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Remus Lupin tried his best to be the most positive person he could. Besides his monthly moon problem, he had a cute and sweet little girlfriend that he was crazy about and some really great friends. However, when the two mixed, it created issues for him. One issue in particular: Sirius Orion Black.

Moony's friend Sirius was Hogwarts' designated ladies' man. He had the bad boy charm and irresistibility that allowed him to take home any girl he wanted. And Sirius most certainly wanted to take home any and every girl he desired. But Remus didn't want to take home any girl. He wanted HIS girl. His Y/N was the only one that he was interested in, and in his mind Sirius could sod off and find another girl to fancy.
But Y/N thought that Sirius was wickedly hilarious and thrilling to boot. The two were good friends, and as much as Remus loved seeing Y/N laugh, he felt the tiniest bit really jealous. A part of him was warmed that she got along with his friends, but another part wished to be the only one to make Y/N laugh until tears sprung out of her eyes.
In comparison to Sirius, Remus felt boring. He didn't have the long, dark locks that girls wanted to run their fingers through. His hair was messy and stuck out in odd places. Sirius could flirt like it was second nature. It took Remus months to get the courage to talk to Y/N for the first time. The fact that Y/N seemed so intrigued with Sirius made Remus feel like she was going to slip right out from underneath his fingers. He loved her so very much, and if she left, he would be crushed. But there was no way that he would be so overprotective as to decide which people she could hang out with.
So as of late, Remus had been pouting. His hazel eyes were tired from staying up late at night studying during recent finals weeks. He had a bit of stubble, some five o' clock shadow which was more adequately deemed "3 AM shadow." His undereye circles were dark, and all Remus seemed to do as of late was brood.
Y/N was beyond worried. At breakfast, she poured him a cup of tea and gently set it in front of him to let it steep. With his head in his arms, face down to the table, Remus hadn't spoken a single word that morning. He seemed to be terribly tacit in the last few weeks. Initially, Y/N thought it was because he was overwhelmed with his studies. But she knew Remus well and that wasn't just it – something else was bothering him.
"Moony, how many uses are there for the Draught of Peace?" James asked, bent over late and incomplete homework.
Remus gave no indication that he heard James.
"Moony." Prongs tried once again. "Moooonnnyyyyy."
Nothing. Y/N flattened down the wild hairs on the back of Remus's head, petting his hair softly. Her eyebrows furrowed in worry and her bottom lip poked out ever so slightly. James scowled, scrunching up his nose, and was ready to throw his pot of ink at the disheveled boy but Y/N didn't permit him.
"Seven, James." She responded. "That we know of."
Prongs still looked irritated, narrowing his eyes at Remus's sleeping figure, and then turned back to his homework. Y/N sighed softly.
"What's got his wand in a knot?" Sirius asked through a mouthful of eggs.
"He's been working very hard, guys." Y/N explained, taking the seat beside her love. "Let him sleep."
"Working hard on being a prat." Sirius scoffed. "He's not sleeping at all, I can see him blinking through his arms. Oi! Talk to us, mate!"
Remus could feel himself tense up with anger, and his eyebrows sunk into an irritated expression.
"Bugger off." His voice was muffled since his head was buried in his arms.
"You ass, you were just going to let me turn this in with the wrong answers!" James said, cross at Remus.
"He's been a real tosser lately." Sirius said, dismissively. "Can't even-"
"Leave him alone, you guys." Y/N interrupted. "You don't understand."
"Make time for his own girlfriend." Sirius finished. "No wonder you want to spend all your time with me, Y/N, since Moony's got a scorpion in his trousers, at least I have the energy to make you laugh-"
Remus had blown his top off, and steam seemingly poured out of his ears. He pushed himself up from the table and smashed his teacup in his fist. Y/N let out a shriek, and James and Peter jumped back as little pieces of porcelain scattered across the table. Sirius sported an incredulous look.
"I said BUGGER OFF!" Remus shouted. His hands shot out to grab his books, and Y/N winced at his sudden motion. "And no, Y/N, it's YOU who doesn't understand. If you like him better, then just LEAVE. ME. ALONE."
He huffed off, and Y/N looked as though she had just been slapped in the face. She had tried her best to understand Remus, and obviously had misinterpreted what he had been experiencing. It felt as though a giant fissure went through her heart, and she wondered for a few moments whether or not the two were still together. Sirius snorted, pissed off, and left in the other direction. Peter looked around nervously, wondering with whom he ought to go.
James placed a reassuring hand on Y/N's shoulder, as small droplets spilled from her eyes.
"He doesn't mean it, Y/N, he's so crazy about you." Prongs comforted. "He keeps all your letters in his bedside table. He's got photos of you two on a string above his desk. Really, he's a changed man when he's with you, he's just frustrated. I'm sure he'll come off it soon."
Y/N nodded, solemnly, and James walked her to her morning classes with a protective arm slung over her shoulder. Her heart felt blank. All day, it seemed as though her energy was sapped away. In the evening, she sat in the common room with an essay in front of her, ink dropping into pools on the parchment from her quill.
She hadn't seen Remus since that morning. He'd skipped the classes that they had together. James was at Quidditch practice. Sirius had dragged Peter with him to try and sneak into the girl's locker room. Y/N felt very alone. She rested her chin on her crossed hands and watched the black ink drip from the fine tip of the quill. Drip. Drop.
She nearly screamed when a pair of strong arms wrapped themselves around her shoulders.
"It's me, love. You're okay." A soft voice whispered, barely audible.
His smell of hot chocolate and sweets slipped into Y/N's nose, clouding her mind. Her heart swelled as if it had been puffed up by an air compressor. While it was only a day that the two were apart, she craved his touch again. Missed his scent and the kisses he was pressing on her cheek.
"I'm so, so sorry my love. I feel, damn awful to be blunt." Remus explained. "It's all my fault. I get jealous when I see you next to Sirius because I feel inferior next to him. Like one day you'll just wake up an' realize that he's better, and you'll be gone just like that."
Tears slipped down his cheeks.
"Remus..." She said, softly.
"I know it's not fair of me, and I trust you fully. I'm not trying to pry you two apart. I just want you to be happy." He continued, his nose becoming stuffed and his body being wracked with emotion. "But I- I can't lose you, Y/N. I love you so much. You're my soul mate. I can't lose you, baby."
Y/N turned around and threw herself at her boyfriend. She smoothed back his hair, and clutched the fabric of his sweater in her hands. The two held each other for a long time, and kissed very passionately when their embrace ended. Y/N took his glasses off his face and wiped his tears away. With the quill still dripping, the pair migrated to the couch, saying nothing but drinking in the company of one another as they cuddled.
James and Sirius burst quite loudly into the common room, with Peter trailing at their heels. They laughed big, belly laughs, and James set his equipment down on a chair, when he noticed Remus and Y/N. They were snuggled together, and had fallen asleep by the warmth of the fire. Rolling his eyes in mock disgust, Sirius snagged a blanket from the opposite loveseat, and draped it over their sleeping bodies.
"Oh love." James said, fluttering his eyelashes. "How truly... revolting."
"D'you wanna put frogs in his bureau?" Sirius asked, pointing his thumb at the sleeping Remus, who was holding Y/N tighter than ever.
James looked at the pair for a long time, before turning to face Sirius.
"Draught of Peace, my ass." He said, finally, drawing his wand with a wicked grin.
And the boys set off to cause trouble, as the loving couple dreamt contentedly.


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Source: acromantulla

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