Sleep Walking/Talking

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Daniel Park-  Because of his two bodies Daniel doesn't really do much in his sleep.  One body is always asleep and when it is it's like a rock.  It doesn't move or talk at all.  That's actually something you're a bit happy about because it might scare you out of your skin if one of the bodies did something and Daniel wasn't the one inside it.

Jay Hong-  He still doesn't talk in his sleep but occasionally he will move around.  You've caught him sleep walking a few times.  Normally when he sleep walks Jay checks on the dogs and then goes back to bed.

Vasco-  Vasco says words in his sleep all the time.  It's random bits of a conversation he has in his dreams.  Normally it's about being a hero, but if he's stressed about something it can be how he's losing to a bad guy.  You quietly cheer him on if it's the latter and that always seems to work.

Jace Park-  You're both notorious for talking in your sleep.  Neither of you will admit to talking in your sleep but Jace insists you get possessed 90% of the time you're asleep and that you say the scariest shit he's ever heard.

Gun Jong-  Every once in a while you'll wake up at night to find Gun's missing.  Most of the time you find him lounging on the couch and help him back to bed.  There were a few times that he was training in his sleep.  On those nights you leave him be, in fear you'll get hit if you try to stop him.

Goo Joon- He never stops moving and never stops talking.  On a normal night you're sure he goes over five different topics of conversation.  The only time you're concerned is when he's not talking or if he goes still. 

Eli Jang-  Eli will occasionally sleepwalk.  It worries you because he'll often seem like he's hiding when he sleepwalks.  He ends up either sitting in the corner of the closet or on the floor next to the couch.  Usually after a few minutes you're able to get him back to bed.  You've asked him about it but Eli says he doesn't know why and can't remember dreaming anything.

KoujiIf anyone thought Kouji was cocky when he was awake they'd never believe the level it soars to when he's dreaming.  You hear him mumbling at night.  He's often a CEO in his dreams and will be giving orders or demands.  You'll sometimes hear your name in there as well but Kouji's never loud enough for you to figure out what he says to dream-you.

DG- DG frequently talks in his sleep.  He says he doesn't remember anything when you ask him about it in the morning, but at night you can clearly tell if he's having a nice dream or a nightmare.  Sometimes he'll seem like he's at a show and other times he'll be with family or friends including you.

Zack-  It only happened once but Zack freaked you out bad when he did it.  He had gone to bed at his usual time and was sound asleep by the time you went to join him.  Just as you were about to give way into darkness he sat up.  Zack then proceeded to make his way up and over across the room where he started talking in his sleep.  He was saying some crazy stuff about dogs and ended up yelling really loud.  You couldn't do anything but he eventually quieted down.  You let him sleep where he was and decided to sleep too but out in the other room instead.

Johan-  He pushed you off the bed.  Johan had been pushed to the edge of the bed by the dogs as you all slept, and you're the one who paid for it.  Johan just full force push you and sent you flying off the bed. 

Crystal Choi-  Due to having two bodies sleep is different for Crystal.  One sleeps during the day and the other at night but either way neither body sleepwalks or talks.

Zoe Park- Zoe always says you talk in your sleep.  She says its mostly gaming related and sometimes she hears you asking out the girls from your game.  When you do that she wakes you up so you can know how annoyed she is until you calm her down.

Joy Hong-  Much to your horror Joy routinely sleepwalks to your room when you spend the night.  Her joining you is a dream it's just once everyone else wakes up that it's a problem.  One of her brothers or staff come racing in and usually chase you off to the furthest part of the house.  You explain everytime but they're suspicious and don't fully believe you.

Mira Kim-  Mira talks in her sleep.  It starts around two in the morning and lasts for half an hour.  She's quiet so you sleep through it unless there's something else going on.  Although she's quiet she speaks in full sentences so it's like listing to someone on the phone.

Yui Kim-  She squirms a lot but never sleepwalks.  Talking in her sleep is more common but she only says a few words quietly and sporadically throughout the night.  On the off chance you catch one of these moments it's either adorable or anxiety inducing with no in-between.

Mary Kim-  Mary single handedly kicked Vin's ass in her sleep.  Granted he probably wasn't trying to fight, but that didn't stop her from slamming him to the ground.  It had been another instance where he tried to drag you away from her, but he disturbed her sleep by accident.  Seeing him get thrashed you were glad Mary didn't curb-stomp you while she was at it.  She just brought you back to bed with her instead.

📣  I got a question for y'all.  Would anybody miss Yui if I stopped writing her?  If you do let me know 'cause if not I'm gonna pull her from the book.
P.s. Several New Additions are incoming. Thank You📣

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