Chapter 29

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Steve's voice is a combination of both angelic and assertive. So when I hear his deep voice say that he wants to spend minutes alone with me, my legs practically give up.

I can hear Loki's voice in the back of my mind say:
"You're really letting this worthless mortal, capture your heart?"
I've become used to hearing his voice, and sometimes I listen to it. But not now.
Whatever Steve's wants to say to me, I am prepared to listen.
"Yes, Steven?" I am almost positive that Steve is a nickname for Steven, so I called him Steven for a quick inner laugh. Steve didn't seem to notice or he just didn't care.
"I just wanted to say, that it was lovely meeting you. I was assuming that being locked away in a house would be boring, but that was before I knew I was going to meet the silliest, wittiest, and strongest girl I've ever met. I know that we've kissed several times, and I don't know what it means to you, but if you ever get the chance, maybe we can...I don't know...maybe...grab something to eat?"

Oh no.

Dear Odin, please just kill me now.

Loki, please tell me what to do. If you're listening. I know we used to joke about having twin telepathy, but now would be a really good time to make that joke into a reality.
"Just tell him the truth."
My conscience said in Loki's voice. God, I'm beginning to hate my mind.
Again, it's Loki's voice.
I miss him to much to ignore it. Even if I know it isn't him, it still makes me feels better when I do what I think he would want me to do.
"Steve...I don't think you and I would really 'work out.' Don't get me wrong, you're a amazing man, and I have developed some feelings for you, but if you do have feelings for me...they aren't exactly...for me."
Steve's face after I finish, is enough to tear me apart. His face goes from hopeful to disappointment. And it's my fault.

"What do you mean, Erika? I feel something between us. I really do. Please, just give me a chance."
I didn't want to make eye contact. I kept my head down and fiddled with the hem of my shirt.
"Another reason this wouldn't work out is my older brother would literally electrocute you." I had to stifle a laugh. If Thor found out I ever kissed someone he would first kill whoever the lucky recipient is, then yell at me for years on end. Loki would do the same, then ask questions about it.
It annoys me that they are so overprotective. They don't see me going on and on about them about Lorelei.

Yes. My brothers dated, and had some private intercourse with the same woman.

"If holding him off means I can spend more time with you, I'd do it."
"There's no way you can hold him off. He's...lets just say god-like."
There was a long pause of silence between us before I spoke up.
"I'm sorry Steve. I really am. How about you go give Peggy a call. I'm sure she'd love to go out with a man like you." I smiled. I may or may not have read his mind awhile ago. But when someone cries in the middle of the night, I can't help but want to give them happy memories. So I searched for a happy memory, and saw him and a lovely lady named Peggy kissing, so I put it back in his head so his nightmares would cease. It worked, as expected.

"How did you know about Peggy?" Steve asks with a deep voice. I get chills whenever he lowers his voice.
"I have to go Steve." I say to get out of the situation.

If I didn't know any better, I would guess that Steve doesn't like the idea because instead of letting me go on my way, he quickly grabs my wrists and pushes me to the couch. Both the shock in the impact cause me to let out a gasp of air.
"I will only ask this one last time. How do you know about Peggy?" Steve asked, but it sounded more like a statement that I was being forced to reply to.

I could probably take Steve out right here, but he'd wake up hating me.

He probably already does. I've lied to him a lot. I almost want him to find out, just so I don't have to live with the burden on my chest, but at the same time, he likes me.

And I like him.

"I can't sleep at night sometimes, so I go into the kitchen to crush things. It makes me feel better. Well anyways, I heard you talking in your sleep, and I heard you mention something about Peggy and that you're sorry for missing your dance." I lie.
Another lie to add to the list.

Looking into Steve's eyes I just want to kiss him. But I have things to do and places to be.
But his breath against my cheek is warm and intoxicating.
Come on. I'm the goddess of chaos and a simple breath his affecting me.
"Get off of me." I command.
Steve doesn't listen.
"I said get off!" this time I break out of his grasp and leave. 


Lots of guilt.

I can feel the energy shatter, as something from inside the house breaks. Maybe glass? I can never tell. But I want to do the same.
I clench my fists.
Bloody Hell am I mad. I just want to go battle. I'm blood thirsty.

Not here.

"There you are Eerika! Mr. Stark is waiting for you back at the tower. Get in the jet, wheels up in five." Phil states as he rips of his sunglasses. I give him a glare, but he doesn't seem to notice as he just walks back into the jet.
"I want to go back to Asgard." I mumble as I walk in.

Phil heard me and whips his head around.
"Don't you want to see Tony or Pepper?" Phil asks. I angrily nod.


About forty minutes later Phil and I land on top of Tony's building. As I get off I notice Phil stays behind.
"Aren't you coming, Son of Coul?" I ask with my head tilted.
"You go ahead, I'm working on this new project and I am going to see how my subjects did."
"What's the project?" I ask.
"I'm not supposed to say, but it's basically how to bring someone back from the dead. Let's leave it at that." Phil gives me a wink and I leave the jet.

I walk into the building and follow the path that J.A.R.V.I.S led me down the last time I was here.
"Pepper? Tony?" I shout as I exit the portal...or umm...elevator is it?
"Mr. Stark is currently down in the lab, Ms. Eerika. Miss Potts is currently at a meeting. Shall I inform Mr. Stark of your arrival?" J.A.R.V.I.S asks. I jump at the sound of his's so unusual.
"Yes." I answer.

It doesn't take very long before I hear footsteps running up from somewhere. I turn to where the sound is and see Tony.
"Sir—I mean Tony!" I run up to him and give him a quick hug.
"Hey there, spruce! How's my favorite goddess?" Tony hugs back. He is sweaty, and his hair is a mess. He looks like he hasn't been sleeping.
"I could be better. At least I'm more educated. Now I can return here as much as I'd like." I state happily.

I've made many friends here on Midgard. It would be a shame, and make me terribly sad if I were to never see them again.

"So Eerika, are you excited to see your family again?" I eagerly nod.
"I miss my older brother. I haven't seen him in over a month so he is bound to miss me as much as I miss him. I cannot wait to return home and see him again." I answer. Tony seems satisfied with my answer.

Tony leads me to a couch and we sit down to continue our conversation.
"What about you, Stark? How is your family?" I ask. I never asked Tony about his family, but I'd love to hear about them.
"Well" Tony scratches the back of his neck.
I can sense it. He's upset. He lost someone.
"The closest thing I have to a family is Pepper and my friend James Rhodey, or Rhodes. You see—my parents where in an accident a few decades ago." Tony opens his mouth to say more, but he can't bring himself to speak.
"It's alright Tony. You don't have to explain." I place my hand on his shoulder to comfort him.
"I am so sorry, Tony. I truly am. It's absolutely terrible that you had to go through such a traumatic loss."
After a minute Tony shrugs it off.
"Nah, don't worry about it. I've done pretty well on my own."

Tony and I spend almost three hours talking about ourselves. Not in a bragging type of way, but to get to know each other better. In fact, now I'd consider him one of my best friends. Not only on Midgard, but anywhere. I can trust him.

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