New Addition Zack Lee

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First Encounter:  You and Zack grew up in the same area.  You were never friends but you knew of each other.  It took five years for you two to finally talk when you had been put into pairs by your fifth grade teacher.

Second Encounter:  You and Zack were put into pairs once again for gym class.  His super athletic nature helped to put you two in the lead for the game, but he was a boxer at heart.  His fighting inclination lead to a brawl with a few other boys.  The teacher had you take Zack to the nurse.

Friends:  You stayed by his side at the nurses' office and when the principal wanted to know what happened.  You had his back and from that point on he had yours.  You two were known for being trouble as you got older.

Short on Money:  You two did some questionable things as you got older but stealing wasn't one of those activities.  When you went out on a date one day neither of you had the cash to pay the bill.  It was flustering to you but the old cafe owner had you covered.  He yelled at Zack though for being a "deadbeat" who couldn't pay.

Activities:  Zack tried to get you into boxing, but your somewhat unathletic nature lead you to taking a hard pass on that one.  Instead you two did less rough games like ping pong.

Dating:  Dating Zack was interesting.  He was overprotective ninty percent of the time.  The other ten percent was spent getting into trouble with you.  The two of you end up causing a lot of mischief more often than not.

Studying:  Zack needs a lot of help studying, so the two of you help each other out although you end up helping him more.

Carnival:  He took you to the carnival one day after classes were over and won you a few prizes.  He was quite proud to have outdone the guy next to him who was trying to do the same for his girlfriend.  Zack won their competition but lost a significant protion of his wallet too.

Stuffed animal:  He couldn't get something small you needed a giant version.

Stuffed animal:  He couldn't get something small you needed a giant version

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Jealous:  It's not difficult to get Zack jealous.  One time when you were at the mall picking out some new clothes and employee tried to help you.  Zack quickly cut them off and said that as your boyfriend he'd provide any help you needed.

Birthday Cake:  It's for the best that Mira helped him make it.

Birthday Gift:  He got it so you'd have a nice spot to read and game in for hours on end

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Birthday Gift:  He got it so you'd have a nice spot to read and game in for hours on end.

Birthday Gift:  He got it so you'd have a nice spot to read and game in for hours on end

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