Chapter 1 (prelude+character intro)

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Hello everybody! I thought of writing this story based on a dream I had. I really wanted it to become reality, but sadly the avengers aren't real. I guess I'll just steal the reality stone and #hope for the best. I hope you enjoy the story of Eerika, Loki, and Thor :).

Eerika Laufeysdottir/Odinsdottir
The goddess of Chaos
Princess of Asgard
Princess of Jothunehim

Characters:Eerika Laufeysdottir/OdinsdottirThe goddess of ChaosPrincess of AsgardPrincess of Jothunehim

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Played by Doutzen Kroes (dc could neva)

Thor Odinson
God of Thunder
Prince of Asgard
Future King of Asgard

Thor OdinsonGod of Thunder Prince of AsgardFuture King of Asgard

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Obviously played by Chris Hemsworth 🤪🤪

Loki Laufeyson/Odinson
God of Mischief
Prince of Asgard
Prince of Jothuneheim

Loki Laufeyson/Odinson God of MischiefPrince of AsgardPrince of Jothuneheim

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Obviously played by Tom Hiddleston😈😈

NOTE: *I do not own any characters in this story except for Eerika. The rest belong to marvel studios.*

3rd person POV

Finally, after days of deadly battles against Jothunehim, Asgard was victorious. To strip Jothunehim from it's power, Odin, the king of Asgard, was planning on stealing the Casket of Ancient Winters, which gave frostgiants the ability to freeze entire landscapes in the blink of an eye.

As he made his way to the casket he could hear multiple cries of babies close by. Curious, he looked around to see who they were coming from. Near a rock lay two babies, one male and one female. Frost giant twins, Laufey's children. The female was clinging onto her brother for dear life.

Odin picked the two up and used his magic to make the two appear Asgardian,  but then a thought came to him. He could use the two to unite the two kingdoms one day, a peace offering maybe. With the two sleeping children in his arms he stole the casket and used the Bifrost to return home.

Odin went into his castle to see his beautiful wife, Frigga, and his newborn son, Thor, together. Thor was in his cradle sleeping, and Frigga was rocking him back and forth. Once she heard footsteps coming towards her, Frigga turned her head to see Odin.

"My dear, your eye! Shall I get the nurse to come in?"
Odin shook his head at the offer of the nurse. He wanted to introduce the children before anything else.

Odin opened his arms to reveal two bundles of joy he hid from sight so no one would become suspicious. Frigga's reaction was none other than shock and confusion.
"Who's children are these and why are they in our bedroom? My love, please tell me they are not bastards..."

"Laufey's twins. I believe we can use them as a peace offering to unite our kingdoms, but now that I'm holding them, I don't want to let them go."
Odin said with a smile. After what happened with Hela, he wanted to start a real family. Although the two weren't his own, he felt a special connection with them.
"My love, do you really think it's a good idea to raise two frostgiant children as our own, especially with Thor?"
Odin nodded.
"You know they'll be bullied for being their true heritage. They'll be outcasts in the eyes of other children." Frigga knew that frostgiants were monsters that kept Asgardians up at night. Everybody was scared that they would invade Asgard. Thankfully, Odin eliminated the possibility of Laufey reaching Asgard, but the fear will always be there.
"Then we won't tell them." Odin decided. What you don't know can't hurt you.
"We can't keep their true parents from them forever, they will find out eventually." Frigga argued.
"I'll teach them to accept their history. My children are only the wisest." Odin boasted, he had this all figured out in his head.
Freya took the sleeping frostgiant into her arms and held him close to her chest.
Freya smiled. Loki placed his small hand on her chest and you could see a small mischievous smirk on his face.
"What of the girl, Odin?"
"I'm not so sure yet. As time goes on I believe a name will choose her."

Thor has quite a large cradle, so Frigga put Loki next to him and Odin followed by putting the girl in between the two. Immediately she started to cry, but it was soon silenced after Thor's arm touched her's, and the two went back to sleep.

"Are you sure you want to do this? We just had Thor, is it even wise to add two more children? What will we tell Asgard?" Frigga began to panic. This was all happening to fast.
"I am positive about this. The twins could save Asgard one day if my plan works." Odin smiled proudly.
"As for your worries, I can make an illusion that will make it seem as if you're pregnant with twins. That way Asgard will be expecting new royalty." This plan was slowly starting to make sense.

"Shouldn't we at least tell them, and them only that they are adopted when they are mature enough they understand? It is cruel to put a child through a life without knowing their true identity." Frigga's smile warmed when she saw Loki's eyes flutter open. She pat his head softly.

"They cannot know, I want them to feel as if they are a part of our family."

"Looks like Thor has a new brother and sister. I can already tell the three will be together forever." Frigga gripped onto her husband's hand.

"Thank you Frigga. You don't know how much this means to me." Odin brought his wife's hand to his mouth and gave it a soft kiss.

With the three children safe, the couple went to bed. Odin deserves a rest after this war. For the first time in awhile, he slept easily.

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