Chapter 18

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Eerika is quickly progressing. All of her wounds are healed and Asta used magic to make most of her scars fade. Some where cut so deep, that even magic can't fix them. They'll last forever. Sif is acting as her personal trainer to help get her back on the field.
It's only been a week since her outburst, but she is already stronger than before. She says she uses her anger to fuel her power. There is one major thing different about her though: she can teleport with people.

For example: if she was holding onto someone's hand when teleporting, they would teleport with her. There is a catch though, she loses energy. And a lot of it.

The Bifrost has been rebuilt. I beg Heimdall to allow me to see Jane, but he says she is busy with S.H.I.E.L.D and pursuing her work. Eerika on the other hand, is free to go wherever she pleases because of the friends she made down there. She claims she is going to visit them today, which I don't really like.

To keep her from leaving, I guard her room without her knowing. Her door opening startles me a tad.
"Thor? What are you doing here?"
She began to walk past me and I followed.
"What? I can't wait outside my favourite sister's door?" I asked sarcastically.
"No, you can't. Now if you excuse me, I'm getting off this planet." She said. She began to teleport, but I grabbed her arm causing me to go with her.

When she landed she was gasping for breath.
"Bloody hell!" She screamed at me.
"Eerika, it is unwise to leave."
She ignored me and stormed to the entrance of the new Bifrost.
"Brother, Loki died here. My father died here. Everyone I hate is here. I want to leave for awhile."
I didn't argue any longer. There's no stopping her anymore. I growled a bit under my breath and stormed away.



"Heimdall, take me to Midgard." I commanded.
Without a word, Heimdall nodded and opened the Bifrost. Because of how new it is it takes a bit longer for the dark magic to cure, but I arrived on earth nonetheless. Specifically, on top of Stark tower.

Immediately when I landed security came and surrounded me.
"Who are you?" One guard said.
"Where did you come from?"
"Put your hands up where we can see them!"

I was getting more and more questions and commands by guards. I guess Tony and Pepper never told them about me.
"Stand down."
A robotic voice commanded.
"Who's there?" I asked. I didn't see anyone other than the guards.

All of the guards put their weapons down and went back to their original spots.
"Miss. Eerika, I am J.A.R.V.I.S. Mr. Stark isn't here at the moment, but Miss. Potts is in her office. She is currently eating lunch, would you like me to request your visit?"

I didn't understand a word he just said, but I nodded anyways.
"Miss. Potts has permitted your visit. I will guide you to her office."
I stood flabbergasted at all of the advanced technology Stark has.

J.A.R.V.I.S directed me to these teleportation devises he calls "elevators." It's like a maze trying to navigate through all of these doors, but after 10 minutes I reached Pepper's office.
"Eerika! What a wonderful surprise! J.A.R.V.I.S, push all of today's meetings to tomorrow. Same time."
"Will do, Miss. Potts." Pepper opened her arms and gave me a big hug, which I gladly returned.
"Greetings, Lady Pepper." I said with a smile. Pepper grasped my arms and began to pull me along.
"How have you been? You look different? New diet?"
I frowned for a few seconds when she asked how I've been. I've only let my feelings out to Thor, I almost want to have Pepper consult me. Almost.
"I've been okay. More importantly, how are you and Sir Tony? You two are absolutely my favourite couple." I semi-squealed.
I love "love stories." I've always wanted me and my future lover to have a romantic story to tell our children. I just haven't found the right man yet.
"Tony and I are running a company together!I'm mostly doing the heavy lifting, but his brain comes into great use every once in awhile. He is obsessed with making those suits. I guarantee he is making one right now." Pepper places her hand on a panel and it opens, revealing the lounge area I rested in when I first came to the tower.
"I'll call Tony over! I'm sure he'd love to see you. J.A.R.V.I.S?"
"On it."
Pepper pours two glasses of wine and sits me on a couch.
"Can you also invite Phil, son of Coul?"
I ask. I miss Phil, next to Thor, he is one of my favourite guys to be around.
"Anything for you, darling. J.A.R.V.I.S?"
"On it."
I look around trying to find this Jarvis that has been talking to me.
"Lady Pepper, where is Jarvis?"
I place my wine on a coaster and stand up trying to find him.
"J.A.R.V.I.S is just a program that Tony made. He's sort of our assistant. Like SIRI. He's not an actual person, but he is everywhere. He'll answer to you if you ever need him. He can practically do anything."
Without even thinking I ask:
"Can he bring people back from the dead?"

I enterally slap myself for asking such a question. I sit down and sip on my wine trying to play it off.
" everything alright, Eerika?"
Before I can answer, a bell saved me.
Pepper and I turn to the direction where the bell came from to see a metal man.
"Stand back Lady Pepper! I'll protect you!"
I draw out my sword and begin to charge at the man.
"Woah! Calm down Mulan!"
The man moved out of the way which causes me to crash into the wall, forming a dent.
I turn around, the metal man is taking his head off. It's Tony!
"Sorry, Stark. I didn't know that was you."
I walk towards him and give him a quick hug.
"Eerika, I was just talking about him making the suits earlier. What did you think I was talking about?"
The front of Tony's metal armor folded to the back of it, and he stepped out.
"That suit."
I say pointing at Tony's black formal wear. This caused Tony and Pepper to laugh.

"How about we go out for dinner. Italian? Pepper? Eerika?"
I tilt my head.
"Who is Italian?"

The bell behind me rings once again. The doors open and Phil walks in.
"Eerika? I didn't know you were back!"
I smile at the sight of my Phil and give him a big hug.
"I just got here!"
Tony clears his throat.
"What the hell is he doing in my building." Tony asks.
"My building." Pepper corrects. She joins our hug for a few seconds before we all let go.
"Phil, you like Italian?" Pepper asks.
"Love it! But I'm afraid I cannot stay."
Pepper frowns
"Why?" She asks.
Phil rips the windows on his face off.
"Eerika! When you left Director Fury sent out a request to all S.H.I.E.L.D agents. He wants you in immediately."

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