Your Gift

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Daniel Park- He wanted you to not worry about paying for food again. He took up another modeling gig to pay for it.

Jay Hong- It actully took a week later for it to arrive so he got you two gifts

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Jay Hong- It actully took a week later for it to arrive so he got you two gifts.

On time:

On time:

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Vasco- He used his skills to make you a chair

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Vasco- He used his skills to make you a chair. Everytime you go to use it Dameon and the other Burn Knuckles attempt to carry you in a human chariot.

 Everytime you go to use it Dameon and the other Burn Knuckles attempt to carry you in a human chariot

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Jace Park- since you like to play with his ears he got you something you could pull on and squish.

Jace Park- since you like to play with his ears he got you something you could pull on and squish

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