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...Someone else


Daniel Park: You're the one who picks most of the fights. Daniel has a habit of letting people walk over him, but you don't let anything go unsaid. While you normally pick the fights Daniel normally ends up fighting the fight.

Jay Hong: Jay would take out gangsters and wannabe gangsters just for looking at you wrong because he's protective. He doesn't take chances with the possibility of you getting hurt.

Vasco: People don't want to fight Vasco so they don't try to fight you. One time someone got too rowdy at your work and Vasco dragged them outside. You had to assure the other customers the man was not killed and that Vasco was not a gangster who would do the same to them if asked.

Jace Park: You are a mess and can't avoid trouble if you tried, and you never try. This means Jace has to keep a close eye on you or else watch his back. He always has to pull you out of a fight whenever you two go out together. He's asked your long-time friends for help, but they've got nothing.

Gun Jong: Gun's a good fighter and you like to see him kick ass, so sometimes you antagonize people on purpose. You start a fight when his back's turned and then yell when you need him to come rescue you.

Goo Joon: He uses you as an excuse to fight. Not a single outing is complete untill another guy is bloodied and lying in the street unconscious because "he was looking at you funny" or because "he was being a perv".

Eli Jang: Eli tries not to fight because he's busy enough with you and Yenna. The rising interest in him is making that hard though and he wants to keep you two safe.

Kouji: Kouji and you don't fight other people. At most it'll be an online battle where you two decimate the other side. One time you drained a guy's account of nearly six million dollars.

DG: DG's many bodyguards make it hard to start a fight. One time a fan managed to get on stage and tried to drag him off. You ran from the sideline and tackled the fan. Tabloids had a field-day with the "unprofessional" tactic but you couldn't have cared less.

Zack: Zack blows up at any and everyone. You have to be the responsible one, but normally you both get too riled up, and end up fighting together.

Crystal Choi: She's her own knight in shining armour but with you there it's even easier. Nobody picks a fight with the two of you. More often than not it's you who takes up a problem with someone else.

Zoe Park: Zoe is not a fighter so she sends you in if she must. Normally it's because someone made her feel a bit insecure that you stomp off to pummel them.

Joy Hong: Joy is surprisingly strong. You arm-wrestled once thinking it would be an easy win, but she was tough. At first her arm wouldn't even budge.

Mira Kim: Mira hates fighting so you do it in secret. A lot of guy's make lewd gestures towards her so you keep tabs on them and beat them up when you get the time.

Yui Kim: You didn't expect it from Yui but she's a strong fighter. After abuse from her ex she decided to be stronger so it wouldn't happen again. It makes her scarry her at the mall though cause she can really fight for what she wants now.

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