Chapter 9

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~ Author's Note ~

wassup readers, I'm back. I am very sorry for what u r about to read but I thought this story needed a finish. thanks for reading! :)


Heart thumping and breathing shallow, Thanos tried to concentrate on his breaths.

"You can be..." Matt pondered ideas of torture inside his sick mind. Shrek? Fiona? No - it's too obvious. It had to be something unexpected, something... unique. Suddenly, an idea sprung into his head,

"I know," Matt teased, "we can be Captain America and... Iron Man." A maniacal smirk spilt onto his face like water to concrete. Thanos simply could not muster the words to display his absolute disgust at his ex-boyfriend.

"You know... you know how I feel about Iron-" Thanos winced, "Iron Man."

"Yes, I do." Matt enunciated, "that's what makes it all the more fun!"

"Please, I'm begging you. If you ever loved me, let me off the hook. Please!"

Pleading was the only choice left for Thanos. But deep down he knew that it wouldn't work, as Matt was a callous, cold-blooded snake.

"You realise I won't do that, babe. This is my only shot to feel you again."

After what seemed like decades of heartless banter, Thanos gave into the inevitable. Matt dubbed him Iron Man, as a form of sexual torture,

and then it began.

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