Chapter 16

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The picture will make sense :)


"We have to destroy the bridge"

I looked at my brother in utter shock.
"Are you mad?" I asked. If he destroys the Rainbow Bridge, there is no way in or out of Asgard.
"It's the only way to save Jothunehim."

"Look at you! The mighty Thor and The Tremendous Eerika! In all your strength! What good does it do you now huh?"
Loki started to yell at Thor and I, but we had to tune him out. No matter how much his words hurt me, I had to act quick before all of Jothunehim is ice.
"If you hit it with your hammer while I weaken the glass, we can break it."
I suggested. I don't know how strong the glass is, but it definitely shouldn't be able to withstand two powerful beings like Thor and I.

Thor held his hand out to summon Mjolnir.
"Do you hear me sister there's nothing you can do!"
Loki groaned out.

I placed my hands on the bridge and prepared myself for the destruction.
Thor's swung his hammer up to gain momentum, and I started to allow the energy surge through me to slowly weaken the glass.

Together, Thor and I are able to crack the glass. Loki screamed protests in the background, but I could barley hear him.

"Forgive me Jane." Thor whispered.

I knew he liked her...

Thor hit the bridge once more, therefore destroying it.

No more Phil.

No more Pepper.

No more Tony.

No more glorious battles.

All three of us were shot up in the air. Loki was the one to fall the furthest.

Even though he has been misguided this past week, he is my brother and I love him more than anything. I couldn't bare to watch him die.
I screamed out. I was able to grab his hand, I didn't even notice Thor was stopping me from falling my grabbing my cape. Odin, who is now awake and well, is holding onto Thor's hand.
"Sister, I am so sorry. I am so so so sorry."
Loki began to sob.
"We'll talk about it later, Loki, just hold on tight! I've got you brother!"
Loki looked past me and up to Odin.

"I could've done it Father! I could've done it!!! For you! For Eerika...for all of us.
I kept my eyes locked on Loki's, his eyes are dull. They are losing their bright green glow by the second.

"No Loki..." Odin said to him.
I could feel Loki's heart break at Odin's words.

Loki jerked his hand away from my grasp which made me let go.

My heart stopped as I watch my brother fall to his death.
I scream after him. I try to rip my cape away from Thor's hands, but my arms feel like butter, making me too weak to do so.

All I can do is watch my brother drift into a black hole.

I scream the loudest "No!" of my life as I let out ugly sobs.

"Brother... please..."
I whisper to myself.

Odin lifts Thor up to the broken bridge, Thor lifts me up. Once my feet touch the glass I try to jump back down to get Loki, but Thor wraps one of his arms around my waist to stop me.

"Let me go!" I command, but he doesn't. I fall to my knees and continue to sob. I can't live with myself knowing that because I couldn't hang on to Loki, he died.

Without intent, I start to scream. Loud. Definitely the loudest scream of my life by far. I felt my stomach rise up to my mouth as I screamed. Slowly, my screams turned into chokes as food began to gorge through my mouth and down past the bridge.

Even though he is torn up too, Thor held my hair back as I continued to throw up every last bit of food I had in my stomach, until nothing was there. I was left dry heaving because I wanted to throw up my guts just so I can see Loki again, but it ISN'T WORKING!

I finally just gave up. I stopped crying. I stopped torturing my stomach. I just stopped my every action.
"Eerika? Are you alright?"
Thor asked softly. He ran his hand up and down my back as I stared off into space. I shook my head, because I am definitely not okay. Perhaps I will never be okay again.

I want to die right now.

Oh Loki...

My darling Brother.

"T-Thor?" I croak out. It most like didn't even sound like his name, more like a hiccup, regardless Thor looked down at me anyways.
I take a deep breath, but my breathing hitches.
"Can you take me to my quarters."
I whisper.

I just want to sleep the night away. Perhaps it's the closet thing to death I can get to.

Thor scooped me up and carried me to the castle. On the way villagers, oblivious of what I just went through, look at me and Thor in confusion.

"Is that Prince Thor and Princess Eerika?"
"Is the princess okay?"
"Is she hurt?"
"Are they crying?"
"What was that booming noise earlier?"

Are just a handful of the question I had to hear on our walk. I answered all of them in my head, but I didn't have the will to speak them out loud.

After what felt like hours, we arrived at the castle. Guards ran to Thor's side after seeing me in his hands. They are making sure I'm okay, but Thor ignored all of them and continued to grant my wish.

When we reached my room, Thor set me on my bed.
"If you need anything, and I mean anything, just let me know, sister."
Thor kissed my forehead before he left the room to let me mourn.

I attempted to put happy memories into my head. Loki stabbing Thor, Loki turning my hairbrushes into snakes, Loki turning Thor into a frog, Loki-

All of those memories that I'm trying to use to cope just turn into dust. Even if I try to bring them back, my brain won't let me. It's just an ongoing repeat of Loki smiling, then suffering over and over again and I can't stop it. Tears surround my eyes and I scream again. This time, a window breaks which only causes me to scream louder.

I throw my head into my pillow, because I know that if I continue to scream as loud as I am, people will get hurt. I feel like suffocating right here, but my tears keep beckoning for hair just to build more tears.

I lie there sobbing into my pillow until my vision fades and I fall to sleep.


I've only been able to sleep for an hour or so. It's just that whenever I close my eyes, Loki's fall pops into my mind.

"I've got you brother."
I keep mumbling to myself.

Those were my last words I've ever said to Loki. Why couldn't they have been "I love you?"

Why couldn't I have pulled him up so I can hold him. Then he wouldn't have fallen.

This is all my fault.

thank you Thank You THANK YOU so much for 200 reads! Just last week I was at 100, this is crazy!! Thank you all so so so much ❤️

Update: I am currently writing the third book and I went back to update this shit and wtf even is this chapter

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