stared at her whispering. She noticed Callia, who was sitting next to her, smiling at her.
"Hey Lillith, they finally fixed your placing." She whispered to Lillith. Lillith nodded and waited in silence as Ms. Venable walked out with Greys around her with the trays that held the nutritional cubes. Lillith felt the Greys staring intensely at her, envy and jealousy leaking out of their eyes at her new role in the Outpost. She couldn't help it; she was meant to be in that position from the beginning.
Lillith noticed Alexandria was one of the Greys serving, and she thought back to her remark on Langdon working for the Devil. She was right, it turned out, how funny. Alexandria placed the tray in front Lillith before quickly whispering to her subtly.
"Guess your interview was better than you supposed," she mused before walking off with the rest of the Greys. Lillith was amused by Alexandria, knowing all her memories now, she knew Alexandria was an open minded person. They would probably had been friends if life was normal. But, it wasn't normal.

"So, my interview went a-mazing!" A Purple Lillith had never bothered to figure out's name cooed to Callia. "Langdon is just so... irresistible, of course; nothing too spicy happened since there are rules in place sadly." She looked down for a moment before grinning again. "I'm sure as hell going to the Sanctuary, since I'm basically going to be his bitch now."
Lillith felt anger rise in her system. She knew this bitch was lying, since Michael would never attempt to conjugate with someone else, let alone this bratty skank. Also, she could sense that Michael wasn't her type... she knew what to do.
"Reall, Taylor?" Coco sneered. "Do you really think you're fooling anyone with your silly lies?"
Coco, ah, Lillith was still surprised how different she was. Coco used to be nice and polite but Cordelia had to turn her into a selfish snob. Mallory was her best friend also, but now she was a quiet insecure Grey. Their new personalities were horrible...Lillith's was too. A innocent little church girl? That made her want to laugh, thinking about it. The only thing she had in common with that personality was her virginity, but now, she didn't even have that.
Lillith felt a little smile rise on her face as she thought about those precious moments with Michael. She took a bite out of her nutritional cube as she remember how amazing it felt, even when it first hurt. It kind of turned her on again, making her cross her legs tightly under the table as she felt a fire rise up in her core.
"What are you thinking about, Lillith?" Taylor huffed at Lillith, an obnoxious smirk on her face. Lillith's thoughts transformed from the pleasure of Michael making love to her, to the pleasure she would receive from brutally murdering the brat.
"Your death," Lillith muttered, using her magic to make it so only Taylor could hear. Taylor's face contorted into fear as she looked around to see if anyone else heard.
"W-What did you just say?" She spoke with fear and anger diluting her words.
"I said I was thinking how cool it is that you were chosen too," Lillith smiled, an innocent sweet smile that hid her insidious smile. Taylor's brown eyes widened in shock. "When Langdon told me I was chosen, it was like music to my ears. And then he announced I had been mistakenly thought as a Grey, and made me Purple."
"Wait, so he told you that you were chosen?" Gallant asked. Gallant has killed his grandmother, Lillith could sense it in his thoughts. What an evil little boy. But not as evil as her Michael.
"Yes, did he not tell any of you?" Lillith feigned surprise, looking around. They all looked at each other with fear in their eyes. No, because he wouldn't tell them. Lillith knew this already. They weren't important to him, not really.

