Chapter 8

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Eerika's POV:

All eight of us landed in the Bifrost, Fandrall fell right to the floor when his feet touched the ground. I quickly helped him up, Hogun and Volstagg came over to help his friend as well.
Thor had a furious look on his face as he stormed towards our father.
"Why did you bring us back?"
Thor asked, but it sounded more of a statement that he expected a reply to.

"Do you realize what you've done? What you've just started?"
Father began to pace around the room.

"I was protecting my home!" Thor claimed, even though he should've known that the frostgiants wouldn't play nice.
Father's eyes made contact to Fandrall's stab wound, and Volstagg's frostbite—speaking of which, I was still shocked that my arm turned blue instead of black.
"You cannot even protect your friends!" Odin pointed at Fandrall and Volstagg.
"How can you hope to protect a kingdom?" Father spat at Thor.
"Get him to a healing room, now!"
Father commanded, I began to help carry Fandrall, but Loki came over to stop me.
"We have to stand up for Thor in case something goes south. Stay here, sister."
I looked at Fandrall and he gave me a look of approval and I nodded. I stood near Loki, with my hand on his arm. I noticed that part of his sleeve was burned off, but I couldn't question it—yet.
"There won't be a kingdom to protect if you're afraid to act."
I knew that Thor was going to cause some real family trouble. I had to get him to stop before he made it worse.
"Thor! Listen to father, he-"
"Silence, sister!"
I looked down at the ground.
"The Jothuns must learn to fear me, just as they once feared you."
Under my grasp I could feel Loki's arm flex when Thor said the word "jothuns."

"That's pride and vanity talking, not leadership. You've forgotten everything I've taught you. About a warriors patience."

"While you wait and be patient, the nine realms laugh at us. The old ways are done. You'd stand giving speeches while Asgard falls."

Father puffed out his chest and he shouted as loud as he could
"You are a vain, greedy, cruel boy!"

Thor's neck tightened.
"And you are an old man and a fool!"

At Thor's words father's face dropped. Slowly, he looked down at the ground. His grip on his staff weakened as his voice lowered.
"You're right. I was a think you were ready."

Ready for what? Ready to be king? Father couldn't really be thinking what I'm thinking.

Loki yanked his arm away from mine and stepped towards our father.
"Father-" Loki began, but Odin did NOT want to hear what he had to say.
Father pointed at Loki, therefore silencing him. Loki cowered back towards me. He held out his arm for me to hold, which I did.

"Thor have betrayed the express command of your king. Through your arrogance and have opened these peaceful realms and innocent lives to the horror...and desolation of war!"
Father lifted up his staff and aimed it at Thor. I got worried that he would hurt Thor so I went to protect Thor, but Loki held me back.
Instead of striking Thor, father opened the Bifrost which confused me.

"You are unworthy of these realms."
Father stepped up to Thor and grasped onto to metals that represented different realms and ripped them off Thor's amour.
"You are unworthy of your title!"
Odin then ripped Thor's red cape off and threw it to the ground.
"You're unworthy..."
Odin screamed at Thor and looked at Loki and I who were both quivering together.
"...of the loved ones you have betrayed."

Odin walked back up to where his staff is. He turned around and held his hand out.
"I now take from you, your power."
Mjolnir went flying into father's hand.
"In the name of my father, and his father before."
It was at that point, I knew Thor was damned. Powers from the old allfathers and allmothers were not only the greatest honour to receive, but they gave you a lot of energy. Thor's leather sleeve's went falling off.

"I Odin Allfather cast you out!"
Father used Mjolnir to hit Thor with a lightening blast. Thor went flying out and into the Bifrost. Loki and I couldn't do anything but watch as Thor disappeared.
I let go of Loki's hand to try and follow Thor, but Loki stopped me.
"Let go, brother!"
I reached my hand out to the Bifrost, but it closed before I could touch it.

"Sister, we need to go."
Loss and guilt filled my body. Thor, my beloved brother, is banished from Asgard.

Loki pulled me along until we reached the end of the rainbow bridge.
"I know you're upset, sister, but something happened in Jothunehim and I just need to test something."
I cleared my throat and stood up straight. Even though I was upset about Thor, Loki seems really shaken about whatever happened.
"What is it, brother?"

Loki opened his mouth to say something, but it quickly closed. He opened his mouth again to stammer out
"A frostgiant grabbed my arm, and it didn't burn me. My skin turned blue..."
My eyes widened at his words, the same thing happened to him that he did to me.
"Brother, the same thing happened to me. When I was pinned down a giant grasped my arm, and my skin immediately changed tones."
Loki didn't say anything. His eyes widened in disbelief at my words. He grabbed my arm and started to pull me along until we reached the vault.

When we reached the vault the guards turned to us and bowed.
"Leave us."
I commanded and the guards got into a line formation and left, bowing their heads to me and my brother as they left.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Loki?
Loki nodded in response. Instead of holding onto my arm he held my hand. He squeezed it so tight I thought he'd break it.

My brother pulled me to the end of the fault until we reached the Casket of Ancient Winters. With his hand still in mine he grasped onto one side of the casket and I grasped the other side.
"Pick it up on the count of three."
Loki said. Both of our hands were already starting to turn blue.



Both of us picked up the casket in sync and immediately our entire bodies turned blue.

We are frostgaints.

I am a monster.

Pepper better be the one to save Tony.

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