1st Encounter

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Daniel Park- You were at the park after a friend convinced you to take a jog with her.  It was terrible, and you ended up panting on the ground alone as she ran ahead.  Laying on the ground Daniel eventually came upon you and rushed to see if you needed help.  Sacrificing his water for you you two began to talk and introduce yourselves.

Jay Hong-  The bushes had stolen your homework.  It was when you were digging around in the bushes that Jay stopped to help you.  Your homework was on a loose sheet of paper and the wind had blown it out of your hand.  Thanks to Jay you made it to school on time with your homework.

Vasco-  You volunteered at an animal shelter and Vasco came in to look at the dogs.  He wanted to take them all home, but his friend reminded him it was impossible.  You remembered how he cried a single tear and sadly walked out.

Jace Park-  You saw his ears from across the room and knew you had to touch them.  It was weird but you wanted to so you walked over and did.  He was freaked out at first and almost punched you, but started blushing once he realized you were his type.

Gun Jong-  You were a debtor and you owed Gun money.  Originally you got the lone from someone else and thought you could get out of repaying it, but then Gun showed up at your door.  It was tough to get out of that one but you got an extension so you could actually scrounge around for the money.

Goo Joon- It was a hot day outside when you met Goo. That was an important factor to remember because it was made you wear a more revealing top and shorts that made Goo want to stare at certain places. You had just been walking down the street when he approached you and made no mind to hide what he was doing. You were quick to hurry away, but you remembered the bold perv.

Eli Jang-  You met Eli at a hair salon that decided to hire him for a trial day of work.  He was very nice, but it left you more than a little unhappy that you weren't told this until after the haircut.  This was especially the case since he managed to turn your small trim into a buzz-cut.  The salon was sorry and offered you a free redo for the incident.

Kouji- You were on your way to HotTopic because you heard they just got a shipment of (favorite band) merchandise and you wanted to get some. When you got into the store you you made a quick beeline towards what you wanted. You were so excited you didn't notice the kid with purple hair who was also there. It wasn't until he shouted at you that you paid attention to him. You had grabbed the shirt he was looking at before he could and he wanted it back.

Crystal Choi-  You were having the time of your life at a club in central Seoul.  A friend brought you there mentioning it's always got the hottest girls around.  While you were at the bar waiting for your (drink) you bumped into Crystal.  She wasn't too fond of you.  The club was sleazy and she wasn't there because she wanted to be, so you would find out later, but rather she was with a tall black haired guy.  She was quick to leave, but you would have to admit to your friend that they were right.  This club did have the hottest girls around or at least the hottest.

Zoe Park- You met Zoe through an online grocery delivery service. You frequented the app a lot and you got use to the guy who would normally bring the delivery, so when she showed up you were a little upset. A new person was here and you'd have to interact with her. The meeting was quick and brief like how you liked it, but you had been ruder than you meant to be.

Joy Hong-  It was a cold day in winter, but you were a model and that meant pictures on the beach.  You met Joy here.  She was modeling just like you were for the swimsuit line.  You would get the chance to talk in between shots while trying to also warm up.

Mira Kim- Fighting with Zack Lee wasn't new for you, but this was your first time seeing his friend Mira. You had teased him about liking her in front of her and started the fight. She looked mad and told Zack to stop fighting you. You smiled at how he listened to her so well.

Yui Kim-  You were at a cafe when Yui spotted you.  You were cute and because of your looks she wanted to date you.  She sauntered up to you and asked, but you rejected her saying that she seemed undateable.

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