Chapter 34

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**earlier that same day in space**
Third person

"The tesseract has awakened.
It is on a little world, a human world. They would wield its power. But our ally knows its workings as they never will."

An alien with a hood covering his face speaks to the almighty Thanos. Although he speaks with confidence, he is terrified to even be in the titan's presence. Who wouldn't? This man kills and tortures, and thinks he does good by doing so.
One of the ones he has tortured is the god of mischief himself, Loki Laufeyson.

When Thanos found Loki in an abyss, he gave him a chance to rule a world on his own free will. At first, Loki didn't like the idea of taking the freedom away from a peaceful world, but Thanos tortured the god until he obeyed. To ensure that Loki follows along with his mission Thanos used a scepter to mess with his mind.
Now all Loki can imagine is a monarchy that he will lead. In return for this, Loki must bring Thanos the tesseract.

"He is ready to lead. And our force, our Chitauri, will follow. A world will be his. The universe, yours."

Loki is given a scepter for him to keep. The Chitauri are preparing themselves for the upcoming battle that they so crave.

"And the humans? What can they do but burn?"

*earlier that same day on earth**

S.H.I.E.L.D has gotten a hold of the tesseract and is doing some testing to learn of it's true power. All agents are going crazy with excitement, for this is one of the biggest and greatest discoveries that has happened in years. Only a few select agents and a doctor that studies space are allowed to to physically work with the tesseract. Everybody else has to stay out of their business and prepare for anything bad that may happen.

Over the loud speakers at S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters spoke
"All personal, the evacuation order has been confirmed. Proceed to your designated vehicles and follow your supervisors orders from there. This is not a drill."

Hundreds of S.H.I.E.L.D agents race around to gather their supplies and run out of the building, crowding into helicopters, SUVs, motercycles, anything they can find to get them off the premises.

Nobody knows if something good or bad is happening, but they follow their orders nonetheless.

Some agents, however, have different orders. Agents of high rankings such as Phil Coulson and Maria Hill have been directed to wait for Nick Fury himself.

Outside the compound Phil Coulson waits for Maria Hill and Nick Fury to land from a helicopter with a straight face. His sunglasses are so dark, no one can see through them. Agent Melinda May thought glasses would help him make lies more believable, and he has been wearing them ever since.

"How bad is it?" Fury asks Coulson. They are talking about the tesseract, it has been showing some unusually high levels of energy today.
"That's the problem, sir. We don't know." Phil answers as he rips off his sunglasses.

Inside, Director Fury leads Agent Hill and Coulson to the room the tesseract is being stored in. On the way Agent Coulson begins to explain what is happening.
"Dr. Selvig read an energy surge from the Tesseract four hours ago."

Around the top three agents are people scattering to gather out.
"NASA didn't authorize Selvig to go to test phase." Director Fury states. Agent Coulson tries to keep with his pace.

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