Chapter 32

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Looking around, I feel out of place. Like I'm a new kid at school, or like I'm going to someone's house for the first time.
The castle is all the same, yet so different.
I don't even know how to describe it, it just doesn't...feel right.
"Sister?" a deep voice said behind me.
It's not even a question on who's voice is speaking to me. It's obviously Thor.

I whip my body around and run towards my older brother, embracing myself onto his body.
"I've missed you." Thor whispers.
"Brother, I am so terribly sorry for leaving you at such a sad time. It was no doubt a selfish action, and there is no way express the amount of remorse that I feel."
I felt Thor kiss the top of my head. That's his way of saying "apology excepted."
"Come on, Ive been waiting to kick your ass for a month."
Thor pulled me under his arm and began to rub my head with his knuckles.
"You mean you've been waiting for me to kick your ass for over a month!" I corrected.
I pulled myself away from his arms and instead, I simply grasp his arm in my hand. Like I always do.
"When have you EVER beat me in a fight, sister?" Thor asks with a big hardy laugh at the end.
"I just go easy on you." I tease.
"Yeah right." Thor scoffs.
I smirk a bit and kick the back of Thor's knees with my foot that is closest to him.
When Thor falls down to his knees I kick his chest plate so he falls back.
"You took me by surprise." Thor groans. I smirk in satisfaction before helping him back to his feet.
"Never let your guard down." I muse.
"Y'know, if I had a gold coin for every time you said that, I'd be the richest man in existence."
I began to hum. The songs that the mortal's preform are very catchy, and they keep on getting suck on my head.
"So, sister, how was your trip to Midgard? How is Jane doing? Is she well? Does she miss me?" Thor asked with a bit of sparkle in his eyes. I didn't have the heart to tell him I didn't see Jane.
"She couldn't stop talking about you. She wants to know when you'll visit her again."I lie easily. Lying is like second nature for me, and I can make it believable.
"I think I found my best friend down there—next to Lady Sif, of course. His name is Tony Stark, and he is the funniest, smartest, strangest man I've ever met. He has a girlfriend named Pepper, who I also grew very fond of. Oh! How could I forget my dear friend Phil, Son of Coul."

"Did anyone hurt you?"

I hesitated before speaking.

"You know, I'll just be honest. There was I stayed with." Before I could continue Thor stopped in his tracks.
"I swear on Odin's beard if he hurt you I will go down and kill him with my bare hands." I smiled at his offer, but shook my head.
"He wasn't allowed to know that I am a goddess, or that I am not from earth. He fell for me, but not the actual me. And I for him. He was...just perfect."

"If I remember correctly, weren't you the one teasing me about falling in love with a mortal?" I playfully slapped his chest, but ended up hitting my hand on one of the round plates on his armor. Pretty sure that one in particular represents Nidaviller
"What is his name, sister?" Thor asks with a big smile on his face.

"Steve." I say softly.

"Well, for whatever it's worth, if Steve were to meet the real you, I'm sure he'd fall for you again."

"Thank you, brother."

In the training field were several soldiers, obviously trying to get a workout in. In the corner a spark caught my eye.

It's Lady Sif sharpening her sword.
"My friend!" I call out. I immediately leave Thor's side and run to her. Once she notices me she stands up and catches me into her embrace.
"I'd love a warning next time you decide to leave for a month, Eerika." Sif teases. I can feel my ribs crack in her embrace.
"Sorry, I sort of had a melt down."

"I was so shocked to find out the strongest woman in the universe stayed in her room for a week sobbing her eyes out."
After her comment I immediately pulled away from the hug.

"I had to watch my brother die!"
I screamed at her, although what she said wasn't necessary 'mean' it still hurt to hear that she thinks I cannot feel sadness.

"I understand, it's just you weren't sad when Ketill died, he was like a brother to you. Was he not?" Sif said tilting her head.

"Don't bring up Ketill." I warned.

I don't even want to think about what happened to that brave soldier, the pain her endured is enough to make someone pass out just from watching.

And I had to watch.

"I'm sorry. I went too far. Please, I don't wish to start an argument." I nodded a your welcome and paced back to Thor—who looks bored out of his mind.

"So what did I miss here on Asgard?" I try to strike up a conversation.

"Mother is still grieving, father has set up new defense systems, nothing important." Thor answers casually.

The two of us begin to prepare ourselves for battle. While Thor may be a lot bigger than me, I have a bit of super strength once again, making us even.

Just as I finish braiding my hair back I notice the pager that Nick Fury gave me is still attached to my thigh strap. I take it off so I don't break it.

"What is that?" my brother asks.

"It's how earth will contact me if they ever need my help." I respond.

Thor and I get into a sparring stance and wait to see who makes the first move.

As usual, it's me.

When Thor and I battle, we always do hand-to-hand-combat so it's fair. I don't use my sword, and Thor doesn't use Mjolnir. If we did, well we'd be dead.

"For a month off, you're doing surprisingly well." Thor compliments as he throws in a punch to my stomach. We have a no head rule, he knows that my head is my weakness. Also, who wants a concussion?

"I've had some practice." I say referring to Steve. I'm curious as to who would win in a fight against Steve and Thor.

Probably Thor, but it's still an entertaining thought.

Thor and I continue to attack one another, sometimes we can hit each other, other times we miss terribly.
We go on and on until everyone leaves. When I fight I lose my sense of time. My world just goes by much faster compared to when I'm doing anything else.

"Ouch!" Thor cries out in pain. I realize that I kicked him way to hard in his core.
"What the hell, sister?" Thor groans as he clutches his stomach in pain.
"Sorry, I lost focus!" I exclaim.

I immediately run to his side to help him stand.
"I think we should take a break." Thor moans. He begins to lay on the ground and take deep breaths. I lay next to him.
"I truly am sorry brother." I say once more.

"I know you are, don't worry." Thor's hands run up and down his plated stomach. I must've hit him real hard if I was able to faze him through such strong metals.

"What do you desire, brother? What is your biggest dream." I ask curiously. Thor and I are close, yet I don't know every single thing about him. I'd like to know more.

Thor thought for a few moments. Then cracked a smile.
"I want to be a legacy. I want people to remember me as a brave hero that saved thousands of lives—a savior. What about you, sister? What do you desire most?"

"A family. I want to find the right man or woman, have a baby or adopt a child, and just settle down and relax. I'll stop my fighting, and just live my life with a family."

You heard it here first. I want to start a family. I just can't get because
1.) I haven't found the right partner
2.) I want to do more good. Fight more battles. Create chaos. I just can't do that with a child at home, so I have to do it beforehand.

"That is not what I expected you to say." Thor admits.

"Well it's true."

I don't know who I want to live in endgame. I really want Tony to live, but I also want Steve to live. I don't think I can have both.

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