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Sunlight spilled through the tall windows, soaking her in golden light and making her sparkle. She looked positively beautiful bathing in the afternoon light that flooded the library, and Remus couldn’t stop staring at her.

Her brows were furrowed in concentration, her bottom lip tucked beneath her teeth as her warm hand moved across the parchment, inking words about whatever homework they had decided to do. She didn’t seem to realize how distracting she truly was, because she continued to pour over her homework, oblivious to the way she had captured Remus’s attention. How she had bewitched his soul and stolen his heart from his ribcage.

They had been friends for years, since their first year when they met on the Hogwarts Express. Their friendship had survived when they split into different groups, she befriending Lily Evans and becoming one of the most popular girls in school, and him becoming the fourth Marauder. Their friendship had strengthened at times when he thought it would wither, like the time she had discovered his secret. Instead of recoiling, though, she supported him and they endured together. He had vowed not to fall in love with her but love is a very complicated thing and one should never vow against it. 

She paused briefly, snapping Remus out of his reverie and the boy returned his eyes to his blank parchment. She looked at him, bemused, by his lack of work.

“Are you okay?” she asked, leaning over and pressing their shoulders together. Remus swallowed, dryly.

“Erm – yeah, I’m fine,” said Remus, “just – er – thinking,”

(Y/N) gave him a quizzical look, as though she were trying to decide whether to investigate further or to leave the matter entirely. Remus hoped for the latter. It must have shown on his face because she gave him a small smile.

“Okay. Hey, can I read to you what I’ve got so far?” Remus nodded and she cleared her throat.

The Patronus Charm is the most powerful and the most infamous defensive spell known to wizardkind, to master the spell is considered a triumphant achievement, as the spell is incredibly difficult and immensely complicated, and many witches and wizards fail to produce a corporeal Patronus.

To conjure a Patronus, one must channel all their concentration into a single, happy memory and use the incarnation ‘Expecto Patronum’ which, when translated from Latin, means ‘I await a guardian. ‘The stronger the memory, the more effective the Patronus will be.

The Patronus is the only known defense against Dementors-”

And now he was doing it again. The world around him was fading and all he could see was her, how beautiful she was, how melodic her voice was, how incredibly intelligent and funny and kind she is-

The Patronus takes the shape of a silvery animal with whom most witches and wizards who successfully conjure one share a deep affinity too. The form that it takes is unique to the wizard or witch who produces it as it reflects the individuals’ personality. It is possible for the patronus to change forms, but these cases are rare-”

And all he could think about was kissing her right in this very moment. A fluid movement of leaning forward and pressing their lips together. Closing his eyes and tasting how truly sweet she is. He needed to kiss her, if it’s the last thing he does-

As the Patronus is the embodiment of a persons life force, it is possible for one to produce a patronus that takes the same form of someone they love. This is extremely rare, and a wizard and witch must have a strong connection and immeasurable love for one another to be able to do so.

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