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Daniel Park-  You and Daniel study together when you have free time.  Usually you go somewhere quiet or sometimes just at lunch if you can.

Jay Hong-  Jay helps you study.  He gives you some worthwhile yet expensive stuff to help you learn.  He keeps you on track while studying.

Vasco-  He's helpless so you leave it to Jace to deal with.  You got your G.E.D. the previous year to start working, so you don't need to do any studying for yourself anymore.

Jace Park-  Studying means a lot of helping Vasco and the other Burn Knuckles, but luckily your classes are easy and Jace is smart.  Normally you only have to help them study for big exams because they choose to fail almost all the others throughout the year.

Gun Jong- You make him study for his G.E.D. but he doesn't like it, and he doesn't like helping you study. He'd rather be done with anything school related but education is important. He doesn't mind studying people and their behaviors or anything that will directly increase his income however.

Goo Joon- This guy's not in school, and when he was he never studied. He continues to do so and refuses to ever change as well.

Eli Jang- He's not super smart or super dumb but he's usually too busy with his daughter to study.  This means you're on your own too, or you're taking over babysitting so he can pass.

Kouji- The super genius doesn't study and neither do you. You're both too smart and good for that.

Crystal Choi- Crystal always tries to get you to study, but you're quick to get distracted. She's your tutor but ends up joining you when you get side tracked. She likes going places with you even if she feels guilty for not forcing you to sit and learn what you need to.

Zoe Park- Zoe and you both try hard to learn, but it usually takes a third brain to get everything make sense. It's a confusing time for everyone. Once, you managed to confuse your own teacher who offered their assistance.

Joy Hong- Joy knows the material thanks to her tutors in the past teaching her advanced lessons, so she doesn't know why you complain so much about the material's difficulty level. She sits with you, but isn't much help.

Mira Kim- Mira makes sure you study and doesn't let you leave until you understand. She tried to keep you at the library all night once, but the librarians kicked you out. You sometimes try to hide the fact you have a test from her because she pushes you so hard.

Yui Kim- Her grades are good enough and she cheats off other people so she doesn't study. She teases you over studying, but actually likes that you're so smart and dedicated enough to take the time to learn the material on the test.

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