nonverbal spell

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“Levicorpus… Levicorpus…”
You muttered the incantation to yourself, flicking your wand at a wooden figure that stood on the desk. The charm itself wasn’t exactly hard to do, but you couldn’t seem to be able to cast the Nonverbal spell you had been trying to do for the past hour, and your wand simply didn’t want to cooperate. You groaned in frustration and tried again, willing yourself to concentrate.
It was then that the Fat Lady’s door suddenly swung open, making you jump up in surprise. You felt your wand shiver in your hand as it suddenly shot a spell, sending it in the direction of the intruder. The jet of yellow light hit him in the stomach, and your eyes widened in fright.
Remus Lupin, who was just coming in, was suddenly turned upside down and suspended by his leg in midair. His friends tripped over his body in surprise and fell in a muddled heap, yelling in pain.
“Remus!” You cried, and rushed over to help him. James, Sirius and Peter were pushed aside by your feet, and you heard them yell.
“A bit of help?” Remus asked, his voice sounding strained. “Oh, Y/N. Was it you?”
“Yes, yes,” You felt yourself flush from head to toe, like you always did whenever he talked to you. Hoping he couldn’t see your burning cheeks, you pointed your wand at him instead and said: “Liberacorpus!”
He instantly fell back to the ground again, and hearing his back thump safely on the floor sounded surprisingly reassuring. James, Sirius and Peter on the other hand, had managed to untangle themselves and were now grumbling loudly. James rubbed his head and winced.
“Y/N, what were you thinking?”
“I wasn’t!” You retorted, and you heard Remus trying to restore peace to the common room. But through all the shouting, it was to no avail.
“Y/N, we all know you like our Remus.” Sirius teased, and you smacked his arm. “Doesn’t mean we have to be involved as well.”
“I do not-“
You felt a pair of arms suddenly pick you up and carry you to the couch nearby. Yelling, you tried to fight of the large hands that held your waist as the Marauders chuckled in the background. You glared menacingly at them.
“Awe,” Sirius said. “Moony’s got himself a girlfriend.”
“Sod off, Pads.” Remus said, and tried to shoo them away, but you could feel his smile against your head as he did.
“Leave our little couple with some privacy.” James called, snickering. “They need a moment.”
They were certainly mocking you, but at least they left you alone for the time being and went to finish off their homework at the desks, sometimes stealing occasional glances at the two of you cuddling on the couch. Peace and quiet finally returned, and you fiddled with your wand, still clutched in your fingers.
“So,” Remus whispered, and you shifted in his lap.
“So…?” You began, unable to finish the sentence.
There was a great deal of whispered sniggers from James and Sirius. Remus ignored them. “Did you need help with your homework?” He asked, and the pit of your stomach twisted with longing as his lips pressed against your temple. Your back sunk against his chest, and you heard his breath hitch slightly.
“Mmhm.” You made a soft reply. He hugged you tighter to his body and began to stroke the soft parts behind your ears while his mouth travelled to your cheek. Your eyes closed, but you let him hold your hand, wand still grasped tightly in it. You decided to concentrate on the growl in his voice.
“Try not to kill me.” He chuckled, and you lightly punched the muscle in his arm.
“I wasn’t trying to kill you!”
“C’mon. I know you love me.” He rubbed your back, and you pouted. There was a great deal of ‘oooos’ from James and Sirius, and you crossed your arms.
“Maybe you should start teaching me before I really kill you.” You huffed, and he smiled.
Remus’s hand held yours, and your arm froze as if all the bones in it had gone. “Well,” He said, and you snuggled deeper into his robes. “When doing a Nonverbal Spell, your first step is to aim carefully. Where’s your target?”
You decided to point it at James, who hadn’t noticed this at all. Remus chuckled in your ear. “You sure about that, love?”
If what he’d just called you was true or you were just hallucinating, you couldn’t be sure. You felt as if all the atoms in your body had stopped moving all at once, and all you could focus on was his touch. He seemed to notice this and he grinned.
“Alright.” He sighed, softly. “Have you got a target? Yes? Alright- what you need to do now is think very hard of the incantation that you want in your mind. It was Levicorpus, wasn’t it?”
You nodded, and he raised your arm. “Now think of the incantation very carefully. Don’t think of anything else, Y/N. Just focus on the spell and what you want. What do you want to happen?”
You! You wanted to reply. You and me! Preferably in an awkward position on the couch with your mouth on mine! It was so hard not to focus on him and the way he was tenderly running his fingers through your hair, but you somehow managed. At least it was a comfort that you knew what to do next. You imagined James suspended in the air, dangling by the leg, and you said loudly in your mind:
James Potter flipped upside down in the air and his trouser leg fell considerably. He yelped in shock while Sirius doubled up laughing, all homework forgotten. You let out a giggle, feeling Remus’s mouth curve upwards.
“Something wrong, Prongs?” He asked, innocently.
“Shut up!” James called, while Peter tugged on his arm. “Wormtail, that’s not helping! Someone get me down from here! Y/N!”
“Thank you.” You whispered, slyly, and Remus hugged you to him, breathing into your hair. You quickly kissed his cheek, and then turned away, slightly embarrassed. But he kissed you back.
“You love me, right?” He asked, sounding serious.
You burrowed your face into his collarbone, feeling his warmth. He exhaled heavily and patted your head, and you felt his hot breath on your skin. “I’ll take it as a yes.”

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