Chapter 2

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Shrek was walking alongside Thanos. His heart was beating so fast he thought it might jump out of his chest and land on the pavement. The stress and gay panic were building up inside him, like a leech sucking all the life out of his skin. What was he to do? He couldn't take Thanos to his swamp, as Fiona and the kids were there! Wracking his brain for ideas, Shrek purposely stomped on the falling Autumn leaves, which resulted in a satisfying crunch sound. Out of the corner of his eye, Shrek noticed how Thanos kept looking at him, in almost a longing way. Thanos's mouth kept opening and shutting, which gave Shrek the impression of a purple goldfish. Shrek could see Thanos desperately wanted to say something, but he could not think of what to say.

"So..." Shrek uttered, breaking the uncomfortable silence.

"So..." Thanos replied softly.

"What exactly happened, you know, between you and the bartender?"

"Oh, you mean Matt. Well, long story short, he was terrible, I mean absolutely terrible in bed. So, I didn't call him back."

Shrek gulped. He didn't know if he was any good in bed!

"Okay, okay," Shrek's voice cracked, "that's reasonable, I suppose."

Thanos sniggered, "look, Shrek, I know you think I must be a bitch, but I promise you I can be sentimental."

Fuck, fuck, fuck! Why is he telling me this?

"I'm sure you can be."

Thanos diverted his gaze into Shrek's eyes. At that moment, when Shrek and Thanos were locking eyes, it hit Shrek just where he should take Thanos. The Honeymoon Hotel! Where he and Fiona went when they got hitched. He'd make up some sort of excuse about why he couldn't take Thanos to his house, and then maybe... maybe, they could get to know each other a little better...

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