Chapter 12

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Thank you all so so so so SO much for 100 reads! I know it might not sound like a lot, but it means a lot to me hehe 😜🥳🥳

Loki's POV:

I was waiting outside of the Bifrost for my sister to return. I was furious with her, she didn't do anything against my will, but she might've messed up my plan.

"My king, I beg of you, please do not hurt Eerika. She did nothing wrong—trust me. I was watching her the entire time, all she did was give Thor a hug and meet the friends he has made." Heimdall looked at me with worried eyes. Did he truly think so little of me? I love my sister more than life itself. I just wanted to be the one to tell her that she cannot visit Thor for awhile. By awhile, I mean forever.

"Hurt Eerika? I'd hurt myself before I'd hurt my darling sister. Can't a brother just wait for his sister's return?" Heimdall gave me a dirty look. It's fairly safe to assume he didn't believe me.

Heimdall unlocked the Bifrost bringing my sister home. She had a bright smile on her face. She was in midgardian clothing. Before she turned around she conjured her outfit back into the Asgardian dress she was wearing earlier today.

When she turned around she looked quite shocked to see me.
"Oh hello, brother. What a wonderful surprise." Eerika walked to my side. I held out my arm for her to grasp and we walked over to my horse. I hopped on first, then I helped her on. Because she is wearing a dress she had to sit with both of her legs hanging off the side.
"Don't fall off." I joked. I lightly whipped my horse and she pranced off to the palace.

"I hate to say this, sister, but I cannot have you returning to Midgard for quite some time. It defeats the whole purpose of having Thor learn his lesson."
I turned my head to see Eerika looking down at the moving ground.
"But, brother, he—"
"End of discussion."

Pissed off, my sister jumped off my horse and ran off to I know not where. I tried to call her name, but she wouldn't listen. I turned my horse around to follow her, but there was no point. She's faster than any horse the nine realms have to offer. I sighed to myself and went galloping off to the palace's stable. I had to get a boat ready. I had plans...


Heimdall sent me to Midgard as soon as the night fell. I noticed that midgardians had an odd sense of fashion. I had to transform my robes into Midgardian clothing. I knew exactly where Thor is. Heimdall told me exactly where to go. I had to hide in the shadows and wait until an agent is done interrogating Thor.

"Don't go anywhere." The agent left the room. I took that time to sneak in, obviously unnoticed. Thor saw my shoes and his face brightened just a tad.
"Loki? What are you doing here?" Thor got up out of his seat and looked at me with a worried expression.
"I had to see you." I kept a straight face. I didn't want to get too attached so I didn't show any emotion.
"Tell me what has happened... is it Jothunehim? Let me explain to father-"
"Father is dead..." I lied. It almost broke my heart to see Thor's reaction. He had to sit back down in the chair. Technically it won't matter in the end. Odin will be killed and I will truly be king. Thor opened his mouth to say something, but his words got caught in his throat. It took him a moment to gain his strength to muster out a "What?"

I gulped. I needed this to sound believable. Thor is very gullible, he has believed me so far,
"Your banishment, the threat of a new was too much for him to bear. But you mustn't blame yourself. I know that you loved him—I tried to tell him so, but he just wouldn't- he wouldn't listen." Thor put his face in his hands and his face turned red with both anger and sadness. If I didn't know any better I'd think The Mighty Thor is about to cry.
"It's so cruel to put your hammer within your reach knowing that you could never lift it. The burden of the throne has fallen to me now. Eerika will be acting as All-mother until I wed." Thor looked up at me with sad eyes.
"May I come home?" Hope was tied in with his voice. Too bad.

"The truce with Jothunehim is conditional upon your exile—and mother has forbidden your return. Eerika almost convinced her to change her mind, but then she realized that it's better off if you stay here where you can't hurt any asgardians." A tear fell down Thor's face at the mention of Eerika's name.
"Eerika really did that?" I nodded.
"This is goodbye, brother. Eerika wanted me to give you her condolences. I am so- so sorry."
Thor shook his head slightly.
"No. I'm sorry."
There was a brief pause.
"Thank you for coming."
I turned around and smirked to myself.
I snuck out of the room as if nothing ever happened and I made my way towards the area where Mjolnir is being tested on.

I acted as an agent. Folks here are so gullible. I can guarantee you I could be in my frostgiant form and still get into this place.

I strutted over to Mjolnir. It looked perfect.
I grasped my hands on it and pulled on it.


I pulled harder.


I used two hands and pulled as hard as I could.

Still nothing.

I groaned to myself. I walked out of the complex and sprinted away so that no midgardians could see the Bifrost. The question still remained. If Thor isn't worthy than who is? It can't be Eerika can it?

Literally, as if on cue, Eerika teleported next to me. Startled—I screamed a bit.
"Bloody hell!"
Eerika had a resting fífl face. She was in her Asgardian amour.
"I thought you said we weren't allowed to go visit Thor." Eerika said blankly.
"I said YOU weren't allowed to visit Thor, my dear sister." I grabbed onto her arm to lead her away, but she ripped it from my grasp.
"I'm not going to visit Thor. I'm here for Lady Darcy. She's a friend I made last time I was here." I sighed. I still needed to have her favour. I didn't want her to turn against me. I don't know if I could live with myself if she ever hated me.
"I'll be watching you from the Bifrost, sister. If you visit Thor, there will be consequences." I warned. My sister scoffed and crossed her arms.
"What type of consequences? We both know I'm stronger than you and all of your guards. Also you cannot fire at me because Asgardian guns aren't strong enough!"
I had to think for a moment. She truly didn't have any weakness.
"I know where you're ticklish."
I jumped onto her and knocked her to the ground. I aimed for behind the neck. She would be out in no time.

"O-okay! Okay! I won't speak to Thor! I promise!" my sister said in between laughs. I got off of her and gave her a chance to catch her breath.
"I love you Eerika. Heimdall bring me back."
"Love ya' too, King of Asgard."
The Bifrost surrounded me and I was brought back to Asgard. I looked at Heimdall.
"Watch over Eerika for me. If she talks to Thor at all, you let me know immediately. Understood?"
Heimdall looked at me with a straight face and nodded.

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