Chapter 9

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I've been waiting for the Spider-Man: Far From Home trailer for 15 hours and it STILL ISN'T out

Loki's POV:

I looked down at my hands. They were entirely blue with circular markings on them. I looked over at my sister's bare arms. They were also blue with a collection of markings on them.
Her eyes were now red and wide and her lips were quivering. She lifted our intertwined hands up and she choked up.
A voice screamed from behind us. It was our father. Eerika and I put the casket back in its place.
"Are we cursed?" I asked. I let go of Eerika's hand.
"No." Odin answered, his voice sounded broken almost.

"What are we?"
My sister asked. She continued to look at the casket.
"You're my children."

We turned around in sync to reveal our blue skin.
"What more than that?"
Her and I began to walk towards father who had a soft expression on his face. Our skin turnt back to normal with each step we took.

"The casket wasn't the only thing you took from Jothunehim that day, was it? Eerika spat out.

Father didn't answer her question until we reached the bottom of the steps.
"No." He said softly.
"I'm the aftermath of the battle, I went into the temple and I found two babies. They were small for a giant's offspring. They were abandoned, suffering, left to die. Laufey's children."
Eerika fell to the ground at his words. She let out large breaths to steady her breathing. I started to tear up at both the sight of my sister, and the news. I knelt down and patted her back to sooth her.
"Laufey's children..." I started.

I helped Eerika up and held her hand.
"Why?" Eerika asked. Her eyes were glossy, but she wasn't crying.
"You were knee-deep in Jothun blood. Why would you take us?" I asked as I choked up on my words.
"You were innocent children."

Eerika shook her head at his words. I knew Odin took the two of us for a reason.
"No, you took us for a purpose that day, what was it?"
My sister and I took a few steps up the stairs, but Odin didn't answer.
"TELL ME!" I yelled as loud as I could.

"I thought we cloud unite our kingdoms one day." Tears came out of my eyes at his words. My heart was beating faster than I could handle. I took deep breaths, but it wasn't doing anything."
"Bring about an alliance, bring about a permanent peace, through you two."

"What?" Eerika whispered out.

"But those plans no longer matter." Odin said in attempt to cheer us up, but it didn't work
"So we are no more than another stolen relic, locked up here until you might have use for us?" Eerika asked. She let go of my hand and took more steps towards Odin. I followed.
"Why do you twist my words?" Odin asked Eerika.
"You could've told us who and what we were from the beginning, why didn't you?" I asked trying to keep up with Eerika.
"You're my children." Is all he said to answer.
"We aren't your children. You said it yourself, we are Laufey's children." Eerika stopped in her tracks and I stood next to her.
"I only wanted to protect you from the truth."
Tears were streaming down my face at this point.
"What cuz' w-w-we are the monster who parents tell their children about at night?"
Odin shook his head mumbling the words "no."
"You always told us about how violent and cruel Frostgiants were even when you knew that we were one of them." Eerika stammered her words.
"You know? It all makes sense now, why you favoured Thor all these years, because no matter how much you claimed to have LOVE could never have a frostgiant sitting on the throne of Asgard."

With my words Odin fainted, Eerika stood still—her face cold. I didn't even want to look at him.
"Guards! Come quick! Odin fainted!" I yelled and two guards came running in. They lifted him up and carried him off.

I sat on the top of the steps and just kept sobbing. Eerika sat down next to me and she slung her arm over my shoulder and leaned into me.
"It's okay, brother."
Eerika pulled me close to her and I wrapped my arms around her just crying onto her chest.

We remained in that position for a few minutes until I looked up at her. Her eyes were closed before she felt he change positions. She used her thumb to wipe off my tears and gave me a warm smile.
"I love you, sister. I don't know how I could possibly face this alone. Only you will ever understand how traumatic this is."
I straightened my back and kissed her forehead.
"Brother, we will face this together. We will get passed this together. I will always be there for you until I say 'I love you' on my dying day."
She stood up and took her hands in mine one last time. We began to walk out.

"Brother, I know this is hard for you, trust me I know, it's hard for me too. But Thor is out there, he is alone and scared. We need to get him out."
I didn't want anything to do with my "family." The only true family I have is my sister, and I am not going to let her go down to Midgard so she could be surrounded by worthless mortals.
"Odin sent Thor out for a reason."
Is all I said. Eerika rolled her eyes slightly and we parted ways. She went towards the village, and I went to the castle. I wanted to cope with my sorrow by reading.

After a short walk I arrived to the main gates. As soon as I entered a guard told me that Freya has requested to see me. The guard led me to her room and I saw her and Odin together. Odin was in bed and Freya was holding his hand as she sat on a chair on his bedside. The guard left leaving the three of us.

"Odin told me I'm a frostgiant."
I stated as I sat on the opposite side of the bed.
"I asked him to be honest with you from the beginning. There should be no secrets in a family." Freya said softly. I always appreciated Freya more. She loved me more than Odin ever could.
"Then why did he lie to me and my sister?"
I asked, coldly.
"He kept the truth from you and Eerika so that you two would never feel different. You and your sister are our children Loki. We are your family. You must know that."
I didn't reply. I just looked down at my lap.

Freya kept on glancing at Odin.
"You can speak to him. He can see and hear us, even now."
I didn't have anything to say to this bitch. I only came to speak with Freya, my mother.
"How long will it last?"
"I don't know. This time it we were unprepared."
"I never get used to seeing him like this. The most powerful being in the nine realms, lying helpless until his body is restored."

Mother leaned across the bed and rubbed her hand up and down Odin's arm.
"He's put it off for so long now that I fear..."
mother cleared her throat.
"My son, you mustn't lose hope that your father will return to us. And your brother."
I kept my eyes focused on hers.
"What hope is there for Thor?" I asked. I know that Eerika and Thor were just as close as her and I are. I don't want Eerika to be crushed.
"There is always a purpose for everything your father does. Thor will find a way home."

I had nothing else to say. I stood up and started to make my way out.
The door opened causing me to jump back a bit, but I was relieved to see it was just a row of guards. Instead of bowing their heads to me, they knelt down as if I was a king.

The Priest Of Asgard came walking into the room and knelt in front of me. He held the king's staff in his hands and held it up for me to grasp. I looked at my mother in confusion.
"Thor is banished, the line of succession falls to you. Until Odin awakens, Asgard is yours.
I turned back towards the priest and smirked down at the staff.

I turned back towards mother and saw her beaming face.
"Make your father proud."
Oh I will...

I cried while writing this chapter

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