Chapter 7

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I thought of an idea for a Bucky Barnes fanfiction. I might make it :)

Eerika's POV:

Once the seven of us perched into Jothunehim we were immediately engulfed in freezing temperatures; luckily for me, the cold was never a bother for me.

"What's your plan, brother?" I asked Thor. I didn't know what was bound to happen, but just in case everything went south, I pulled out my swords and kept it tight in my grip.
"I just want to talk."
Thor started to lead all of us to the throne. Dozens of frostgiants surrounded all of us to both watch the conversation, and to be ready for attack in case their king directed them to do so.

"You've come a long way to die, Asgardians." Laufey said leaning back on his throne. He had a not-so-nice manspread going on.

Thor spoke up, as expected.
"I am Thor Odinson."

"We know who you are. I see you've brought your two siblings..." I don't know why, but Laufey frowned a bit when he said 'siblings.'

"How did your people get into Asgard?" Thor spat at Laufey. In return Laufey growled a bit and looked off to the side.
"The house of Odin is full of traitors."

"Do not disrespect my father's name with your lies!" Thor bellowed out. His grip on Mjolnir tightened as his knuckles grew white. Laufey immediately stood up.
"Your father is a murderer and a thief." He wasn't wrong, my father did murder half of Jothunehim and stole the casket, but in the eyes of Thor it is a good thing. I didn't see it as a good or a bad thing, it was just chaotic.
"And why have you come here? To make peace? You long for battle. You crave it. You're nothing but a boy, trying to prove himself a man." Laufey spoke carefully. He was trying to intimidate Thor, it was almost as if he wanted him to attack.

"Well this boy has grown tired of your mockery." Thor said. Around us the frostgiants started to growl. They armed themselves with ice daggers that surrounded their hands.
Loki panicked as he looked around.
"Thor stop and think. Look around you. We are outnumbered-"
"Know your place, brother." Thor growled at Loki. My idiotic brother is going to get everyone killed.
"Thor, apologize so we can get home safely. Some things are better off forgotten." Thor ignored me and Laufey spoke.
"You know not what your actions will unleash. I do. Go home, while I still allow it."
I grabbed Thor's arm and pulled him along, but he stayed in his place. Loki decided to speak for him, thankfully.
"We will except your most gracious offer."
At last, a wise family member besides for mother.
A huge frost giant stepped in front of us so we couldn't get to Laufey.
"Come on, Thor." I ordered with angst in my voice. Thor listened and we all started to leave, we didn't get very far because that huge frostgiant made a snidely comment.

A surge of adrenaline ran through my body. Chaos is bound to happen.

"Run home little princess."
Thor chuckled. Loki and I looked down at the ground.
"Shit." I mumbled.
"Damn." Loki mumbled as well.
Thor spun Mjolnir and threw it at the huge frost giant sending him down.
Frost giants came charging at us. I could hear Fandrall laugh as he fought in the background—he always loves a good fight.

Frost giants came charging at me left and right. I was able to fight them off easily by stabbing them in the chest, through the head, and cutting their necks off. None of this was too hard for they were all inexperienced.

I saw Hogun was being cornered so I had to act fast. If I threw my sword at the frostgiant attacking it would leave me defenseless, if I charged at him Hogun would've been dead before I reached the giant.
I placed my hands on the ground and used one of my special powers. I felt the energy surge through my fingertips and leave my body. All that energy went towards the frostgiant and he was dead within seconds.
"Don't lose your focus." I said to Hogun as I caught my breath.

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