Chapter 31

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The killer began to charge at me. With each stab he threw at me, I quickly blocked em. It was minutes oh minutes of the two of us throwing punches, and blocking. Him trying to stab me, but me deflecting. I was planning on stalling him until someone got here to try and capture him, but no one is even bothering. They all care more about the dead body, than the person who caused it.
Midgard's soldiers wouldn't last a day under my orders.
As I studied the killer's fight patterns, I noticed that he would only go for my face with his metal arm—somehow I can use that to my advantage. I just need to get the knife  off him.

And I know just how to do it.

The killer has been throwing up a few kicks, so next time when he attempts to kick me, I'll hurt him where he's....weak.
Not even five seconds later, the killer tries to kick my stomach. I'm slightly faster than him, so I move to the side and kick him in his groin. He groans loudly and stumbles back. I charge at him again and keep on kicking him in his stomach and punching him in his face until I corner him to the edge.
Instead of stoping, the killer jumps off. I follow him, knowing I can teleport to safety before I can hit—but as I fall—I find myself not being able to spot him. 
The ground keeps on getting closer, so I have no choice but to teleport onto my feet before I make contact with the cold, hard, cement.
Scanning the permitter, I notice that nobody is around. Everyone must've ran off out of fear of being killed.
"Where could he have gone?" I think out loud. It is physically impossible for humans to hold such powers like teleportation, and the killer was definitely human. Only humans would part their hair like that.
I begun to walk, hoping to find someone I know so I don't look like a fool. But something stops me.


I feel several stings in the side of my head and shoulder. I barely have time to groan in pain because my legs begin to sprint to hide behind a car.
I look through the car's glass to spot the killer. He isn't charging at me, no, he is just strutting to me nonchalantly. I teleport behind him and begin to hold him in a choke hold. He fights.

A lot.

Scratching my arm. Kicking my leg. Trying to pull on my hair. Fortunately, I am amazing, so I am able to fight through his little fit.

That is until a bomb goes off causing both me and him to fly back.
The bomb isn't from the killer though. It's from S.H.I.E.L.D.

I absorb the chaotic energy that could easily kill the soldier and... "recharge" myself you could say.
Where did he go?
I look around, all I see is dust floating around the air along with fire.

No metal arms, only metal guns being waved around in desperate attempt in finding the killer.
I failed S.H.I.E.L.D.

Oh well. At least I got a good workout in. It's not like I knew the senator anyways. Besides, some people die much younger than they are supposed to.
I learned that the hard way.

Loki jerked his hand away from my grasp which made me let go.

My heart stopped as I watch my brother fall to his death.
I scream after him. I try to rip my cape away from Thor's hands, but my arms feel like butter, making me too weak to do so.

All I can do is watch my brother drift into a black hole.

I want to go back to Asgard. No—I NEED to go back to Asgard.
How could I be so cruel? Leaving people—my brother—in a time of mourning? 

I teleport back to the tower. As my feet touch the ground I catch my breath.
"Eerika! Thank goodness you are alright!" Pepper sighed. I turned around to see Tony, Pepper, and another man I've never met before.
"I must return to Asgard, friends."
I don't give them a chance to reply, for I begin running towards the top of the roof.
No one seems to argue with me, which is good because I am not in the mood for another fight.
"Bring me back." I command.

It takes a few moments for the Bifrost to open.
Before I know it my body is being lifted off the ground as a rainbow-like tube surrounds me.
"Welcome home, princess." Heimdall greets. I give him a nod and storm out of the Bifrost.

Almost all of my anger is taken away at the sight of my home world. Instead of stomping, I speed walk into town.
"Good morning, princess!" A woman says happily. I give my normal smile and nod and continue.
"How I've missed you, princess."
Smile and nod.
"Hello, Daughter of Odin."
Ew. Smile and nod.

I get that sense again.
Bloody hell, I cannot deal with another fight. I'm tired, and I just want sleep.

Warrior mode, activate.
"Stop! Please!" a girl shrieks. 
I hear the scream come from a small-rotting building about 20 feet ahead of me.
So I sprint as fast as I can and kick down the door. I look around, not for too long though. The voice behind the scream is standing right in front of me.
"Please! Get off of me!" The girl attempts in ordering, but the man on top of her doesn't listen.
Neither of them are even acknowledging me, so I decide to announce my presence.
"Hey!" I shout. Both of their heads turn towards me.
"oh shit."
The man mumbles under his breath. He starts to get up and make a run for it, but considering the only way out is the way I went in, there is no way for this man to win. 
I charge at the man and begin throwing punches until he is passed out.
"T-thank you so much princess Eerika." The girl sobs.
She is young, but not a child. Maybe a hundred years younger than me.
"Did he hurt you?" I ask calmly.
The girl is easily a foot smaller than me—sometimes the frost giant blood is annoying. I have a feeling that getting comforted by someone a head taller than you, isn't that comforting.
The girl doesn't answer, instead she nods her head and looks down.
I follow her gaze until I am met with a stab wound on her side.
"Bloody hell." I mumble.
"Don't worry, sweetheart. I will help you."
The girl begins to let out ugly sobs.
"Do you want me to carry you?"
The girl doesn't reply, so I decide to answer for her. I scoop the girl into my arms, carefully, and begin to walk as fast as I can towards the healing room.
"Keep talking with me, sweetheart. What is your name?" I ask between breaths.
"Asta." The girl chokes out. Her hands are clenched to her wound. Blood is dripping all over the two of us.
"Am I going to die?" Asta asks worriedly.

My heart breaks at her words. I don't know why, but I feel something with this girl. Something special...something mischievous.
"No you are not, Asta. I promise you."

Wait? What am I even thinking? Why don't I just teleport the two of us to the healing room.
I do just that.
I feel so weak as readjust to my surroundings. Between holding a 120 pound girl, running, and teleporting, I lost a lot of energy.
"My goodness!" One of the healers says.
"Put her on the operating table, princess."
I follow the healer into one of the rooms.
A bunch of nurses surround her, leaving me blocked from view.
"What happened to Asta?" One of the nurses asks me. They continue to work, as well as listen to what I have to say.
"I heard a scream, so I run towards where it's coming from and find a man laying over her. I think we both know what he was about to do." I say.
"How do you know Asta?" I ask as I continue to take deep breaths.
I really need to work out more.
"She is a nurse here. I'm sorry princess, but you cannot be in her during operation." The healer states. I nod and leave.
I can feel tears brim my eyes.

I don't even know why I'm crying. She was just so defenseless, and I was her only hope.
I wipe the tears out of my eyes and continue on my way home.

Sarah Bolger as Asta Bœsdottir

Sarah Bolger as Asta Bœsdottir

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