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Daniel Park- You and Daniel seemed to hit it off right when you first met. Your friendship didn't have an official start. It felt like something that had just been that way since forever.

Jay Hong- Your friendship started when you began seeking him out at lunch time. Regardless of where he was you would join him and enjoy a silent meal with him. You found out that he normally didn't bring food with him, so you started to pack a small second snack for him.

Vasco- You never truly made a friend of Vasco. It was only after your first date that you got closer. Most of the time before that you would just see him at the animal shelter or cafe you worked at.

Jace Park- Jace thought of you as an attractive nuance at first. You always popped up out of nowhere and played with his ears. It wasn't until you noticed a (favorite Band) shirt that he was wearing that you got something else to talk to him about. From that point on the conversations you two would have got longer and more personal. You eventually started to regularly meet to be together. Sometimes you even joined in with the BurnKnuckles shenanigans.

Gun Jong- Somehow you always managed to run into Gun after your second meeting. It didn't matter where you were because without fail he would be there too. Constantly seeing each other caused you to get better acquainted and eventually turn into full fledged friends.

Goo Joon- It was hard to make friends with Goo after all he did, but you managed to pull it off. You two now regularly hung out. Most of the time it was to grab food or chase down some debtors.

Eli Jang-  You didn't hold a grudge against Eli and his friendliness made it easy to start hanging out with him.  You often had to escape crowds of girls that would gather around Eli, but he always made up for it later.

Kouji- Pushing past all Kouji's undesirable traits, the fact he teased you, and that he kept pushing you away you managed to be friends with him. He teased you and you do the same back. You two bond over causing general mischief or making money in some form or another. The fact that you're good with a computer makes the latter even easier.

Crystal Choi-  It was a challenge to become friends with Crystal because from the very beginning she thought you were shallow.  As you two talked more although it was mostly you talking she got to realize you had some substance to you as well.  It let her know your attraction wasn't all about her looks and that let her put her guard down.

Zoe Park-  You invited Zoe into your apartment after she helped you catch (pet's Name). She couldn't stay long because she had to get back to work, but in the couple of minutes you had you decided you were actually happy to have a new delivery person dropping off your stuff.  You gave her your number before she left, so she could call you later.

Joy Hong-  Joy and You had an instant connection when you first worked together.  You became friends right away and you went over to her house several times.  You two still make it a regular habit to hang out on Fridays.

Mira Kim- Your rough nature was off putting at first. She thought she had another Zack Lee on her hands, but much like with Zack she still liked the rest of your personality. She was hesitant at first, but you did a good job of wooing her.

Yui Kim-  Yui tried really hard to be your friend.  Although you were technically dating it was rocky to say the least.  She only made a breakthrough when you saw her give a homeless looking kid money.  You didn't really know what happened, but it made you feel as though there was something in her worth caring about.

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