Chapter 11

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Author's Note ~

hi, once again I am very sorry for this art but I believe that it is a love story worth telling. also lol pls vote :). comment suggestions too idk. anyway moving on! - ur least favourite author


"Holy crap." Thanos stared wide-eyed at the blood-covered corpse that lay statue-still in front of him. "Damn it, damn it, damn damn damn!"

He dashed towards the lifeless lump of a bartender, taking no time to think, and prised the blade out of his heart. A bad idea. Matt's wound started gushing rapidly, the blood flow was overwhelming, like a flood.

"Oh my God, Thanos you are so stupid! Did you learn nothing in Boy Scouts?"

The situation had climaxed to a full-out catastrophe, and Thanos entered panic mode. Schemes gathered in his brain, dangerous ones and far-fetched ones alike. But regardless of the onslaught of ideas, deep down Thanos knew there was nothing he could do. Somewhere in his heart, he felt a tear; a break; a split. Although Matt meant nothing to him now, he had meant everything to him in the past. He couldn't fathom Matt's demise. It hurt. It hurt in ways Shrek could never understand.

Shrek... Shrek!

In the chaos, Thanos had completely blanked on his duty to Shrek. He would be wondering where he was! Thanos stood up and gazed sedately at the inanimate corpse.

"I'll miss you, Matt," and with a benign kiss, Thanos departed, leaving Matt to rot.


"What's your excuse? I waited for you, for hours! You weren't there when I was discharged! Why, Thanos!"

Shrek was infuriated, there was no doubt. But what was Thanos to do? The truth would only cause a detrimental outburst and a lie would eventually build up to a disastrous consequence. A dilemma. Whatever he was going to do, though, he ought to do it soon, for with every passing second Shrek was growing more enraged - and sexier, too, Thanos observed.

"Thanos, answer me! I'm impatient," Shrek's eyes glistened with betrayal and anticipation, and his skin was blotchy from crying, which really brought out his eyes.

"I'm sorry, my love," Thanos pleaded, "it was a mistake! I swear it!"

"What was a mistake, Thanos?" Shrek's usual dulcet tone had grown sharp and trenchant, and with every word, it delved deeper into Thanos's heart.

"I- uh... I went to visit... my daughter."

So, a lie it would be.

"Don't lie, lover," Shrek murmured gingerly, "Matt sent me a rather tell-tale video, but I wanted to hear it from the horse's mouth."

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