Things were quiet after dinner was finished and the Purples were dismissed. Lillith started to walk to the cocktail room where they all gathered, except for Ethan, who was called to be interviewed.
"So, you're really chosen?" Taylor asked Lillith, looking at her up and down. Lillith ignored her stare and nodded with a smile. She then looked away and rolled her eyes, walking over to the different things in the too. She had never got to examine them closely, since she had only dusted the room once or twice. It was a nice room.
She noticed Callia and Ethan whispering to each other, sensing the sexual energy that leaked from them. They weren't the only ones, Emily and Timothy also were sexually frustrated.
"Callia," Ethan whispered. "We can't, I don't want to risk you getting into trouble."
"I was given a second chance at life here, but with all these rules, I'm wondering what's the point." Callia whispered in return. "Ethan, I love you and I want to be with you, even if it kills me. Please, don't you feel the same?"
"Yes, I love you too." Lillith saw him squeeze Callia's hand and nod before they pulled away. Lillith smiled to herself, closing her eyes and concentrating. She gave them both courage, along with Emily and Timothy, to do what they absolutely desired. That night, the two men would sneak off to meet in their lovers' rooms and they would finally make love...just like Lillith was able to make love to Michael. And, Lillith would also be sneaking off, but not to her lover. No, she needed a different kind of pleasure; one that was bloody.

Knock knock. Lillith's fingers tapped on the girl's door. She heard a groan and movement off a bed then footsteps until the door opened.
"Lillith, what are y-" Lillith cut her off by pushing her into her room, closing the door behind her.
"Don't act innocent," Lillith grinned. She put her hand to the girl's throat, pushing her against the door. "I saw the way you looked at me. You think acting like you'll be Langdon's bitch will hide it? Why even bother hiding it?"
"I-I didn't know if they'd want me at the Sanctuary," Taylor whimpered, scared. "I don't think Gallant is going, and I don't want Langdon to think I can't be useful."
"Well," Lillith smirked. "Let's stop hiding for once a-" Before Lillith could finish, Taylor pressed her lips against hers, moving her hands to Lillith's waist and pulling her closer. Lillith kissed back before pulling the two to Taylor's bed. She turned them and pushed Taylor down to the bed before straddling her.
"W-Wait, the rules-" Lillith cut her off with her lips, nibbling her lips and then pulling away.
"Fuck the rules," she began kissing Taylor's neck.
"I-I knew you weren't as innocent as you acted," Taylor said before moaning a little as Lillith found her sensitive spot on her neck. She was breathless and Lillith's hand went up her dress to rub outside of her underwear. She let out more moans. Taylor then stopped her. "I want to please you first...I want to be your bitch."
"My bitch?" Lillith repeated, playing with those words. Taylor nodded, sitting up.
"Please, Lillith, I beg of you." Taylor pleaded. Lillith smiled.
"No," she pushed Taylor back down and moved her hands up to Taylor's neck, applying pressure to her pelvis with her own and applying pressure to the girl's neck. "Do you like this? Does this excite you?"
"Y-Yes," Taylor whimpered. Lillith gave her a devilish smirk before moving one hand to her ankle where she hid a blade in her boots. She pulled it out, applying more pressure to Taylor's pelvis, causing her to moan. Lillith felt herself moan a little not with the pleasure coming from the pressure, but from the excitement of what she was about to do. She saw Taylor's eyes flutter closed and she pulled the knife, holding it above her chest. She removed her second hand, causing Taylor to open her eyes as Lillith plunged the knife into her. She continued to rock her hips as she plunged it over and over, laughing as the blood splattered around her.
"Having fun?" She heard Michael's voice from the door. She noticed him standing in front of it, his hand on the knob like he had just closed it. She gave him a grin.
"She was annoying," Lillith stated, getting off of the dead girl. "She also wanted to be my bitch."
"Your bitch? But wasn't she just saying she was my bitch at dinner?" Michael smirked.
"True, but she was lying." Lillith pulled him to her. "I have no bitches and you can't either."
They kissed each other, as Lillith grinded herself into him.
"We don't have time, my dear Lith." Michael mumbled into her lips. She frowned, pulling away but nodded. He kissed her again and moved her to the door. "Go, clean up before anyone sees you and I'll make this look like a natural death. I hope you had fun, my psychotic little Lith."
"I did," she cooed. "A lot of fun. But I'll see you later, Michael." She skipped out of the room, checking around her as she went back to her room to clean up. She had a superb amount of fun. It was breathtaking.

Burn The Stars ψ Michael LangdonWhere stories live. Discover now