You Meet Their Friends/Family

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Daniel Park- Daniel was excited to show you all of his friends.  He introduced you to everyone but he failed to notice one key detail.  None of them trusted or seemed to like you.  You could feel the weight of their stares on you.  Several of them liked Daniel the same way you did and the others, like Zack, either couldn't care less or thought you might be trouble. It was awkward but they just seemed overprotective.

Jay Hong- Jay introduced you to Daniel quickly after you started dating.  He was happy the two of you got along.  To celebrate you three ended up having lunch where you and Daniel talked a lot.

Vasco- You met some of the guys in Burn Knuckles before you had known Vasco.  It had been outside your first job at the animal shelter.  There was a report of a bunch of gangsters out near the side of the building.   Having the great co-worker that you did, you were the one chosen to confront Burn Knuckles.

Jace Park- You got to meet Vasco almost immediately after you met Jace.  He cried a single tear as you gave all your attention to Jace, but it didn't get in the way of you two becoming good friends later on.  Now a days you're like an honorary Burn Knuckle.  You help Jace watch over Vasco and when Vasco asks you play into the "telepathy" idea he has.

Gun Jong- He doesn't have many friends but he does have a weird attachment to Goo.  Like business partners but that's also not quite the right description either.  When you first met Goo he and Gun were in the middle of a fight.  Eventually they slowed down enough to notice you.  It's safe to assume Goo already knew a bit about you because he called to you by name and walked over to you.  After that he just tried to get you to leave Gun for him and to just piss off Gun in general.

Goo Joon-  It was a strange circumstance to say the least.  You were use to Goo's chaos but pairing him up with a cocky kid like Kouji brought out something new in him.  And that something was way worse than usual.  The two were arguing nonstop and anytime Goo would be ready to end the kid, Kouji would either run to you (you=collateral damage) or mention Charles.  You could understand why Gun called you over to watch.  It was the most entertaining time you've had in a while.

Eli Jang- You thought Yena was his only family until you met HOSTEL.  They were all kind to you but you could see they were looking you over to see if you were on the up and up.

Kouji-  Kouji was very open with you that he has no friends because he's cocky and annoying.  That meant anybody he told you was important was like family or actually socially important.  The first person Kouji introduced you to technically met both of those criteria.  Kouji had needed something and to get it he had to go to DG.  You went with him and DG was surprised to hear about you and that you not only put up with Kouji but actually sought out his company.

DG - You met Charles Choi for a brief while.  It actually happened several times as your boss decided to work more with the HNH Company.  He's kind of shady which makes doing business with him uncomfortable, but he's not bad to you.  It would be a stretch to say he likes you though since you could possibly shift DG's loyalty.

Zack- It had been a chance encounter but you met Doo Lee.  Zack had told you before how Doo was always getting into trouble nowadays, and lo and behold he was in trouble when you met him.  He was running away from a guy he started an argument with.  Lucky for Doo you two were there to save him.

Johan-  Living a mostly solitary life Johan doesn't have many people who really know him or are important to him.  That being said there are a few people and you met two of them by accident.  Mira and Zack, two of his old friends, ran into you at a store.  After accidentally spilling her drink on you Mira wanted to help you clean up.  In the girls bathroom while cleaning up you found out she was knew Johan after offhandedly mentioning him yourself.  You spent the day getting to know the two after that.  They were glad he had somebody to watch out for him.

Jake Kim-  You've known everybody important in Jake's life pretty much since day one.  Its rare to meet anybody new and when you do your normally accompanied by Jerry if Jake can't be there.  Actually almost everyone you meet knows Jerry too since you practically pick him up from school everyday.

Samuel:  It was an unexpected visit to say the least, but all the same you met Goo.  He wasn't a fan of you at all, at first.  His opinion changed though after he saw how aggressive Samuel was with you around.  You brought out everything Goo liked Samuel for and that meant he liked you too.

🛑 Just a heads up! Since y'all simped so hard for Samuel I wrote a oneshot for him in my other book 🛑

Crystal Choi-  Although Crystal didn't want it to happen there wasn't much choice left up to her on the matter.  Since she couldn't stop it she made do with getting you to look presentable and giving you advice.  By the end of her preparations it was time, you'd be having lunch with her father, alone.  To start off your conversation you decided to bring up how he fully intended to hit you with his car only a few days ago. 

Zoe Park-  Zoe at first tried to hide him from you but you eventually found out once you ran into the guy.  You and Zoe were at a convenience store and you met Daniel.  He was the clerk and seemed surprised to see Zoe.  You ended up talking to him and found out they were friends.  Later on you asked Zoe why she tried to hide that she knew him and she ended up rather embarrassedly telling you about her old crush.

Joy Hong- You met her oldest brother.  He was a strange guy and tried intimidating you although he was far from successful.  Joy was quick to shove him out of your way.  She didn't plan on you two to meet yet and had it all come to an end swiftly.  It was easy to escape him.  Getting around her butler on the other hand was damn near impossible without a full interrogation.

Mira Kim-  Mira wont introduce you to too many people.  It's not your fault.  Zack always seems to find out and sabotage it for you.  He'll either show you up or start a fight with you.  Because this is such a problem Mira opts not to have plans for you to meet people.  It's just got to happen naturally or when Zack is away.

Mary Kim-  You met her pupils that she taught Judo to.  They were fiercely loyal to her, as well as wary yet respectful towards you.  After you managed to show them you weren't a danger to Mary, you were able to get to know them all.  They showed you and Mary the progress they had made and how they strive to be better.  At the end of it all, they let you know they were glad someone was watching out for Mary.  Her students now hold you personally responsible for her safety.

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