Sleeping Together

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Daniel Park- He takes up all the room on the bed. If you're at his house you'll have to sleep on the floor cause body one is wide and body two is tall. You start on the bed, but Daniel unintentionally switches bodies in the night and takes over little by little.

Jay Hong- His butler will fight you, THOT. Jay can't sneak you past the guy so it's on the couch or in the guest room for you. Jay tries to reason with him but he wont budge on the topic.

Vasco- Turns out his place is pretty busy. Other Burn Knuckles are hanging around nearly 24/7. It'll turn into a type of sleepover if you try. When you are at your house it's completely different. You two get to have a peaceful night until around five a.m. when he rolls over and nearly crushes you like the wall of muscle he is.

Jace Park- You will not let this poor man sleep. You constantly harass him and move around at night. He's considering banning you from staying on school-nights cause you're making his grade drop.

Gun Jong- Gun will rarely let you sleep at your own house. His apartment is basically your apartment at this point. The only annoying part is he sets like ten alarms and all for before 6am if its a work day.

Goo Joon- Goo will not leave you alone at night. When he finally does sleep he shifts and moves around so much he's slapping you in the face every two seconds. It's a constant war of you wanting to sleep at your own home and him wanting you with him.

Eli Jang- Eli is still for most of the night. Once in a while he will have a nightmare and jolt up from his sleep. You normally are only slightly woken up by this, but it's enough for you to reassure him it's all alright. He usually checks on you and Yena afterwards.

Kouji- No sleep only money. He doesn't like going to sleep so it's at least two a.m. before he wonders in and passes out. He relies on you to actually put him in bed right because he'll flop down in any position and not wake up for hours.

DG- He's reluctant to sleep. Normally he's drowning in work and just wants to get it done. You're the same way. Eventually because you were worried about each other's health you both agreed to go to sleep together every night.

Zack- He goes to bed early, much too early. Since he stopped being a bully and started training again he's tired earlier. Sleeping with him is nice though since he doesn't move much.

Crystal Choi- There is plenty of room for you. Crystal's house is so big there's plenty of spots big enough for you two and her other body too if needed. She tends to wrap her arms around you when you sleep.

Zoe Park- She tries to get you to cut the gamer session short and sleep at a normal hour. When it works she normally sleeps half on top of you.

Joy Hong- Her brothers and house staff would kill you if they knew. When they're around you have to sleep on a whole different floor of the building.

Mira Kim- She likes it when you wrap around her. It makes her feel safe to know you're there. Sometimes she'll turn to face you and wrap her arms around you in her sleep.

Yui Kim- You don't get to do any actual sleeping. She takes over the bed and you get a small corner near the bottom. She always steals the covers so you've come to terms with bringing your own or else being cold all night.

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