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Daniel Park- You take Daniel out to try out for a singing competition after you heard his voice, and he in turn has you participate in the free provided lessons he got from being admitted.

Jay Hong-  Jay wasn't a big fan of dogs aside from his own so when you took him to help in the animal shelter he was nervous.  Because you wanted to make it up to him you agreed to go do something he wanted which ended up being to just hang out at the park and watching clouds.

Vasco-  Vasco dragged you away from your busy schedule to join all the BurnKnuckles in a community volunteer event.  You ended up assuring people that they weren't thugs and that it was safe to stick around.

Jace Park-  You wanted to go to a casino and play, but since you're under-aged Jace wouldn't let you. Instead of gambling he took you to an arcade. You couldn't win cash, but the prizes were enough to keep your interest.

Gun Jong- Even though you wanted to hang out with Gun nearly all the time, you wanted it to be on your own terms. His plot of making you count his money for him wasn't what you wanted to do. You had thought it would just be a fun time and you two could watch a movie, but Gun made sure you would not to waste his time with "bonding" so he put you to work. You felt more like his assistant than his friend.

Goo Joon- Goo took you to a casino. He didn't care how old you were you had enough luck to win a lot of cash and enough good looks to distract people so he could steal it back if you lost. You spent several hours there getting money. Goo kept referring to you as a good luck charm.

Eli Jang- It was one of the rare occasions where it was just you and Eli. Eli asked you to go to a cat cafe with him. He was able to get you both in for free because he groomed the cats there a while back. Although the haircuts he gave were awful a bunch of people came into adopt the unique looking felines. The two of you had a fun time.

Kouji- There was a robotics event in town that would give the winners a lot of money and bragging rights, so of course with egos as big as the two of yours you took part. The competition was a bloodbath. You two crushed every other team there to the point that some adults on the teams cried. You two had a good time though.

Crystal Choi- She tried to get you to sit in a meeting with her, but you weren't having it.  Instead of that you and her went to a (sport) court/field/pool and had fun goofing around.  You let the day pass you by as the two of you played. Her dad now has it out for you since you ruined an important meeting.

Zoe Park-  Zoe tried to get you out of the dark cave you called an apartment, but she only managed to get you into an equally dark Internet cafe.  She supposed it was better since you had to walk farther than to your couch to get there, so she accepted it.  She looked a little glum so you got her a snack and went outside for a while rather than running straight home.  She appreciated your efforts.

Joy Hong-  You and Joy has made plans to meet at a (band/singer) concert.  It was wild and hectic, but fun once you managed to find each other.

Mira Kim- You were running away from Mira. She had caught you trying to start a fight and been scolding you when you tried to bail. It didn't work though and when you tried to apologize she wasn't having any of it. To get her to accept you ended up cleaning to make up for it.

Yui Kim- You took Yui to and art class. It was just for fun and to work on (art) skill. The day went well and you found out Yui was good at art. You suggested she could do that for her fans instead of flaunt herself, but of course your suggestions were shot down.

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