Chapter 14

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AN: hi guys. here's an update on thaddy. sorry it's been a while I keep convincing myself that I didn't create this monstrosity. but I did,,,,, so here's more!!


"Where am I?" Shrek waddled around the room like a headless chicken, unsure of where he was going. It had been only moments since Shrek had awoken from the grave, and yet he seemed as alive as ever, prancing around a musty hotel room trying to make sense of his conundrum. As Shrek felt the walls and traced his fingers down the furniture, Thanos stood dazed, waiting for someone to pinch him awake; out of this dream. 'Death is a good look on Shrek,' Thanos's thought.

Shrek was slowly starting to regain memory of his quandary, starting to understand what was going on. Although he remained addled and disorientated, he was fitting the puzzle pieces together.

"Thanos," he murmured, quietly hoping he wouldn't answer.

"Hi, Shrek..." Thanos sounded relieved. Shrek stretched his arm around his back, tediously feeling for his wound. He winced theatrically once he found it, causing Thanos to flinch.

"You're the one who gave it to me," Shrek scowled condescendingly, "don't act surprised."

"It hurts to see you hurt," Thanos sniffed, giving his best puppy eyes in the hopes Shrek would forgive him.

"Shut up, you liar. Why'd you do it?" Shrek avoided Thanos's weak attempts at eye contact, and instead looked at the ceiling. Offended by Shrek's ignorance, Thanos walked closer to him.

"If I lost you, Shrek... if I really lost you, my life would be pointless. An oblivion of nothingness."

"Always the poet, Thanos. But words aren't going to fix this. Do you have any idea the extremity of what you did?"

"Of course I do!" Thanos bellowed, his voice intensified by all the rage inside of him. "You'd have to be a fucking idiot if you think I'm not already beating myself up about it. I love you, Shrek; I'm in love with you! I'm not going to let you leave just like that, with a snap of your fingers!"

"Incredulous," Shrek was astounded by Thanos's oblivious mindset. "What, you think I'm just going to fall onto my knees, fall into your arms and forgive you because you professed your love? Get a grip, Thanos! It's over! Done. We had our run."

"I refuse to accept that!" Thanos quailed, "besides, don't you think you're being a little dramatic?"

"I literally cannot believe you." Shrek laughed. "You're hopeless! You're calling me dramatic after you cheated on me and stabbed me... honestly, Thanos, I'm not surprised you have no friends, no family, no one. You're a mess, you ruin every good thing you're ever given! Let me out of here before you end up killing me, too. For good."

The rage was swelling inside Thanos; boiling his blood to an unwithstandable temperature. He was on the verge of snapping, letting his dark side loose. 'Hold it, Thanos. Don't', he pleaded with himself. Thanos grappled with the neverending voices in his head, ricocheting from one side to the other. Shrek, who had made his point, tried to ignore his remaining feelings for Thanos and walk out the door. But Thanos still had the gauntlet on, and the gauntlet on Thanos equals disaster. As Shrek reached for the door handle, ready to leave this life behind, Thanos felt his dark thoughts begin to tear through, breaking the hard-won barrier he built in his mind. It was too late to stop them. Thanos snapped his fingers once again, and he and Shrek were teleported to a room. A hideously black room with broken metal pipes and dripping sewage water from the ceiling. The walls were rusted and decayed, and there was no light source except for a damaged chandelier barely hanging from the roof. Shrek didn't recognize this room.

But Thanos did.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2020 ⏰

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