Chapter 30

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I couldn't contain my laughter as Eerika finished her story. I'm a grown man laughing my ass off with a space girl at one o'clock in the morning with dairy free ice cream on my face.
"Okay, so your twin turned you into what?" I stifled out. Laughing this hard is a workout, but it's a good workout. Being Iron Man requires much more strength than you'd think.
"A frog! He turned me into a fucking frog!" She laughed out.
"When did you get such a mouth, sailor?" I said trying to catch my breath. A tear of joy ran down my face. I used my thumb to wipe it away.
"The past month. Phil gave me a list of curses."
"Who?" I asked.
"Agent Son of Coul!"

I just shook off the question.

"So Tony, What is the worst thing that ever happened to you? And be honest." Eerika asked.
"I thought I already answered this question." I stated, but I thought back. I guess I didn't tell her.
"I guess the worst thing that happened to me is also the best. I was kidnapped awhile back. During a presentation I was attacked and had shrapnel, a type of bullet, trying to make its way to my heart. A doctor was able to safe me by putting this-"
I tapped on my arc reactor.
"Where the bullets are. It's a strong add magnet, and it's keeping me alive. Anyways, you know how I used to build weapons? Well they wanted me to make them some in return for my freedom. Instead of making them what they wanted, I made a metal suit that is bulletproof and can shoot out fire and bullets. When I got home all I could think about is how other people are being affected by terrorists, and how defenseless they are. So I decided to make a new suit. And another. And another, now we are here."
Eerika's eyes are fixated on my arc reactor.
"It's rude to stare, Mulan."
Eerika seemed to snap out of her gaze, or trance, or whatever the hell she was doing.
"Sorry, man of iron, I was wondering what that light was on your chest, but I didn't want to be rude and ask."

I didn't have to ask what the wort moment of Eerika's life is. I already know it's the death of her brother, although she's not admitting her feelings, she just isn't HAPPY happy.
"Who do you hate most?" I ask her. I doubt I'd know whoever it is, but it's still an interesting question. I'll probably forget the answer, but hey! Bonding time.
"My adoptive father." Eerika answers almost immediately.

Ouch, that must hurt him.
"I was raised as a princess. Who can complain? I had everything a person could want growing up. Beautiful dresses, succulent food, the beat weapons money could buy. I was basically spoiled. Except I never had a father figure. Sure I called him father, but he never cared about me like he did with my older brother. Loki and I, we were just...left in the dust."
"Me too." I answered almost immediately.

I couldn't hold back the urge to tell her about my father.
"Pops was more fascinated with Agent Carter and Captain America than me. He'd take me to a ball game once a year, maybe buy me a train set—but yeah, I didn't get the attention I needed growing up. If you're wondering, I the person I hate the most is Captain America. He never did anything wrong to me, it's just that—he's the son my father wanted to have but didn't get."

I kept my head down as I spoke. The only thing that caused me to look back up is Eerika's hand on my shoulder.
"If it means anything, Tony, I can tell for a fact that you're father would be proud of the man you are today. Hell, I met you a month ago, and I'm already extremely proud of you. You are a hero for Odin's sake!" Eerika exclaimed.

I'm not crying. No. My eyes are just getting foggy.
I don't think anyone has ever told me that they were proud of me.
"Thank you Eerika."
I pull her in for a hug, she returns the favour.

"Sorry to interrupt you, Gilmore girls, but I need to have a one on one conversation with Miss. Eerika over here." A deep voice said from behind me. I immediately knew who it is.
"I need to put a bell on you, Director." I said as I pulled away form the hug. I turn around to see Nick Fury in the same outfit he always wears.
"Hah hah." Fury says unamused.
"I'll be right back, Tony."

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