i srsly dont wanna add a title tbh but it has smth to do with the word daddy

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The days leading up to the full moon altered Remus Lupin. To the everyday passer-by, to the majority of his classmates, he seemed simply stressed out. On edge. But to those who knew him best, to those who knew his darkest secret, they knew it was an entirely different beast. Something far worse than anxiety over upcoming tests. He was, more or less, transforming into someone else. Something else. All it took to set him off was one less than pleasant interaction.

"Remus, you alright?" you asked, concerned as the boy across from you gnawed at his nails.

He looked up, slightly alarmed, "I'm fine."

"Are you sure? Because - "

"Hey, (Y/N)!" shouted a Slytherin boy from across the room.

You waved, not at all interested in the approaching form.

"Listen, I was wondering if you wanted to go to Hogsmeade this weekend?" he asked as he slid onto the bench next to you.

Remus' head snapped up, his sudden glare fixated on the boy beside you, "She can't."

"I didn't ask you, Lupin," the Slytherin snarked.

"She's already going with me," he replied icily. "Her boyfriend."

The boy's eyes widened, "I thought you two weren't together anymore."

"Why on earth would you think that?" you asked.

The boy shrugged, "When we were studying, it seemed like you were flirting with me. Besides, I don't see you two together as much anymore."

"I was not flirting with you!" you defended, shocked by his comment.

Remus' eyes flickered over to you, his jaw clenched, "Well, now you know. Have a nice day," Remus dismissed the other boy, clearly angry with the whole situation.

Remus stood and flicked his head toward the exit, a silent invitation for you to follow him out.

As the two of you exited the Great Hall, you heard your wannabe suitor call out, "If you get tired of Lupin, let me know!"

Remus' hand made its way to your wrist, locking around it. He pulled you along, not saying a word. He ignored the curious glances of passer-bys and quickly led you through the portrait hole and up to his empty dorm.

"Remus," you began as soon as the door shut behind you.

"Quiet," he demanded, his voice steady and calm but threatening all the same.

You could practically see the shift in his demeanor. The anxious Remus was gone, replaced by one filled with territorial possessiveness. It was as if the wolf had been released and he was doing everything in his power to resist pouncing on you right then.

"Sit down," his voice sent chills through your body.

As if in a trance, you made your way to his bed, and seated yourself on the edge.

"Do you know why I'm upset?"

You shook your head innocently, though you both knew that you were lying.

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