2nd Encounter

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Daniel Park-  You had once again returned to the park where you first met Daniel, only this time you were watching your friend do laps as you enjoyed a Popsicle.  It was warm out and a lot of people came out to enjoy the weather.  One of those people included Daniel who was out on a run again.  This time he took a break on the same bench as you without noticing.  Although that didn't last long and the two of you ended up chatting before deciding to have lunch together and completely forgetting your friend.

Jay Hong-  Jay was sitting outside by himself during lunch and you saw.  Seeing him alone you walked over and asked to sit with him.  He nodded and the two of you got along enjoying the sunny day.

Vasco-  The next time you met Vasco you were working yet again.  You were wait staff at a cafe near the animal shelter and Vasco stopped in seeming to have just finished looking at the dogs again.  You consoled him a bit and took his and his friend's order before chatting with them more.

Jace Park-  It happened again.  You saw his big ears and approached him.  You did not go in for a feel right away this time though and actually introduced yourself.

Gun Jong-  Your extension was up and Gun was back.  You had the money this time and handed it over.  Afterwards you started to flirt with him and make him blush by calling him cute.

Goo Joon-     You were out in the heat again only this time you were with your brother.  He was a tough guy and cared a lot about you, so when you came up to him crying about some perv he decided to put an end to the guy.  As he went over your tears dried up and you watched the perv, Goo, get into a fight with your brother.

Eli Jang- You went back to the salon for your redo and were surprised to see Eli still there. He botched your hair and every other customer's hair that he had, but young girls kept coming in for him. You figured that was why the salon kept him around. The stylist this time did better and as you were paying Eli came over to talk with you.

Kouji-  You ended up meeting Kouji again in the mall jail an hour after your first meeting.  He glared at you but asked why you ended up there.  You said it was because you knocked over a bunch of stands in a store after the owner decided to be a creep.  He chuckled and told you someone had caught him blasting (inappropriate song) on a loudspeaker.

Crystal Choi- You were on a walk back to the club where you first bumped into Crystal. You had gone back a few times before hoping she would be there, but you didn't have any luck. It was only on your last attempt that you saw her again. You had been too excited and either grossed her out or annoyed her because after introducing yourself you just got a scoff and she pushed past you. You decided to be persistent though and eventually got her to talk to you.

Zoe Park-  You once again were using the delivery app you had when you first met Zoe.  This time when you answered the door your (pet) slipped out.  You chased after (her/him) and Zoe helped you.  You two got a chance to talk after catching (Pet's Name).  You realized talking with her was nice and asked to be friends.

Joy Hong- Joy was home sick because she caught a cold. You were concerned for her and decided to stop by her home and leave her some (favorite food). You and her had gone over how much you both liked it during your first encounter, so you knew she'd appreciate it.

Mira Kim-  You bumped into Mira while walking in the hallway.  She fell down and in the light you finally got a glance of how beautiful she was.  You figured it was no wonder why Zack liked her so much.  Because of this you decided to get to know her better.

Yui Kim- Yui has been following you around. She wanted a date with you and wasn't going anywhere until she got it. After the fifth day you were tiered and finally decided to give her a chance.

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