Chapter 14

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"I'm going to summarize what you just said to make sure you and I are on the same page, Sir Fury. You want me to join your team of heroes that so far include a frozen man and Mr. Stark, so when you need us we can fight the battles that normal people cannot?" Fury shrugged at my summary and nodded.
"Sir, with all do respect, how do you even know I have the skills that your team requires?" I asked. Fury has never met me before today, he doesn't know who I am or what I can do. I can assure I am more qualified to fit than anyone else, but he doesn't know that.
"I have Dr. Selvic to thank for that. He studies Norse mythology, which is what you are. We have textbooks about you and your brothers, you are very popular around here. Some even fantasize about you."
I cringed at his last statement. Ew.
"This is all happening too fast, you'll need to give me time to consider."
Fury sighed.
"I don't like waiting, Eerika, but I'll give you 48 hours to decide, starting now."
I nodded and walked away. I think it's time for me to go home.


As soon as I stepped out of the Bifrost Loki started yelling at me.
"I allowed you to greet the girl, not make new friends with government!" I had to contain my eye rolling.
"Loki, you cannot tell me what I can do!" I screamed back.
"The hell I can! I am your king, sister!"
I pushed him back.
"Then start acting as such!"
I teleported into my chambers.

Loki has been acting different these last couple of months, but now it is going too far.

I rung a bell and not long after a knock was heard at my door.
"Princess? You rung?"
I opened the door, a young maiden was standing in front of me.
"Yes, fetch me Lady Sif and the Warriors Three. Also, set up a small banquet for four folks. Dismissed."
The young lady bowed her head at me and scurried away.

I put on my amour and grabbed my sword, bow and arrows, and shield. I don't know what I'll have to do to get Thor back home, but Loki cannot be king anymore. It's honestly a pain.

Outside of the dining room, I could hear Fandrall screaming at Volstagg for eating too much. When I opened the door, everybody silenced.
"Hello, Eerika." Volstagg smiled at me when I walked in.
"Hello, my dear friends. I have gathered you up today to-"
"We need to bring Thor home! Please! I know you love your brother, but he is a terrible king!"

Sif basically screamed. Everyone was taken back by her—including myself. She was never one to speak badly against royalty.
"What did he do that was so bad, Sif?"
I tilted my head. Sure he won't let Thor return, and he's being kind of a bitch to me about it, but he hasn't done anything to them.
"He went to Jothunehim and he refuses to say what he did there, he won't allow Heimdall to transport anyone anywhere, and he won't allow his own brother to return home! He hasn't done anything good, anyways. It's not like we are losing anything special..."

I paused for a moment, processing everything she said.
"He went to Jothunehim?"
Why didn't he tell me this! I'm his sister, and one of his only friends. I deserve to know this.

The four of them nodded.
"Get down to Midgard. Bring Thor home, no matter what it takes. That's an order. I will handle my brother."

My friends nodded at me and they ran out of the room. Volstagg stayed behind for a moment.
"It's been a while, darling. I was starting to think you forgot about me."
Fandrall slowly walked over to me with a smile on his face.
"What can I say? I'm a busy lady."
I smirked and placed my hand on his wide arm.
"I—can I kiss you?" Fandrall asked as he leaned closer to me. I nodded with a small grin.
Fandrall connected his lips with mine for a quick few seconds. My eyes were open the entire time. Pretty decent kiss, but I didn't really feel anything, no fireworks, no butterflies, no nothing.
We pulled back and smiled at each other once more.
"Go join your friends."
Fandrall nodded and ran off to Lady Sif and the rest of the warriors Three.

I have Loki to deal with. I truly hope this is all a misunderstanding. My friends were never very fond of my brother.

My first guess was he'd be in his chambers. I could hear the Bifrost activate from inside the castle, I forgot how loud it is for bystanders. Of course, Loki wasn't in there. My next guess is the throne room. He loved to soak in the glory of being king, but again, he isn't in there either.
Not in the library.
Not in Odin and Mother's chambers.
Not in the stables.

The Bifrost went off again. Heimdall would never use too much dark magic at the same time, Loki must've activated it. Perhaps he's going down to Midgard to stop my friends.

I took a deep breath and teleported to the Bifrost. It took a load out of me, so I had to take several breaths to slow my heartbeat down.
When I looked up I was faced with a frozen Heimdall.

Definitely Loki. Only him and I had the power to wield the casket.
Out of nowhere a gust of cold air hit me.
The question still remains, is Loki on Midgard—if he isn't—who used to Bifrost?

Panic surged through my body. Where is Loki? Are there frostgiants on Asgard? Is Odin safe?


I didn't have enough energy to teleport back to the palace, so I have to run. With the little strength I have, I sprint to the palace. A trail of ice is leading up the stairs and into Odin's chambers. A green cape followed behind. If Loki was going to do something good, I didn't want to blow his cover.

I snuck behind him and watched his every move, trying not to get caught. I watched as Laufey, my father, went into the room. I could hear him fight mother, but she failed. Just when I thought I had to go in to stop a murder, Loki shot his scepter at Laufey, killing him.
"And your death came at the hand of the son of Odin." He said proudly.
I sighed in relief.
"Brother!" I ran up to him and hugged him from behind. At first he was shocked, but he melted into it. Mother joined.
"You saved him, Loki." Mother stated. All of us continued our embrace.
"Brother, I am so proud of you." I praised.
Loki retracted from the hug and kissed my forehead.
"I swear to you, sister..." Loki gripped my arm tightly.
"They will pay for what they have done today."
A deep voice said. I could easily identify it, it's my older brother, Thor.
Mother ran to Thor and hugged him.
"I knew you'd return to us."
I stayed with Loki. He had a terrified look on his face. I've lived with my twin for over fourteen hundred years, and never have I seen him so worried.

Thor had his hand tight on his hammer as he walked towards us.
"Why don't you tell mother and Eerika how you sent the destroyer to kill our kill me!"
My face dropped. Loki couldn't have! He loves us...
I asked.

"Well I must've been enforcing fathers last command." Loki said. He took his hand off my arm and started to back up. He was powering up his scepter.
I ran over to mother.
"I need to get you out of here, mother."

"You're a talented liar, brother, you always have been." Thor growled.
"It's good to have you back. Now if you excuse me, I have to destroy Jothunehim,"
Loki shot his scepter at Thor, sending him flying into the wall, and out of the castle.

"Come on, mother!"
I pulled Freya along with me. Guards were already running towards the chambers to see what the loud fire was caused from.
"Guards, take your queen to safety. Don't let her out of your sight."

I ran back into the room, but nobody was in there except for Odin. I looked out of the hole in the wall that Loki caused. He was riding his horse to the Bifrost.

He is going to freeze end our home world, Jothunehim.

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