Chapter 4

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After the long night they had had, Shrek and Thanos were both exhausted. Thanos's head had only to hit the pillow and he immediately fell asleep. It was now the middle of the night, and only Shrek was awake. Yes, he was exhausted, but he couldn't sleep. He was just so overwhelmed by... Thanos. He'd never felt this way about anyone before, not Fiona, not Farquaad, not even Rumplestiltskin. Shrek felt as though Thanos could be the one, and he had been constantly pondering whether Thanos could feel the same way, because if he didn't, Shrek didn't know what he would do. Shrek needed Thanos, even though he had only known him for a day. Shrek turned his head towards Thanos. His mind drifted to the nagging thought of how Thanos murdered half the earth. Shrek still couldn't quite believe it. Thanos, in Shrek's eyes, looked so soft, so gentle when he was sleeping. Thinking about this dark stuff Shrek realized if he was going to have a chance with Thanos, he was going to have to tell him about Fiona and the children. Shrek felt anxiety rising in his chest as multiple scenarios played in his head.

Thanos will never forgive me. My children... what will happen to them? What will happen to me if Thanos doesn't want me?

Shrek's breathing started to grow heavier, he starting taking bigger breaths trying to fill his lungs with air. He felt as though he was drowning. Quietly, Shrek rolled off the bed, being careful not to disturb Thanos. Shrek hopped to the balcony and burst open the doors. He closed his eyes and took deep breaths of the clean air. There was no use in panicking.

An hour later Shrek was still on the balcony, sitting on a small stool. He had been thinking and thinking but couldn't stop thinking about last night. Shrek was lost in his thoughts, but a loud sound suddenly rang out from below, disrupting Shrek and throwing his train of thought off the track. He stood up, angry, and leaned over the balcony. In the pitch black, lurking outside the hotel, Shrek could just make out the figure of the bartender. In his hand was a bottle of alcohol, Shrek couldn't identify what type. The bartender, Matt, was standing there knocking his bottle against metal trash cans and concrete walls.


Shrek concluded. Squinting, Shrek could see Matt was holding something else. Something small, black... was it a- no, it couldn't be. Shrek looked closer. It was.

A gun.

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