Chapter 20

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#sosad cuz I wrote this already and it got deleted. Rip.


"Time to get up, Sleeping Beauty."
A deep voice said causing me to wake up. My eyes fluttered open and I was met with a dark brown eye, and an eyepatch.
"Hello Fury."
I said with a hint of sass.

I sat up and unbuckled my seatbelt.
"Follow me, Eerika."
I must've slept through the jet's landing considering we are on the damn ground. Normally turbulence is strong enough to wake anyone up.
"Where are we?" I asked rubbing my eyes. I sort of forgot everything Phil told me.
"The H.U.B."

Fury led me to a closed door. We waited for a few seconds, a blue light went over both of us.
"It's just scanning us." Fury explained.
"Director Nicolas Fury."
"Unauthorized Personnel"
A feminine, robotic voice said.
"This way."

The two of us walked in silence until we reached an office. A
"Please, have a seat. Drink?"
I nodded at his request and took a seat on a black couch. Fury handed me a glass of some alcoholic liquid.
"With all due respect, sir, why am I here?"
I took a sip of the liquid. It's whisky.

"Miss. Eerika, you've come down to earth six times in the past month. It's safe to assume that you're planning on returning after this visit, correct?"
I nodded. I love earth, even more than Asgard.
"Before your brother, Thor, came down our population have never come in contact with any other species from outer space."

That's not true, but I nodded regardless.

"This causes a bit of panic across the world. Luckily for you, you have proven that you are not a threat—so far— but you cannot land anywhere causing chaos and then walk the streets freely wearing that."
Fury pointed at my outfit.
"Chaos is my middle name."
I took a sip of the whisky.
"Not down here it's not."

Fury walked over to his desk to grab a file. When he came back he handed it to me. Written on the file are the words "SAFE HOUSE" in big, red letters.
"We are glad to welcome you down to earth at any time, but you have to spend a few weeks learning about our rules and culture down here."

I opened the file and the first thing I see is a very high quality painting of a wooden house.
"Not that long ago a...beast...was released into New York, a city here on Earth. That beast happens to have an alter ego named Bruce Banner. The plan was to house him here until he can control his anger, but we ended up deciding against it. He's out of the country right now, leaving the house for other uses."

I flipped the painting, another is revealed.
"It's the most indestructible house on earth. We would like you to stay here until you're crash course has been completed."
I chuckled a bit.
"Fury, you're making this sound like a bad thing. I'd be more than happy to learn about the history of my favourite planet. Is it alright if Pepper and Phil can visit a bit, though?"
Fury shook his head.
"This house needs remain classified. Maybe, just maybe I can sneak Agent Coulson in, but it can't be for long. However, you won't be alone."
I tilted my head.
"Are you coming as well?" I asked.
"No. That house your staying at is one of a kind. You came down around the same time as an American Hero woke up. He'll be staying there trying to get back into the world."

"So if I want to visit earth again, I have to stay in a classified location for several weeks with a man I've never met before, even when I can just return to Asgard with the information and come back when I'm done learning?" I didn't like this idea knowing I'd have to share the experience with a strange man.
"This isn't only for you. Every contact Mr. Rogers has had since he woke up has been bad. It would be nice for him to make a friend. Only he can't know you're not from here..."
I muttered a curse under my breath. This is getting more and more complicated.
"You're going to have a new background. I'll have Agent May explain the details."

Fury pressed his ear and spoke
"Agent May, you're in."

A few moments later a young lady came in. Her hair is as dark as midnight, she had a bright smile on her face. She's stunning.
"Agent May, Eerika. Eerika, Agent May."
Agent May held out her hand for me to shake.
"Please, call me Melinda."
I shook her hand and she led me out the door.
"Fury put me in charge of shopping. I don't really know your style, so I just got what I thought would look good on you."

"I don't know what shopping is, but it must be a time consuming task, and I thank you for going through such troubles to match my"
Melinda nodded as a you're welcome. She opened a door and I walked into the room. There are several bags and some Midgardian clothing laid out on a table.
"I'll leave you to get dressed, and then I'll help you put in your contacts—"
I interrupted her.
"What are contacts?" I asked. Melinda giggled slightly.
"In your case, they'll change your eye colour when they are in."

My eyes? I like my eyes.

Loki liked my eyes...

Melinda left the room and shut the door behind her. I looked at the clothes. On top were two white, small articles of clothing. One was an undergarment, but I didn't know what the other is.
"Lady Melinda!" I called, and she came back in.
"What is this?" I asked holding up the the clothing piece with lacy designs on it.
"Oh god..." she mumbled.
"That's a bra, darling. It supports your breasts." I nodded. It's like a chest plate, but prettier.

Melinda left the room. I removed my amour and began to put the undergarments on. I looked in the big mirror, I liked the way I looked, but I am also slightly disgusted. Loki is written all over me, literally. Any woman who dared to wear such attire would be executed.

I continued putting on the laid out clothing. Tight—yet stretchy, black pants and a long sleeved, loose top that is the exact colour of my cape is what made up my outfit. I called Melinda back in. She entered with a small white box and what seems to be a stick.
"No one on earth has purple eyes. Director Fury doesn't want Mr. Rogers to notice this, so I'm giving you some blue contacts to wear. You take them out when you sleep, and put them in in the morning. I'll show you how to do so."
Melinda had to get a stool to reach my eyes. She scooped a small circle onto the stick and put it in my right eye. I had to blink a bit before the small sting went away, she then put another circle in my other eye.

Melinda explained to me how to put them in and then gave them to me.
"I will have another agent bring your luggage, your amour will remain here until you return. Please, follow me to the jet."

The jet is similar to the one before, only it has a table in a corner. How convenient.
"I have to say, you are one lucky gal. I don't know if you've seen who your staying with, but damn. He is a god."
I scoffed. Mortals must consider anyone gods.
"Lady Melinda, I'd be happy to switch places with you. Believe me."
I stated. I leaned back in the chair and looked at my outfit. I felt so...different.
"I have my own husband at home actually." Melinda smiled.
"Let's not get off topic."

Melinda slid a stack files across the table to me. I opened the top one.
"The 27 Amendments"
Was written at the top.
"Every file has a different topic. By the end, you'll be more educated than the majority of people living on Earth. Also, don't pressure yourself to memorize everything. You aren't being tested, S.H.I.E.L.D just wants you to fit in easier." I let out a big sigh.

This is going to fun.

Thank you all for 300 reads!

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