Short on Money

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Daniel Park- You were broke; he was broke and you had to work off your meals. At least the place was cheap and you only had to work an hour to pay it off.

Jay Hong- You underestimated how much it would be to get into the new amusment park in town, and were ten dollars short of the enterance fee. You were about to suggest heading back to do something else when Jay payed the fee completely for both of you. He even got the premium passes so you could skip the lines. He said it was no problem.

Vasco- He got too excited and ate more at lunch than he could afford. His friend didn't have the money either so you offered to spot them the money if Vasco went on a date with you. They were beaming but weither it was because of the money or date you couldn't tell.

Jace Park- He broke some store's sign by accident and the owner wouldn't let him off the hook. You covinced your rich best friend to pay it as a favor and asked Jace if you could play with his ears more. Your friend was growing concerened about your new ear fetish.

Gun Jong- Gun repremands you for not keeping your finances in order, before finally paying the bill. He then marks down the amount you owe him. When you whine he adds more to the list and scolds you again.

Goo Joon-  He's surprisingly chivalrous and doesn't like to let you pay.  That or he thinks you're too poor to, but you can't tell which it is.

Eli Jang-His funds we're short when he tried to pay for you, Yena, and himself to go to a fair with rides and games. You knew he was strained for money since he was taking care of Yena so you had thought to think ahead and bring your own money. You paid and the three of you had a fun day.

Kouji-  Neither of you are ever short on money thanks to the work you put into gathering it.  You're actually even more financially secure than before you met because of Kouji's money obsession.

Crystal Choi- You took Crystal to a nice restaurant for lunch, but when you went to pay the bill you didn't feel your wallet. You face went pale and then flushed. You asked her if she would mind waiting at the table while you ran all the way back home to get your wallet or at least some cash. She saw the look of horror on your face and decided that paying this once would be okay. She covered the bill and didn't bring it up again.

Zoe Park- She wanted a new lip gloss and went up to the clerk to pay for it. When she got to the front of the line you could see her face tint a little bit pink. You asked her what was wrong and she said she was short a couple dollars. Since she looked too embarrassed to walk back through the entire line of people to put it back and it was inexpensive you bought if for her. She thanked you and made it up to you a couple weeks later by going out to lunch with you.

Joy Hong- It was a hard week to be a model. Many models were being laid-off from work and you happened to be one of them. Joy knew this and was there for you and offering assistance.

Mira Kim- You, Mira, and Zack were out at a cafe when she offered to pay. Both you and Zack told her there was no need and that you would each cover it. Bickering between you and Zack broke out and Mira was first to grab the bill because of it. She looked embarrassed when she went to look in her purse because she had forgotten her wallet at home. No making it a big deal you and Zack ended up splitting it fifty-fifty.

Yui Kim- Yui is surprisingly generous when it comes to money and gifts. Because of her cam girl work she gets a lot of money and also doesn't think twice about spending it on you or herself. She's also quick to pick up bills so even if you are short on cash you would never get the chance to say so anyway.

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