First Kiss

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Daniel Park- You and Daniel had ypur first kiss at the end of a date. At first you were both nervous and almost backed down but afterwards you were glad you didn't.

Jay Hong- The kiss was unceremonious to say the least. Joy saw that the two of you were close and decided to be funny. She shoved your lips together saying "Now kiss!"

Vasco- The boy almost didn't get the kiss. You tried for weeks to do it but he kept getting pulled away or distracted. Eventually you just had to demand a kiss.

Jace Park- Jace wanted to kiss you well before it actually happened, but he'd get too flustered to go through with it. You'd go to kiss and his face would light up and he'd pull away. You finally got your kiss but you were sneaky about it. You said you'd feed him ice cream but swapped it for your lips last second.

Gun Jong- You didn't expect the kiss when it happened. Gun had been pushed to the edge by Goo's endless flirting with you. He tried to ignore it but when Goo didn't stop, Gun basically threw him out a window. You had gone to kiss him on the cheek to calm him down but he moved his face so you'd kiss his lips instead.

Goo Joon- Goo kissed you very early in the relationship. He wasn't shy about anything so after your first date he went to kiss you. He would have stayed there until he got what he wanted so it was your only choice to get rid of him. Now that you've been dating for a while he kisses you regularly throughout the time you hang out.

Eli Jang- Your first kiss was a total accident. You both went to kiss Yena on the cheek but she ducked down, to play with her toys, and neither of you noticed.

Kouji- His ego gets in his way. He'll brag about you and to you all the time, but when it comes down to it Kouji can't kiss you. As of now he still acts as though he's the greatest kisser ever when in reality his face lights up like a Christmas tree whenever you so much as bring it up.

DG- It was a gentle kiss. The two of you got caught out in the rain and wanted to complete the movie moment and have your first kiss.

Zack- You and Zack had your first kiss pretty young. After you took him to the nurse's office one day back in middle school he asked why you never kissed his injuries to make them better. While he was distracted you made a bold moved and just plain kissed him instead.

Johan- It was surprising when he asked if you'd kiss him. He had gotten curious about it and wanted try it since he knew it was a thing most boyfriends did.


Crystal Choi- The evening was supposed to be nice. You had a nice date with Crystal and ended it all off with a kiss. The only thing was that her father saw. He didn't like you before and after seeing you kiss he absolutely hates you. You ended up getting chased away and nearly hit by a car.

Zoe Park- You two had just watched a movie and she wanted to try recreating a scene. It was supposed to be hot but you weren't so sure. The girl in the movie put pop rocks in her mouth and kissed her date, so that's what Zoe tried with you. It was definitely a new experience.

Joy Hong- Joy was having a photo shoot with you that day. The photographer wanted intimate photos. After a few common poses he had you do a spiderman kiss. With all the blood rushing to your head it was a dizzying first kiss.

Mira Kim- Snuggled together on the couch you two had spent the whole day inside due to the rain. Right as you were about to fall asleep Mira planted a small kiss on your lips.

Yui Kim- Watching her from across the room while she was on webcam you could feel yourself start to get jealous. The guys on her stream kept mentioning wanting to be her boyfriend and how well they could kiss her. One of the viewers comments finally set you off and you kissed her while everyone could see.

Mary Kim- You knew Mary had planned to go out with her girlfriends after school, but because you ended up in a fight with a certain sunglasses wearing idiot, you crashed their plans. Eventually it quieted down and you three sat on a bench in the park. It was around sunset when Mary tapped your shoulder and motioned for you to kiss her. You went to do so, but little did you know Mary had a devious plan. You ended up locking lips with Vin instead. It was revenge for ruining her plans, and yeah you still haven't gotten that first kiss yet.

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