Chapter 11

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Eerika's POV:

The next morning I went to visit Fandrall. We didn't talk about much. I just told him I would be going down to Midgard to visit Thor. He told me to be careful and I left.

Right now I was walking to the Bifrost. When I arrived Heimdall bowed and asked me where I would like to go.
"Can you send me down to Midgard—to where Thor is." Heimdall led me into the Bifrost.
"You must dress differently. Midgardians are very precise. If they see someone looking different, they are bound to lose their minds."
I nodded at Heimdall's words. I knew what Midgardians wore, they had outfits that an Asgardian would never dream to wear.
I conjured myself to appear Midgardian.

Heimdall placed turned the sword and I was sent off to Midgard. I landed outside of a town that had many electronic carriages zooming around.

I didn't land near Thor which meant I had to go find him. I figured Heimdall didn't want to draw attention to me, so he sent me to the outside of the city.

As I made my way into the city, a lot of people were giving me weird glances. I didn't understand why, though. I dressed like them, my hair was styled like them, and I didn't have any weapons on me. Regardless I went on my way until I hit a small building with a lot of windows surrounding it. I looked inside and I saw my brother with three other Midgardians. I smiled at the sight of him.

I opened the door and a bell rang which startled me. I turned around in defense but relaxed when it stopped. I went over to Thor and stood behind his shoulder. A young female with windows on her face stared at me.
"Hey, uhh, buddy you got an incredibly attractive woman behind yah."
Thor turned around and when he saw me he jumped out of his chair.
"My lovely sister! How I've missed you!"
Thor wrapped his arms around me, I did the same. He picked me off the ground and swayed me from side to side, but quickly stopped.
"Sorry, I forgot you didn't like it when I did that..."
I just laughed.
"It's okay brother, now is an exception."
I used all my strength to pick him up and spin him around. The three people he was sitting with gasped in shock.

"Where are my manners? My name is Eerika, I'm Thor's sister."
I held out my hand for the man to kiss, but he only shook it. Was that not a thing here?

"My sister, this is Doctor Erik Selvic. Isn't it humorous that you have similar names? This one here is Darcy, and her name is Jane."
I noticed that Thor kept his eyes on Jane as he spoke. He never looked at a girl like this before.
"Lady Darcy, Lady Jane, how wonderful it is to meet you, both. Any friend of my brothers is a friend of mine."
I nodded my head at them and I smiled. They continued to have confused and shocked looks on their face.

"Have you come to bring me home, sister?"
Thor asked me with beaming eyes of hope.
"I'm only allowed to visit you, brother, but I promise you will return to Asgard soon."
That was something I really shouldn't have promised. I hope Loki will come to his senses and bring our brother home. Thor frowned a bit.
"Well, thank you for coming to see me sister, it always makes me happy to see you and your beaming eyes."
The girl with windows on her face spoke up.
"Her eyes? Woah holy fudge they are purple!"
"Who is fudge and why is he holy?"
I asked, but the two women just laughed in response.

A young woman came to the table Thor and the other three were sitting at and gave Thor a plate of eggs, bacon, and a mug full of some strange liquid.

I pulled a chair over and watched as Thor chowed down on his bacon and eggs. After a few bites he took a drink from the mug.
"Sister, try this drink, it's very good."
I took a sip and I gagged immediately.
"Too bitter."
Thor shook his head.
"No, it's perfect. Another!"
He slammed the mug on the floor. And Jane gasped.
"Sorry it was a little accident." Jane seethed through her teeth. I watched as she went to pick it up.
"What was that?" She growled at him.
"It was delicious I want another." Thor said nonchalantly.
"Well you could've just asked."
"I did!"
"No I mean, nicely."
Thor threw his hands up in the air. "I meant no disrespect."
I opened my mouth to speak.
"This May be different for you on Midgard, but on Asgard when a king or a prince wants more liquid, then they smash their glass on the floor and a servant will bring them more. I am sorry for any inconvenience, Lady Jane." I put my hand on her shoulder to show that I am being sincere. She took a deep breath.
"Alright, just no more smashing things. Deal?"

I looked up at my brother. He was again gazing into her eyes as if she was the only one on the planet.
"You have my word." He gave her a soft smile.

I placed my hand on his hand to send a message to his mind.
'is my brother developing feelings for a mortal?"
Thor looked over at me and just rolled his eyes playfully.

A few man came in and started talking about a crater. Jane and Erik listened in, but I had no interest. I just wanted to know what my brother was thinking.
"Oh god, this is goin' on Facebook. Smile!"
Darcy held up a small rectangular box. I didn't know what it was, but I leaned into my brother and smiled.

The men that came in must've grabbed Thor's attention because he went up to them and asked where something heavy was. Could it be Mjolnir?
"I am sorry sister, but I must hasten 50 miles west from here. I will return soon. Tell Mother, Father, and Loki that I love and miss them for me."
Thor walked over to me and kissed my forehead.

"Thor, I cant exactly do that. I really need to tell you some things."
Thor ignored me. He just patted my back and stormed out of the door. Jane followed him.

"So you have another brother that is single and ready to mingle?"
Darcy asked me with a constipated look on her face.
"I do Lady Darcy, but I think Loki would despise you greatly. You mustn't lose hope, you are a beautiful woman, I'm sure you will find a brilliant man to lead you to your glory."
I nodded my head at them and teleported to where I landed earlier.

This did not go as planned at all. I guess it would be better to tell Thor the news when he is back on Asgard. I just hope he can get Mjolnir and return home as soon as he can.
"Heimdall, bring me back."

The Bifrost surrounded me and I was lifted off the ground.

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