Chapter 4

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Coronation Day :)
Thor's POV

It is my big day and I cannot wait any longer. In less than 1 hour I will be crowned king of Asgard. To make time go by quicker I have been drinking wine. I just finished my sixth cup and I demand more.
"Another!" I order as I throw my cup into the fire in front of me causing it to grow larger.

With Mjolnir in hand I start to strut my way into the hall. I notice Loki from around the corner. He was fully dressed in his amour, including his weird helmet, and his green cape. I stop to wait for my drink and Loki stands right next to me.

"Nervous, Brother?" Loki asks me with some sarcasm laced into his voice. I start to laugh at his question. I can't believe he has to even ask this question.
"Have you ever known me to be nervous?" I ask my brother putting emphasis on the word "ever". He thinks for a moment but my lovely sister comes in to join us. She is holding my helmet in her hand.
"Well there was that time in Nornheim..." Eerika started with a smile but I stopped her before she could finish her thought.
"That was not nerves, sister, that was the rage of battle!"
Eerika hummed, you could tell she didn't believe me.
"How else could I have fought through one hundred warriors and pull us out alive?"
Eerika looked over wt Loki.
"Pretty sure that was my twin over there." Eerika stated pointing at Loki.
"Yes! As I recall I was the one who kept the smoke from getting in our faces, easing our escape." Eerika and I laughed. I love fighting alongside my siblings. I wouldn't trade it for the world. One of our servants came up to us with a wine cup in his hand.
"Well some of us do battle others just do tricks."
"The better ones-like myself-can do both." Eerika claimed and we all started laughing, even the servant was chuckling.

Loki looked over at the cup the servant was holding and stared at it for a moment. He must be pulling a trick.
Two snakes came slithering out of the cup. The servant got scared and dropped it. Eerika and Loki stared to cry in laughter. I was upset about my wine.
"Loki! That was just a waste of good wine."
The snakes slithered around the room.
"What? I thought you loved snakes!" Loki made the snakes disappear. The servant picked up the cup and ran away.
"Father wanted me to bring you your helmet, brother." Eerika comes to stand next to us. Her purple cape was flowing in the background making her look truly elegant.
She reaches up and secures it on my head and Loki snickers.
"Nice feathers." Loki comments and Eerika too starts to chuckle.
"Do you really want to start this again, cow?" I replied and Eerika couldn't stop laughing.
"I was being sincere!" Loki claimed but we all knew he was lying.
"Loki you're incapable from sincerity." Eerika stated. Loki pretended to be hurt by her words.
"Am I?" Loki placed a hand on his chest and put a shocked expression on his face.
"Yes!" I ended.
Eerika grabbed his arm and the two gave a sincere smile at me.
"I've looked forward to this day as long as you have." Loki's words shocked me, I couldn't keep back my smile.
"You're my brother, and my friend. Sometimes I may envy you, but never doubt that I love you." Loki finished ending with his famous smirk.
"Brother, you will make a magnificent king. I'm beyond proud of you, and I cannot wait to see you in all your glory. I love you so much, Thor." My two siblings looked at me with proudness in their eyes. I couldn't ask for better siblings.
"Come on, give us a kiss before you go out." Loki teased. I just laughed.
"I don't know where you've been brother." I teased.
"Well at least give us a hug." Eerika commanded. I pulled my siblings into a three way hug.
"Alright I'm going to attend to some unfinished business. Eerika, keep Thor from falling asleep." Loki broke off the hug and walked towards the exit leaving me and my sister alone.
"When you walk down the isle, you better not act as boastful as you normally do. Asgard doesn't need an arrogant king." Eerika warned, I've heard this all before. I could never be boastful.
"Whatever you say sister, now come here." I pulled her in for one last hug and kissed the top of her head like I always do. This will be the last time I hug her before I am king of Asgard.
"When you're king, you should really consider reinstituting the Valkyrie army. Maybe you could even make me the leader." Eerika pulled away and she asked with wide eyes. It still confused me how she had purple eyes, father never explained it.
"Whatever you want and more, sister." The bells rang four times which means it is four'o clock. The ceremony starts in 5 minutes.
"I must go, good luck brother. Don't trip on that cape of yours." Eerika teased before she ran out of the room.


All of Asgard was outside the palace. They were all cheering for me, and only me. I couldn't help but toss my arms up in happiness. I kept on spinning around allowing all of Asgard to see me. I even blew some kisses to attractive females I saw along the way.

I approached the castle. There was a wide isle for me to walk down with guards surrounding it. I stopped before the carpet led me down the stairs. I threw my hammer up into the air causing the crowed to scream in excitement. I walked down the stairs tossing my hammer up and catching it on the way.

As I started walking down the isle I made eye contact with Lady Sif, her and I grew fond over the years. I pointed at her to make her embarrassed. She never liked too attention, she only agreed to stand with me today because Eerika made her.

I turned and faced all the guards and the crowd and I cheered. I absorbed all of the love one last time before I reached the end of the isle. I knelt down on one knee and took of my helmet. I placed my hammer on the ground and looked up at my sister to give her a wink. She gave me her 'stop you fool' face. I just smiled at her uptightness and turned my attention to Odin. Father slammed his staff on the ground causing all of Asgard to silence. He stood up and spoke.

" first born." I could her him choke up in his words. He must be really proud of me.
"So long my trusted with the mighty hammer, Mjolnir, forged by the heart of a dying star. It's power has no equal. It is a weapon to destroy, as it is to build. Tis' a fit companion for a king." Odin smiled at me.
"I have defended Asgard at the lives of the innocent across the nine realms. You must defend Asgard, while keeping the innocent safe. A victory at the lives of the innocent, is no victory at all." Father paused for a moment and took another few steps towards me.
"Do you swear to guard the nine realms?"
"I swear."
"And do you swear to preserve the peace."
"I swear."
"Do you swear cast aside any self ambition and to pledge yourself only to the good of the realm."
I grasped onto Mjolnir and threw my hand in the air.
"I swear!" I said louder than before.
"Then on this day, I, Odin All-father proclaim you-" father stopped and I frowned. What was he doing?
"Frost giants." He whispered and my heart dropped.

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