Chapter 5

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What the hell?

Shrek was practically hanging off the balcony railing, so close he could almost-

"Shit!" Shrek screamed. He had toppled off the balcony and was gripping the railing by one hand. If he let go, he would fall, and not even the fattest ogre could survive this drop. He glanced down, searching for an escape route.

"Matt! Matt!" Shrek shrieked, scared of death. Matt wasn't moving, he just stared up at Shrek. Simply staring. "Matt, fucking help me!" Shrek was slipping. Matt smiled a creepy smile.

"No, Shrek," Matt stated. "No! I had everything, Shrek. The bar, a life, even Thanos! Then one day, you rocked up. Slutty, gay, desperate, you. I didn't know what the hell Thanos saw in you," Matt spoke in a furious shout, and all the while Shrek was slipping. "I deserved him! Not you! But somehow you still managed to turn his head, make him fall for you. So, like any classic nemesis, I swore revenge. I'm going to win Thanos back, starting by shooting you." Matt, a drunken gay who swore revenge, raised the gun. Shrek didn't know what to think, what to do. He couldn't plead, he couldn't run. He was stuck.

Matt fired the bullet.

Shrek let go.

Thanos woke up. 

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