They're Jealous

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Daniel Park-  It was hot so you decided to wear a tank top to the movies with Daniel.  It was pretty revealing, but in the heat so was everyone else's.  It didn't stop guys and gals from gawking at you, but Daniel noticed this more than you did.  He tried to scare them with a glare, but he wasn't taken seriously.  Daniel had to accept he couldn't change anything and had a sour look on his face.

Jay Hong- Jay was walking with you to hang out at the park, but every few steps you took it seemed a new guy was asking for your phone number.  Jay frowned but stayed in his normal silence as you turned each one down.  One guy was so vulgar in asking that Jay took the other guy's phone and threw it in the opposite direction.

Vasco-  You were on your date and guys keep asking for your number.  Each one is given a furious, life ending glare before a random burn knuckles member dragged them away.

Jace-  It finally happened and you were being flirty with a cute guy who reciprocated your feelings.  Or he thought the feeling was mutual, but really you were clueless until you caught a look at Jace.  When you did you started doing it intentionally to get more of the big eared man's attention.

Gun-  Gun tried to keep a level head as he knows you love him more than anything else, but he likes fighting and it gives him a reason.

Goo-  Jealousy almost ends lives when it comes to Goo.  He's always quick to scare off anyone who tries to flirt with you, and you are no better.  The last time a girl came up to Goo asking for a date you almost knocked her out.

Eli- He gets jealous, but not just over you but over all sorts of stuff. Most of the time it's when he sees happy families or couples together. You tell him not to worry and calm him down. It's one of the things he appreciates the most about you.

Kouji-  He's a short pile of rage.  His possessiveness is charming since he never takes it too far.  He gets jealous a lot though and when he does it usually leads to the other guy/gal getting humiliated.

Crystal Choi-  Crystal normally got things her way.  With a powerful dad to fall back on and amazing looks she always found a way.  That meant when things were unfixable she got way madder than you could expect.  One of those times is when you get flirted with.  She can't control what others do, but she usually ends up storming off with you trailing behind her.  Crystal always gets embarrassed afterwards for letting her temper run wild, but is also happy to know you followed after her to check on her.

Zoe Park- Zoe was jealous of your video gaming skills and was very upfront about it. She would pout and occasionally whine when you beat her several times in a row. You've been trying to help her improve though and you can see her making progress.

Joy Hong- Joy is a terror when she's jealous. She's the baby of a multimillionaire family who's used to getting her way. When you have to go off on a trip for work of model in provocative positions she gets livid. You've seen her stomp a few times like a little kid, but you can't just stop working because of it.

Mira Kim- You're a flirt and Mira doesn't like it. While she knows you won't do anything farther than innocent flirting it still gets her worked up. She more often than not calmly walks up to you and clings to one of your arms in front of the girl you were flirting with. It's resulted in a few Name callings and drink dumplings for you.

Yui Kim- You were hers and anyone in the way had better be ready to face her wrath. Once you had brought her home to meet your mother, and Yui got jealous of her. You had brought her flowers and given her a loving kiss. Yui understood why you did but she still wanted some of your attention too.

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